View Full Version : Ptolus - Fantasy Grounds

February 8th, 2007, 15:37
Our campaign is accepting one more player into our group on a first come basis. Please visit the Ptolus - FG website link in my signature and read the posts on what I am looking for.

We have ran one session already but only to create characters and introduce some newbies to Fantasy Grounds. This is a Sunday night 8 PM (GMT-5) game.


February 9th, 2007, 19:17
Just wanted to let everyone know that the group is now full. However, within the next couple of months will probably start up another group in Ptolus, I like the setting that much.


February 12th, 2007, 17:23
I have posted the first log from our session up on the Ptolus-FG website in my signature. This is for anyone interested in seeing some logs of an actual session with only minor editing for spelling and flow.

Also, I used my chat log cleaner to remove the PMs, system messages, hide the DM rolls, etc.

February 27th, 2007, 17:53
Wanted to post in here again to let everyone know the second and third session logs are posted for anyone interested.

Also, we had a player that had to drop and I am filling her role with someone that had expressed interested. If anyone wants to be on the waiting list just shoot me a PM and I'll put you on in case anyone else drops.

April 26th, 2007, 14:57

We are currently looking for 1-2 more players. Unfortunately due to some Univeristy time constraints we are losing 2 people from our campaign and looking to fill one or both slots. We currently play Sunday night 8 PM EST (GMT-5) to 11 PM EST. We do have a session coming up this Sunday using FG 2 for the first time so it should be a fun one.

New players will match the experience total of the lowest character already in the party (which is just shy of level 2). Our current group consist of:

Fighter (house rules on website)

The 2 players we lost were a cleric and a sorceress. The group does lack a healing type now but I am not making that a requirement for any new people. The city of Ptolus is robust enough to provide resources for the party although at a cost :)

I will provide the rules for character creation for those interested. I did have a couple people on a waiting list but I accidentally deleted all my PMs so if those people are still interested shoot me a PM and you will have priority. Thanks.

Please register on the website if interested and send me a PM there or through this site. Thanks.