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April 7th, 2020, 21:32
A series of videos each one covering a topic which is a frequently asked question here or on Discord.

A playlist of videos complimenting the 5e wiki articles can be found here https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?77623-5e-Wiki-update-videos&p=685277#post685277

For a set of videos on 5e effects (updated for Unity - previously done for Classic) see here https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?74212-Updating-5e-effects-videos&p=654177#post654177

If you have suggestions for further videos then post a comment here.

See here for a set of videos (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?75515-New-Video-Series) which covers the basic operation of Fantasy Grounds Unity

Video One: (https://youtu.be/_zgl2OTbuI4) How do I get images into my campaign in Unity (UPDATED)
Video Two: (https://youtu.be/LG7ba77tCAk) How does the Line of Sight feature work in Unity
Video Three: (https://youtu.be/a-fJpe6duM0) How do I set up my Fighter's Fighting Style in Unity (and in Classic)
Video Four: (https://youtu.be/7sbuJ-fTWPc) How do I see monsters when LoS is enabled in Unity
Video Five: (https://youtu.be/Buf8HSmXVLo) How do I get started with Lost Mine of Phandelver in Unity
Video Six: (https://youtu.be/-R8iqpEQ2So) How to restrict environmental effects to one area of a map (UPDATED)
Video Seven: (https://youtu.be/GCWukTyf78c) How do I set up effects for Hexblade's Curse
Video Eight: (https://youtu.be/mfyt-6s9UFw) How do I create and use Power Groups
Video Nine: (https://youtu.be/fPc9z8oHrxo) How do I Set up effects for racial traits
Video Ten: (https://youtu.be/EdhJjjYwqWE) How do I add Line of Sight - Part One
Video Eleven: (https://youtu.be/7qs2LeLgQHs) How do I add Line of Sight - Part Two
Video Twelve: (https://youtu.be/DJVBs-ZG6vI) How do I add Line of Sight - Part Three
Video Thirteen: (https://youtu.be/pdHjFald4HE) New occluders for Unity
Video Fourteen: (https://youtu.be/Ibr8cncALsI) Adding spell tokens to a map.
Video Fifteen: (https://youtu.be/gua_wNY4wc0) The new import tables feature
Video Sixteen: Video deleted as no longer applies post version 4.1
Video Seventeen: (https://youtu.be/uWyajbNF8_M) Beta Lighting
Video Eighteen: (https://youtu.be/Ze2_UJgXHps) V4.1 Ambient lighting
Video Nineteen: (https://youtu.be/_UgvMP8oUGA) V4.1 Lights
Video Twenty: (https://youtu.be/sF5Ntvc_3kU) V4.1 Token Lights
Video Twenty-One: (https://youtu.be/Fm1RtNDq8OU) V4.1 Token Vision
Video Twenty-Two: (https://youtu.be/I4I3N_iHAgA) Story Templates revisited
Video Twenty-Three: (https://youtu.be/HyzlPrl6b3I) New occluder tools
Video Twenty-Four: (https://youtu.be/7Od3VEoY-N8) The Wild Beyond the Witchlight
Video Twenty-Five: (https://youtu.be/QUK006vemUQ) Using the Templates in Tashas's cauldron of Everything
Video Twenty-Six: (https://youtu.be/Q_TZbU60XfQ) Reference manual Builder
Video Twenty-Seven: (https://youtu.be/w97lQqkkGpk) Decals
Video Twenty-Eight: (https://youtu.be/bpjwIDX-I3k) The rebuilt Character Wizard (UPDATED)
Video Twenty Nine: (https://youtu.be/KXy1BRbCWO8) Occluders Revisited One
Video Thirty: (https://youtu.be/nzMnZzd8NSk) Occluders Revisited Two
Video Thirty One: (https://youtu.be/S7OU6y_jJrw) Occluders Revisited Three
Video Thirty Two: (https://youtu.be/AIPLhc3vzao) New Copy/Paste functionality
Video Thirty Three: (https://youtu.be/qU3MMBrQwGs) A quick video on upcoming features
Video Thirty-Four (https://youtu.be/HDq6AbhgGIA) Importing and exporting characters (including importing from DnD Beyond)
Video Thirty Five: (https://youtu.be/oa9CbtYiCJs) Creating a new class in Unity
Video Thirty-Six: (https://youtu.be/L6jOO_ROuZA) Creating a new Race (including how to import a Race)
Video Thirty Seven: (https://youtu.be/eWm0ZRkcmYM) Using the NPC importer
Video Thirty Eight: (https://youtu.be/N7zQbxoj5sw) Spelljammer and Vehicles
Video Thirty Nine: (https://youtu.be/-8DKA1uV8Uo) Campaign Management - Basics
Video Forty: (https://youtu.be/o6TCSX5dAfc) Campaign Management - Editing
Video Forty One: (https://youtu.be/6yilMnTzGbI) Campaign Management - Exporting
Video Forty Two: (https://youtu.be/coSeQSQz-Vg) Managing Campaigns - Technical
Video Forty Three: (https://youtu.be/rHZ2KdBHJ6s) Allocating dice types to damage types
Video Forty Four: (https://youtu.be/qWSNHF1X3xI) New dice control panel
Video Forty Five: (https://youtu.be/HW5RnsqC1OE) All about grids
Video Forty Six: (https://youtu.be/mHim9UJPjWo) Importing text
Video Forty Seven: (https://youtu.be/ZSphKbVEeeU) Using Notes
Video Forty Eight: (https://youtu.be/nCm6bYwo0mU) Death Markers
Video Forty Nine: (https://youtu.be/InkdmeiTOuU) Death Markers - adding your own

