View Full Version : Ultimate licence (classic)

April 10th, 2020, 18:55
I have a question about the FGC Ultimate license. I'm unsure what is actually included in the license. Say, I want to play Pathfinder 2E, will I need to buy the PF2 Core Rulebook separately? In FG, I can only see Playtest rules.

But shouldn't the core rules be included with the Ultimate license? The overview at https://www.fantasygrounds.com/home/FantasyGroundsClassic.php says "Rulesets: PFRPG2" and Data Libraries :Pathfinder SRD Library". Can you help?

April 10th, 2020, 19:07
Good Day Zaister :)
Both the Ultimate and Standard licenses come with the SRD books for games. These are trimmed down versions of the full books you can purchase. They have the basics of the game, some races, classes, monsters, tables, equipment, etc. You can play an entire campaign with them, but you and your players will, most likely, desire more. I play 5E and my first DM only had the SRD players handbook and we played for a year in that campaign.
You can always add the content manually, especially if you have the PDF and do not have to type it all out, but it is time consuming.

The only difference between the Ultimate and Standard licenses is the ability to allow Demo players connect to your game.

April 10th, 2020, 19:09
OK, thanks for explaining. So, how can I add the SRD rules for Pathfinder 2E, then? I can only see the Playtest rules.

April 10th, 2020, 19:13
Good Day Zaister :)
My Pleasure :)
There is a button in the lower right corner of the screen called Library. The window that opens has a button in the lower left corner called Modules. That window is where you select what modules you have open to use in FG. The top part of that window also controls what buttons you have as short cuts on the right side of the main screen. :)

I hope that helps:)

April 10th, 2020, 19:16
Yes, I found that. I can see the adventure I bought there, but besides that only the Playtest rules and the Playtest bestiary (plus the calendar and FG battle maps).

April 10th, 2020, 19:21
Good Day Zaister :)
Sorry, I do not play PF2, so I am not positive, but I made a campaign real quick and it look like the Playtest is the equivalent of the SRD, looks like the classes, races, monsters, etc are there. That should be plenty to play the game. If you purchased a module and it contains something not in the books you have it should be included in the module I believe.

April 10th, 2020, 19:32
Unfortunately, it seems, the Playtest module, is, well, the pathfinder Playtest, which is substantially different from the finished game. You can easily tell the difference, for example, the module offers the paladin class, which has been replaced by the champion, or the module offers no choices for a character's heritage because that concept did not yet exist in the Playtest. So, the Pathfinder 2 PRD data is not there, it seems.

April 10th, 2020, 19:46
The PF2 SRD etc is available as a community module. See the stickies in the PF2 sub-forums for the SRD and other resources. https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?105-Pathfinder-2-0

April 10th, 2020, 19:48
Thank yo,u I will check that out.

April 10th, 2020, 19:49

- Robert

April 10th, 2020, 19:51
Hm, I see the postings about these modules, but I feel stupid because I don't see any downloads or ways to add this to my FG setup.

Moon Wizard
April 10th, 2020, 20:37
Just in case this is the issue; make sure to go to bottom of forums and choose the FGResponsive theme.
