View Full Version : (LF1M) Looking for member

February 12th, 2007, 18:23
Well it's that time again. Time to find someone to join my groups on going campaign.

We lost our tanking class do to the fact that he was airforce in september. He had to go over seas and his schedule was going to be much different than our own. So now we are at 3 players whom have been campaigning with me for almost a year now.

We are looking for someone that would fit well in to our group. You do not "need" to be core book knowledgeable (we have 3 players that are already) to be with us but, it can be a plus. So one who 's comfortable with having GM house rules (which I make a lot of). And who has a liking for a campaign that is storyline driven. Rather than a campaign based on being in dungeons fighting things that have nothing to do with anything. All to get an object for some creepy guy from a bar for more money than any one guy should have. (Thought-- If a man can afford to pay you in hundreds of gold why doesn't he inlist a army of random men equip them and send them in slaying everything inside...Or better yet blow the play up and pay miners to clear the rubble and get the object needed. Just a thought)

Anyway. if you'd like to join my group and make some long term friends in the process send me a E-mail.

[email protected]

Time: Saturday's 8:00pm EST to 2-3am

February 14th, 2007, 07:18
Just wondered if yall had a time slot you were already set on or not. Also, sent you an email.

February 15th, 2007, 20:59
Depending on the time you play, I may be available. I am certainly interested.