April 7th, 2020, 21:49
Sorry LE. I've hijacked your post for this as provided by Fantasy Grounds Academy.

Video Series Organized by Topics

Map Tools & Features
Line of Sight Feature in Unity (https://youtu.be/LG7ba77tCAk)
Adding Spell Tokens to a Map (https://youtu.be/Ibr8cncALsI)
All About Grids (https://youtu.be/HW5RnsqC1OE)
Adding Line of Sight - Part One (https://youtu.be/EdhJjjYwqWE)
Adding Line of Sight - Part Two (https://youtu.be/7qs2LeLgQHs)
Adding Line of Sight - Part Three (https://youtu.be/DJVBs-ZG6vI)
New Occluders for Unity (https://youtu.be/pdHjFald4HE)
New Occluder Tools (https://youtu.be/HyzlPrl6b3I)
Occluders Revisited One (https://youtu.be/KXy1BRbCWO8)
Occluders Revisited Two (https://youtu.be/nzMnZzd8NSk)
Occluders Revisited Three (https://youtu.be/S7OU6y_jJrw)

Character Management & Customization
Setting Up Fighter's Fighting Style in Unity (and in Classic) (https://youtu.be/a-fJpe6duM0)
Setting Up Effects for Hexblade's Curse (https://youtu.be/GCWukTyf78c)
Setting Up Effects for Racial Traits (https://youtu.be/fPc9z8oHrxo)
Creating a New Class in Unity (https://youtu.be/oa9CbtYiCJs)
Creating a New Race (Including How to Import a Race) (https://youtu.be/L6jOO_ROuZA)
The Rebuilt Character Wizard (UPDATED) (https://youtu.be/bpjwIDX-I3k)
Importing and Exporting Characters (Including Importing from DnD Beyond) (https://youtu.be/HDq6AbhgGIA)
Using the NPC Importer (https://youtu.be/eWm0ZRkcmYM)

Custom Content & Tools
The New Import Tables Feature (https://youtu.be/gua_wNY4wc0)
Reference Manual Builder (https://youtu.be/Q_TZbU60XfQ)
Decals (https://youtu.be/w97lQqkkGpk)
Importing Text (https://youtu.be/mHim9UJPjWo)
Using Notes (https://youtu.be/ZSphKbVEeeU)
New Copy/Paste Functionality (https://youtu.be/AIPLhc3vzao)

Campaign Management
Campaign Management - Basics (https://youtu.be/-8DKA1uV8Uo)
Campaign Management - Editing (https://youtu.be/o6TCSX5dAfc)
Campaign Management - Exporting (https://youtu.be/6yilMnTzGbI)
Managing Campaigns - Technical (https://youtu.be/coSeQSQz-Vg)

