View Full Version : Token facing opposite arrow

April 8th, 2020, 23:10
Hi... I've found that the character tokens in my campaign (some are basic tokens that come with FG, some are from an add-on pack (Heroic Characters) all end up facing "down" on the map board while the facing arrow points "up". When I change facing, the token and the arrow both rotate so the characters are still going bass-akwards everywhere. Any thoughts? Thanks!


April 8th, 2020, 23:28
Hey Ron,

Is this with FGC or FGU? I'm not (yet) real familiar with FGU so it might differ. But I wonder if you had perhaps rotated a token and then turned on the token facing option? Perhaps try turning it off and rotating the token and then back on?

Also, does this happen with all tokens? And can you post a screen shot or two and let us know exactly which tokens its happen with?


April 9th, 2020, 00:08
This is FGU. It happens with all Player Characters using top-down tokens. NPC's seem to be portrait style and they have their facing arrow out of the top of their portrait. I've attached a photo of each

Moon Wizard
April 9th, 2020, 04:25
The Token facing option has been turned on in the Options for that campaign. With that option turned on, tokens will show an arrow (that starts facing up), and will shift around the token when the token is "rotated" to indicate facing direction. When the option is off (default), the token image will rotate when the token is "rotated". You use the mouse wheel when hovering over a token to rotate it.
