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View Full Version : MGT2 can't add a weapon to PC´s Actions

April 9th, 2020, 23:32
I´m using MGT2 in FGU can't figure out how to add a weapon to the PC sheet.
(yes I have click "Edit list")


April 9th, 2020, 23:48
If you drag it from items into equipment it will populate the action tab for you.

April 10th, 2020, 00:12
Ahha that worked, but...
I'm trying to add a Assault Shotgun manually (it's not in the inventory because it from the from the Central supply catalogue)
I now tried to add a normal shotgun from to inventor to my the PC equipment and that works but if I rename the Shotgun to a Assault Shotgun in the equipment and edit the stats the name and max ammo are not updated in in the Action tab

April 10th, 2020, 00:18

Fix it

Created a new item by dragit the modified shotgun from equipment to inventory to create a new inventory item. Then I drag the new item to my equipment and it was added to my actions.

The ammo counter doesn't look OK, because doesn't fit with the large mag

April 10th, 2020, 00:23
Ahha that worked, but...
I'm trying to add a Assault Shotgun manually (it's not in the inventory because it from the from the Central supply catalogue)
I now tried to add a normal shotgun from to inventor to my the PC equipment and that works but if I rename the Shotgun to a Assault Shotgun in the equipment and edit the stats the name and max ammo are not updated in in the Action tab

In Items drag the shotgun into the same window and it will create a copy of shotgun. You can then edit the item stats for the copy in items. Then drag the new one over and should auto populate. Changes in equipment don't currently update to the action tab.

The upside is now you will have it in items. Also more CSC functionality is coming with the next update as a precursor to CSC on the near horizon.

April 11th, 2020, 15:55
Thanks @esmdev

The v1.1.X line of updates is to focus on equipment automation, as CSC has different kinds of ammo I've got plans to recode a lot of the actions.

If something like 100 ammo looks 'wrong', then maybe we'll do something in the future to address this, v1.1.0 does have a small update for ammo, the ticks are gone (filled circles) meaning the circles are smaller.

Anyway if you've got a suggesion then let me know.


April 11th, 2020, 16:24
Is there a way to link ammo to a magazine and link the magazine to a weapon, so that a weapon could display 5 magazines of 20 or something? That would allow for the ammo indicator to also indicate when a magazine needs changing. It seems extra complicated but also useful.

April 11th, 2020, 16:38
Is there a way to link ammo to a magazine and link the magazine to a weapon, so that a weapon could display 5 magazines of 20 or something? That would allow for the ammo indicator to also indicate when a magazine needs changing. It seems extra complicated but also useful.

Esmdev, as you're a stellar chap on these forums I've already made note that I need to address this. The question is do we want to link the ammo back to the inventory and thus track Magazines there, or do we want that number help with the weapon action?


April 12th, 2020, 14:04
I think we need to track the magazines in the equipment list

For Weapons on the the action tab I suggest:
After the Ammo text add a Magazine dropdown textbox that it populates it with names of ammunitions types of available magazines in the PC equipment list.
Remove the circles and just have a textbox with displays magazine max/current in numbers after the Magazine textbox.
And when the you click the reload button it resets the magazine ammo count to full if there are magazines available and removes one magazine of the selected ammunition type from the PC equipment list.

April 14th, 2020, 02:08
I think we need to track the magazines in the equipment list

For Weapons on the the action tab I suggest:
After the Ammo text add a Magazine dropdown textbox that it populates it with names of ammunitions types of available magazines in the PC equipment list.
Remove the circles and just have a textbox with displays magazine max/current in numbers after the Magazine textbox.
And when the you click the reload button it resets the magazine ammo count to full if there are magazines available and removes one magazine of the selected ammunition type from the PC equipment list.

Thanks for this, I'll add it to my notes.

Just finished CSC, so taking a break from Traveller for a few days before starting properly on v1.1.1.