Lighting and Visual Effects
Beta Lighting (https://youtu.be/uWyajbNF8_M)
V4.1 Ambient Lighting (https://youtu.be/Ze2_UJgXHps)
V4.1 Lights (https://youtu.be/_UgvMP8oUGA)
V4.1 Token Lights (https://youtu.be/sF5Ntvc_3kU)
V4.1 Token Vision (https://youtu.be/Fm1RtNDq8OU)

Miscellaneous Tips & Tricks
A Quick Video on Upcoming Features (https://youtu.be/qU3MMBrQwGs)
Allocating Dice Types to Damage Types (https://youtu.be/rHZ2KdBHJ6s)
New Dice Control Panel (https://youtu.be/qWSNHF1X3xI)
Death Markers (https://youtu.be/nCm6bYwo0mU)
Death Markers - Adding Your Own (https://youtu.be/InkdmeiTOuU)
Spelljammer and Vehicles (https://youtu.be/N7zQbxoj5sw)
The Wild Beyond the Witchlight (https://youtu.be/7Od3VEoY-N8)
Using the Templates in Tasha's Cauldron of Everything (https://youtu.be/QUK006vemUQ)
Story Templates Revisited (https://youtu.be/I4I3N_iHAgA)

April 8th, 2020, 09:12
- How do I prevent similar NPCs from being grouped together when I drag an encounter onto the Combat Tracker?
- How do I measure distances in a map?


April 8th, 2020, 10:00
- How do I prevent similar NPCs from being grouped together when I drag an encounter onto the Combat Tracker?
Change the Auto NPC initiative option from "Group" in the campaign options: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/wiki/index.php/5E_Options#Combat_.28GM.29

- How do I measure distances in a map?
Answered here: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?55837-Measurement-Tool&p=492386&viewfull=1#post492386

April 8th, 2020, 10:02
Thank you again as usual, Trenloe! You're frigging awesome.

April 8th, 2020, 10:22
Trenloe - I'm not seeing "Add: Auto NPC initiative" in my options panel. I'm using the Savage Worlds SWADE ruleset.

April 8th, 2020, 11:07
Trenloe - I'm not seeing "Add: Auto NPC initiative" in my options panel. I'm using the Savage Worlds SWADE ruleset.

I think that's a thing in Savage Worlds; that NPCs of the same type are grouped together. Isn't that a rule or something? Long time since I played SW.

April 8th, 2020, 11:12
Zach: you're right! Thank you. Extras get 1 action card.

The thing is the Groups folder keeps closing every time a new actor is advanced. This is what urks me the most because I can't even tell which one of the Extra's is attacking, when the Group folder is closed up.

If anyone can tell me how I can work around this, I'd be so grateful :D

April 8th, 2020, 15:58
Added a video explaining how the Line of Sight feature works during gameplay.

April 8th, 2020, 18:19
Zach: you're right! Thank you. Extras get 1 action card.

The thing is the Groups folder keeps closing every time a new actor is advanced. This is what urks me the most because I can't even tell which one of the Extra's is attacking, when the Group folder is closed up.

If anyone can tell me how I can work around this, I'd be so grateful :D
I believe I saw a post in the SWADE ruleset thread that this has been reported as a bug. Don't remember a work around.

April 8th, 2020, 19:49
Third video added, this time talking about adding the Fighter's Fighting Styles

April 8th, 2020, 22:10
Another video added expanding on the LoS and how it interacts with NPC tokens.

April 9th, 2020, 01:42
Working with effects - for instance is there a way to use an existing map and add the water effect just to the water portion on that map? Or to add snow just to the outdoors of an existing map? If this is possible, not sure how it works...

April 9th, 2020, 01:52
Yes, but you’d need to take the map and use something like photoshop to cut a hole in it where you want the effect to be. But the whole map on one layer, your effect on the next layer and the map with the hole on the top layer.

April 9th, 2020, 01:53
Working with effects - for instance is there a way to use an existing map and add the water effect just to the water portion on that map? Or to add snow just to the outdoors of an existing map? If this is possible, not sure how it works...

There is not currently a way to mask layer effects.

April 9th, 2020, 14:16
Short video on how to get started with Lost Mine of Phandelver added.

April 9th, 2020, 19:37
Another video; this time looking at methods of restricting environmental effects to just one area of a map.

