View Full Version : Lost Mine of Phandelver free?

April 9th, 2020, 06:04
When I follow the link from https://dnd.wizards.com/remote/freematerial to https://www.fantasygrounds.com/store/product.php?id=WOTC5ELMOP, the adventure is still $14.99. I read the post in City Hall that said it was supposed to be free until May 7th. I just figured I should pop in here and point out there is still a price on it. How do I use it until May 7th without buying it in the meantime?

Thank you,

April 9th, 2020, 06:10
Nevermind, I see now that it preloads when you launch FG. With the link from both the forums and the article going to the store I was confused.

R Mod
April 12th, 2020, 01:56
How do I access it? When I log as GM its doesn't appear in my modules library. Unity user (noob).

April 12th, 2020, 02:02
Hi RMod, welcome to FG.

Select 5e as the ruleset when you start a new campaign. Click library then modules and find it on the list that pops up. Click load and it will appear in the library window. Click it to reveal the contents. Then watch video 5 in this series https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?55797-How-do-I-in-Unity&p=492112#post492112

June 20th, 2020, 14:22
My module no longer shows in Unity. There were three modules (adventures: Lost Mines of Phandelver, Forge of FUry, The Dragon of Icespire Peak) that I had access to, now they are gone from my library module that you can load. They do not show.

June 20th, 2020, 15:34
My module no longer shows in Unity. There were three modules (adventures: Lost Mines of Phandelver, Forge of FUry, The Dragon of Icespire Peak) that I had access to, now they are gone from my library module that you can load. They do not show.
As mentioned in another thread you posted in, and in the first post in this thread, these were free for a short period of time. After that time, which has now expired, you need to purchase them. Have you purchased the products?

June 21st, 2020, 11:50
I thought it was part of my library for buying Unity as early access. If I knew there was a time limit, I would have bought something else like Curse of Strahd. But, i figured I already spent $300 on unity and the essentials kit that I would wait and start playing with a free module. Now all the work I did for that module is wasted...unless I buy it. Which in my opinion (little as it is) is kind of crappy. They should not even put these temporary things out there, as I believe it is going to take longer to play it (in my world) as most people work and schedules always conflict than six weeks. Sorry for the rant, it just bothers me as I put a lot of work in it and don't have the funds to spend on fantasy grounds and all of its extras, and I feel like I just got held over a barrel to buy a module I probably would have bought in the first place.

June 21st, 2020, 12:04
If I knew there was a time limit...
Get it currently for $8.99 in the sale - which ends on Wednesday.

June 21st, 2020, 12:50
I just did, its not a terrible module, its just not one I would have picked right away. I just needed to vent.

June 21st, 2020, 17:17
With all due respect--it should be made clear when allowing a free module such as this that they will no longer be available to play on once the free period ends. While I'm not crying over $9 -- since I have players in the midst of a campaign and therefore have no choice -- I would have purchased it from the start. I had also started introducing aspects of Dragon's of Icespire Peak--thankfully I did not go too far into this as I'm not going to buy the full module just to flavor the area with a few extra side quest options. I'm only happy I checked this morning since I have players logging in later this afternoon to play and would have been caught with my pants down.

June 21st, 2020, 17:24

Also your work will not be wasted since any edits or changes you made are stored in the campaign database. So just open the campaign and then load LMoP and it will be as you left it.

And welcome to FG.

June 22nd, 2020, 15:02
My thoughts exactly.