View Full Version : CTRL dragging damage no longer heals like classic or was it changed?

April 16th, 2020, 05:46
Pretty much as title "CTRL dragging damage no longer heals like classic or was it changed?"
This was a very useful function but I can't seem to get it working in Unity I'm not sure why? insight anyone?
Also, wtf is this new forum layout I don't like it, could just be me :)

April 16th, 2020, 10:03
Indeed. I too, noticed, this. And I tested all the other keys as well just in case it had sneakily changed to another one.

Also as far as the forum goes it hasn't changed but sometimes it switches you into mobile mode. Click the drop down at the very bottom of the screen to get back to your preferred look.

April 16th, 2020, 20:57
Omg thank you, I was worried the site skin got wiped or something, I'll keep an eye out for a patch for the ctrl heal.

March 19th, 2021, 22:57
Omg thank you, I was worried the site skin got wiped or something, I'll keep an eye out for a patch for the ctrl heal.

Noticed this is still and issue March 2021. Any chance this can get fix soon?

March 19th, 2021, 23:21
It's on the list, I just doubt it has reached a significant priority yet. In the meantime, right click and invert the number then drag. Not as nice, but it works.