April 9th, 2020, 23:46
How do I add dnd 5e barbarian rage to combat actions
(Sry if it has been asked before, seach didn’t reveal it)

April 9th, 2020, 23:50
How do I add dnd 5e barbarian rage to combat actions
(Sry if it has been asked before, seach didn’t reveal it)
Welcome to the community MrMoulder.

This should help https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?27314-Effects-The-Complete-Barbarian-Package

April 17th, 2020, 04:56
I really liked the "fighter styles" video. It also teaches some of the codes used to add attack bonuses, AC, and damage to abilities. Thanks!

April 19th, 2020, 06:36
Completely green here... but does Fantasy Grounds Unity allow import of modules??? If so...how? Sorry if this is the wrong thread to throw that question out too... just haven't found anything yet on it.

April 19th, 2020, 09:50
Hi Starkrave, welcome to FG.

Can you expand on what you mean by import modules?

April 19th, 2020, 17:08
Thanks for the reply.... after getting up fresh this morning I finally realized there is a icon on the startup page of FGU that brings up the data files I was looking for... module, campaign, etc... I was having trouble finding the module file that I needed to drop modules in to add to FGU for campaign use.
Sorry... just really green here. The short of it is, I figured it out and realized I should do this after rest, not when I am up all night! ;)

April 19th, 2020, 17:43
Is there no way to type on a map/image ?

April 19th, 2020, 19:59
Is there no way to type on a map/image ?


April 20th, 2020, 01:31

Wow, that's extremely disappointing. Seems like it would really easy to be able to add text.

April 20th, 2020, 02:46
Wow, that's extremely disappointing. Seems like it would really easy to be able to add text.
Check the wishlist and vote on it or add it.

April 22nd, 2020, 19:01
How do I measure the movement for a token that isn't target something? I can't find a tutorial or post on how to see movement distance.

Also, I have created an effect called Rage for a barbarian, as shown in the effects wiki. Is there a way to track uses of this effect?

April 22nd, 2020, 21:46
How do I measure the movement for a token that isn't target something? I can't find a tutorial or post on how to see movement distance.

Also, I have created an effect called Rage for a barbarian, as shown in the effects wiki. Is there a way to track uses of this effect?
The first issue there is not currently an automated way to do. This will be available when Token Locking is re-implemented.

If you have added the effect as an action on the character sheet, go into Preparation mode and set number of uses.

April 22nd, 2020, 22:32
Thanks for those series of videos, hopefully i'll be able to move from FG to FGU easier this way ; i have been quite used to FG but this line of sight features is so great, i can't wait to have my players using it.

One question, if I may, is it possible to copy a line of sight "mapping" from one image ot another ? I purchased lots of maps on dmguilds and other places which are the same of the official one from Wizards, but as on recent module they switched to poor black and white maps, I moved to something colorful. Ratio is the same, map is the same, there's just color etc. so ideally, a way to copy a line of sight mapping from one image to another one would be awesome.
I saw lots of options in image editing in FGU, but didn't manage to do such thing

is it possible somehow ?

thanks !

April 22nd, 2020, 22:35
If you have added the effect as an action on the character sheet, go into Preparation mode and set number of uses.

Thank you for the reply. One more question, in the preparation mode, there is Daily, Rest and Once for the number of uses. I assume 'Daily' is per long rest and 'Rest' is per short rest, and Once is for consumables. Is that correct?

April 22nd, 2020, 23:03
Thank you for the reply. One more question, in the preparation mode, there is Daily, Rest and Once for the number of uses. I assume 'Daily' is per long rest and 'Rest' is per short rest, and Once is for consumables. Is that correct?
yep :)

April 23rd, 2020, 22:53
Thanks for those series of videos, hopefully i'll be able to move from FG to FGU easier this way ; i have been quite used to FG but this line of sight features is so great, i can't wait to have my players using it.

One question, if I may, is it possible to copy a line of sight "mapping" from one image ot another ? I purchased lots of maps on dmguilds and other places which are the same of the official one from Wizards, but as on recent module they switched to poor black and white maps, I moved to something colorful. Ratio is the same, map is the same, there's just color etc. so ideally, a way to copy a line of sight mapping from one image to another one would be awesome.
I saw lots of options in image editing in FGU, but didn't manage to do such thing

is it possible somehow ?

thanks !

