View Full Version : Modules/Books not loading

April 12th, 2020, 14:04
Not sure if I am reporting to problems in FGU ver. 4.0: I have found the shortcut menu on the opening splash screen does not load modules/books. I have gone straight to the library and loaded modules/books that way and the load time was well under 10 seconds for each item. This has occurred on 5 separate accounts/PC's.

April 12th, 2020, 14:09
For what ruleset? What is it you are trying to load?

This works for me in the 5e ruleset. (If I am understanding what you mean)

April 12th, 2020, 14:34
The Campaign Setup screen did not work when selecting modules: sorry not specific enough, all modules loaded and included reference hooks that came with FGU. The person who purchased FGU was able to install and share out the D&D Essentials Bundle. When I connected with my Standard copy I could load modules and included rule books but I could not load my friends D&D Essentials Bundle purchase of books using the setup screen. I had to open the Library Icon in the bottom right hand corner and Click on its module button. I was than able to load the purchased books that was given access to me. This happened on 5 different PC's/Accounts using also the Demo software. I hope I have been specific enough, if not please ask me for a more specific question and I will reply. Thank you for your prompt response :)

April 12th, 2020, 15:38
I just tested and clicking on the 5E-All rules opens up all the shared books as far as I can see (I can only test using localhost). Can you screenshot what does load for you. And also say what doesn't?

April 12th, 2020, 20:30
I am also having this problem with my players. the game is trying to to get them to load the modules client side. so if the players don't own the books they can't load the modules even if the DM owns the books and allows the players to load. easiest fix would be to give each game a file to load that is stored on the client side that has all the books that the dm has inside of it so that even if the players don't have the books they will have a downloaded copy on there computer for the server to draw from whilst in game.

March 22nd, 2023, 23:14
Mine just did this! I just updated my game, logged in and all the books that our GM shares are unloaded and I can't reload them. I've tried to delete the cashe folder but didn't work.

March 22nd, 2023, 23:32
I am also having this problem with my players. the game is trying to to get them to load the modules client side. so if the players don't own the books they can't load the modules even if the DM owns the books and allows the players to load. easiest fix would be to give each game a file to load that is stored on the client side that has all the books that the dm has inside of it so that even if the players don't have the books they will have a downloaded copy on there computer for the server to draw from whilst in game.

It does this, report your error if your players are not able to load the books you allow them to load.

Players download a copy of the mod and it's encrypted. So if they don't own it they can open it but not at another table or their own table, only that GM's table.

Like I said if you having issues I suggest reporting it so they can get it looked at.

March 22nd, 2023, 23:34
You can only see the books your GM shares with you when you are connected to their campaign.
Are you connected to their campaign? Are you logging in the with exact same username (capitalization matters)? Does the GM still show the books as shared (green check mark)?

March 23rd, 2023, 00:05
I'm not the DM, out of our group of 6 players I am the only one this happens to, last time I deleted the cache folder and it fixed it, this time nothing.

Moon Wizard
March 25th, 2023, 17:35
Usually, this implies that some sort of network software/service is interfering with your ability to get content through the Internet connection. Our wiki has a article going through some common culprits when this occurs. Since it only occurs for you and not the other 5 players, it's most likely a setting on your machine/network.