Reading through the posts, I saw link to that video:

Is it something I should digg into to achieve what I need ? to kind of extract the right part in the xml and paste it back to the images i purchased to put the line of sight over ?
thanks in advance for your help

April 23rd, 2020, 23:57
Your problem is that you won’t be able to access the xml files.

You could try just adding your map to another layer with the original. If the maps are identical then the LOS might work. Note that maps in modules will not have the same dimensions as the original maps from WotC.

April 24th, 2020, 11:34
Your problem is that you won’t be able to access the xml files.

You could try just adding your map to another layer with the original. If the maps are identical then the LOS might work. Note that maps in modules will not have the same dimensions as the original maps from WotC.

Thanks a thousand time for the idea, I managed to find how to add this as a layer and in a matter of seconds, was able to set the map above the existing one in the module to generate the right result.
Excellent thanks a lot !


April 25th, 2020, 01:31
So, we've used FGU for two play sessions. We've moved over from Roll20, and I personally (as DM) love it, which is good, because it's expensive! Anyway, my question is, how do I make a custom background for a 4k monitor that doesn't get tiled? Is that possible? I found the background theme maker, but any images over 1920 horizontal resolution get tiled in weird ways. I can live with the current background, but having a background that didn't tile would be great.

Moon Wizard
April 25th, 2020, 01:41
Backgrounds are always tiled, because they need to cover the whole screen at many different resolutions. They use the 9-slice approach to specifying tiling.

You should probably look into making a decal extension if you just want to add a background image without having to worry about slicing or tiling.


April 25th, 2020, 03:12
The decal extension was just the ticket. Thank you.

Dave Wilson
April 25th, 2020, 14:46
Are tokens on gridded maps strictly limited the maximum size of Gargantuan (20x20ft.) Is there a way to scale them larger but still use a grid? I have watched several FGC videos that show unlocking scale on tokens but this does not appear to be available in FGU. Would this be part of the future token locking feature?

April 25th, 2020, 18:39
Are tokens on gridded maps strictly limited the maximum size of Gargantuan (20x20ft.) Is there a way to scale them larger but still use a grid? I have watched several FGC videos that show unlocking scale on tokens but this does not appear to be available in FGU. Would this be part of the future token locking feature?

Mouse over the token and whilst holding CTRL use the middle mouse button to make the token as large as you want.

And welcome to FG

Dave Wilson
April 25th, 2020, 21:53
EDIT: Nevermind. Strangely, I some how broke a token which seems to cause this odd scroll shrinking thing to happen just to this test token

I have found the problem is perhaps related to the 5e Enhancer extension I have installed. Disable extension and control+scroll works. Updated to the latest version of the extension . Control+extension works partially now but seems to only shrink to vanishing.

April 29th, 2020, 21:21
I have another question, can I move or rename maps in the assets folder without losing LOS data and layers? I didn't think about organization when I was first playing around, and now I have a couple of maps that are out of place.

April 29th, 2020, 21:41
You can move a map into another group without an issue; and if it is a map of your own that you added you can rename it and it will keep the LoS.

April 29th, 2020, 21:43
I have another question, can I move or rename maps in the assets folder without losing LOS data and layers? I didn't think about organization when I was first playing around, and now I have a couple of maps that are out of place.

The layer and LOS data is part of the image record, so organizing maps within FGU should preserve data. Moving images (the source JPG or PNG files) on your hard drive will break the link to those files and the image will no longer be able to draw those layers.

April 30th, 2020, 03:20
Is there a way to rename maps within FGU?

April 30th, 2020, 17:02
Yes, just unlock the image and type a new name.

May 1st, 2020, 21:35
Thanks so far for all the help. I have more questions. First, how do I move tokens forward/backward in the layer stack? When one token moves on top of another, I can't figure out how to change the layer order of the tokens. This is especially a problem for larger tokens.

May 1st, 2020, 22:03
As far as I know all tokens occupy the same layer so they can't be moved to different layers. Basically try not to stack tokens.

May 2nd, 2020, 08:08
If I mess up placing tokens for a complex scenario involving multiple encounter groups (like the theatre or mistshore in Dragon Heist), sometimes things get messed up and I need to start over. I have tried resetting the individual encounters in the "encounter" button on the right when they show as modified, but many of the encounters in the story section don't appear under the encounter button so they cannot be reset. I have tried unchecking all the "map placement" checks for the tokens, but I am never able to get the encounter to populate the map a second time. They will populate the CT any number of times, but I cannot get map population to work after the first attempt, Is there a way to reset placement of an encounter in the story secion so map population works again?

May 2nd, 2020, 11:38
I'm not exactly clear on what your issue is.

Firstly all of the encounters that are in the adventure appear in the encounters tab. An encounter can't exist if it isn't listed in that tab so I'm not sure why you aren't seeing encounters listed there.

Secondly in most cases (the exceptions being random encounters) all of the tokens are already placed on the maps. You can tell that this is the case because a row of ticks appears under the name of the NPCs in the encounter.

If you want to change the position of NPCs for some reason then open the encounter and the relevant map and click on the ticks to untick them. Then drag the tokens under the name of the NPC onto the map where you want them. Then close the encounter. When you are ready to use it you can then open the encounter and use the add button to add the encounter to the CT and to the map.

If you ever want to revert the encounter back to it's original state as it appears in the module then find it in the encounter list and right click on it and select revert changes.

More information on encounters here https://fantasygroundsunity.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/FGU/pages/721028/5E+NPCs+and+Encounters

If the above doesn't answer your questions can you provide more details on the problems that you are experiencing.

Shane Moffatt
May 2nd, 2020, 13:36
That adding fighter style effect video is amazing - thank you!

May 2nd, 2020, 19:56

I think I understand.

I must have unchecked the boxes on the encounter by accident or lack of understanding (like 04.09.03 Mistshore: winter, which is the coach).
I was thinking that the boxes became checked as they were inserted in the CT and map rather than the correct understanding that they are checked as they are placed during authoring and should not be touched when playing.
It might be better if the check-boxes are locked when the encounter is locked to prevent GM's from making that error. If they want to deliberately modify the encounter placement the GM can unlock the encounter.

I had trouble locating generated encounters like story "04.09.00 Encounter 2: Mistshore", section "D1. Kraken's Folly", item "Pirate Ship: Bandits". That opens an encounter panel titled "04.09.00 Encounter 2: Mistshore" which is a 4d6 bandit generator panel. On the other hand if I look in encounters and select "04.09.00 Encounter 2: Mistshore" that opens the panel "04.09.00 Encounter 2: Mistshore" which is Obliteros.
Apparently the bandit generator encounter item in the Mistshore story exists but is not itself listed in the encounters table.
However when generate is pushed that does create a second identically titled "04.09.00 Encounter 2: Mistshore" item in the encounters table which contains multiple bandits that are not placed on the map.
If I place those onto the map they become checked off as expected. If I close that encounter they leave the map.

So my new understanding of proper generated encounter protocol is this.
If I want to be able to identify this specific encounter later (since it is a duplicate title along with the Obliteros encounter) I need to change the name of the generated panel to "04-09-00 Encounter 2: Mistshore - bandits" so I know which encounter that is. I can then unlock the story "04-09-00 Encounter 2: Mistshore", section "DK1: Kraken's Folly" and insert the "04-09-00 Encounter 2: Mistshore - bandits" encounter into the story there and re-lock it so the generated encounter is quick to find in the story itself (I no longer need to keep the encounter table open).

May 2nd, 2020, 20:00
BTW, a generated 18 bandit encounter takes 18 seconds to push to the map and CT on a 4 Ghz, 6core, 16 gbyte, SSD windows machine. Classic took only a few seconds.
I can see in windows "process explorer" that the Page Fault (memory page mapping) rate exceeds 22k pages/second during the pause.
Perhaps you should increase the number of pages mapped per system call to speed that up.

May 2nd, 2020, 20:08
When creating modules I try to stick to a naming convention which uses the story numbering. So in room 01.01 A room any encounter will be 01.01 A Room and any treasure parcel will be the same name. You don't really need (I wouldn't have thought) to look at the encounter lists at all really since you would be opening the encounter from the story entry and you would be opening the story entry from the map pin. However if you do then generally the encounter will follow the same name as the story entry. The exception to this would be random encounter tables usually where the encounter names might well depart from that naming convention.

In your explanation above I think you are confusing an encounter with a random encounter. An encounter is one which is set; you are told how many bandits appear and where they are. A random encounter however isn't set; it tells you a that a random number of bandits will appear. In this kind of case the encounter can't be pre-placed on the map - since we don't know until you generate the encounter how many bandits there are going to be. For random encounters you have two choices. Either you generate the encounter and place the tokens as part of your preparation or you generate the encounter during play and place them at that point - or don't bother putting them on the map at all and just do theatre of the mind. The naming convention for random encounters is the same as above - so it is possible to have two encounters with the same name - but one will be random and one not.

So don't go looking for encounters in the list use the links in the story entry or the reference manual to find the encounters for that entry.

May 2nd, 2020, 20:30
Thanks very much.

May 4th, 2020, 17:19
Added video seven which is all about setting up effects for the Hexblade's Curse.

May 8th, 2020, 20:02
A couple more questions: Is there a way to click on a token on the map and have it jump to that record in the CT? Also, is there a way to hide/unhide a token in the CT from the token on the map? I'd like to be able to reveal tokens on the map and have them also be revealed in the CT, without having to scroll through all the entities in the CT to find the one I want. It slows the game down pretty considerably with more than a few NPCs on the map (me having to search through the CT is slow, not that the program slows down).

May 9th, 2020, 10:03
No. Token visibility is determined by the CT. If it's visible on the CT then it's also visible on the map (assuming that it is within the LoS of a token on the map). Likewise if it isn't visible on the CT then it is also invisible on the map.

There isn't a way to click a token on the map and have it highlight on the CT.

May 9th, 2020, 11:40
How to make a transparent wall for LOS, that is blocking the passage but not the view (a window)? If it is possible...

May 9th, 2020, 14:24
No. Token visibility is determined by the CT. If it's visible on the CT then it's also visible on the map (assuming that it is within the LoS of a token on the map). Likewise if it isn't visible on the CT then it is also invisible on the map.

There isn't a way to click a token on the map and have it highlight on the CT.

Hi, What is the relationship in function between the radial menu visibility setting on a map token and the visibility of the CT entry? Do they have two different purposes?

May 9th, 2020, 16:35
How to make a transparent wall for LOS, that is blocking the passage but not the view (a window)? If it is possible...

There isn't anything that can block movement and still be transparent. For windows I use terrain blockers.

May 9th, 2020, 16:46
Hi, What is the relationship in function between the radial menu visibility setting on a map token and the visibility of the CT entry? Do they have two different purposes?

Visibility (whether the token can be seen or not) is usually determined by the state of the visibility toggle on the CT. If an NPC is visible on the CT it's visible on the map and if it is invisible on the CT it's also invisible on the map. The right click menu can make an NPC (or PC) set to always visible or always invisible independent of the visibility state on the CT. Thus an NPC can be set to always visible and it will be seen on the map even if it is invisible on the CT or the reverse invisible on the map even if visible on the CT.

May 9th, 2020, 18:42
What's a good way of doing templates? We've been using pointers for things like darkness spells, and spike growth, but is there an easy way to do a transparent template for these types of effects? The pointers can't be labeled, so it can be hard to remember what pointer is what between sessions. Also, thanks again for the answers. I really like FGU, and I just want to get the most out of it.

May 9th, 2020, 18:53
This is the only thing that I know of that adds spell templates to your game https://www.dmsguild.com/product/195599/Dungeons-and-Dragons-5e-Spell-Tokens

Otherwise make sure each player has different coloured dice so that it's more obvious who drew what pointer.

May 9th, 2020, 20:04
Thx for your answer :)
But terrain block the view AND the passage on the second line... so it’s transparency OR blocking:(, no glass window at all ...

May 9th, 2020, 20:56
Thx for your answer :)
But terrain block the view AND the passage on the second line... so it’s transparency OR blocking:(, no glass window at all ...

The best suggestion I have seen came from this video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TaFvDapOlL4) (it's about how to add LoS to Tile Packs, but has some other good info). It's from Doug, he suggested using Doors and leaving them open.

May 9th, 2020, 22:12
Thx for your answer :)
But terrain block the view AND the passage on the second line... so it’s transparency OR blocking:(, no glass window at all ...

No, terrain blockers don't block movement at all. They block LoS from either side and if the token is in the middle of it they can see all around.

May 9th, 2020, 22:52
This is the only thing that I know of that adds spell templates to your game https://www.dmsguild.com/product/195599/Dungeons-and-Dragons-5e-Spell-Tokens

These are awesome. Thanks for the tip. I have another question, though. Where do I put the module files, and how am I expected to activate/use them? I have the images that were included in my tokens folder, so I can see them and drop them in as tokens, but I don't see the .mod files no matter where I put them.

May 10th, 2020, 00:02
If you can see the tokens then you have put the module file in the correct place. You access images in Unity from assets, and tokens will be visible there even if the module isn’t open.

May 10th, 2020, 01:18
Visibility (whether the token can be seen or not) is usually determined by the state of the visibility toggle on the CT. If an NPC is visible on the CT it's visible on the map and if it is invisible on the CT it's also invisible on the map. The right click menu can make an NPC (or PC) set to always visible or always invisible independent of the visibility state on the CT. Thus an NPC can be set to always visible and it will be seen on the map even if it is invisible on the CT or the reverse invisible on the map even if visible on the CT.

Thanks very much.

May 13th, 2020, 21:20
Hello great hive mind!

I have been searching and googling for an option to turn off image identification. At the moment when I share a photo of a monster they get the name of the monster. This also goes for maps which is kind of revealing. Can I turn this off?


May 13th, 2020, 21:24
Click the green ID circle and the image, item, etc will become unidentified. You can then enter anything you want in the unidentified field. So your "Castle Amber" map will show for the players as "Mysterious Castle" and the "Hobgoblin Sargent" becomes "Armored Hobgoblin".

May 13th, 2020, 21:27
Wonderful! you are my todays hero! I wonder if they will implement a general all unidentified from start setting :) Thanks again!

May 13th, 2020, 21:38
Wonderful! you are my todays hero! I wonder if they will implement a general all unidentified from start setting :) Thanks again!
No. They used to have similar (items only?) and removed it. Items in 5E from the DMG default to unidentified. Items from the 5E PHB default to identified. Not positive on the behavior of items, maps etc from other sources.

EDIT: that said, you can always add it to the wish list.

May 31st, 2020, 22:01
We finished Dragon Heist last Friday. We started on 20-Dec-2019 and it was delightful if challenging from a DM complexity standpoint). That was our introduction to Fantasy Grounds and to Unity starting in March (which was also delightful).
Now I want to move on to Dungeon of the Mad Mage. However from what I am noticing the first few (5-6) levels have LOS and the remaining are in process. I noticed once when were were suffering from LOS lockups during movement and switched to non-LOS Unity that the functionality of using masks seemed more awkward (more clicking needed) with Unity.

I am wondering when I use Mad Mage and if I have to use masking on a non-LOS level is there a best procedure for using Unity with Masks? I could not find any Unity/Mask specific documentation.

May 31st, 2020, 22:35
The mask in Unity is just the same as it is in Classic. You can use the mask with or without LoS.

As far as the LoS progress is concerned, in addition to the levels already done, I have done levels, 5, 6, 8 and almost finished 7. I'll be getting those into the module sometime next week.

May 31st, 2020, 22:47
Oh super! Does the download include your latest updates? The reason I ask is that some FG things have "dev" versions and "released" versions and I don't know if that applies to the FG 5e modules.

June 1st, 2020, 00:17
No, the xml file posted above does not include the ones I’m working on. When done they’ll be included in the module and you’ll get the update when it is released.

June 7th, 2020, 04:16
Hiho, I noticed what seemed different between masks in classic and unity. I recall in classic that the mask editing functions were accessible directly in the blue menu bar at the top of the map below the banner. In unity those controls are not there. I had to unlock the map and click mask editing to add visible areas to the mask which seemed more awkward (unless I missed a way to include the mask editing buttons on the blue menu bar). Web.

June 7th, 2020, 10:32
That's correct. The MAsk tools are now in the same place as all the other map tools.

June 8th, 2020, 22:33
A series of videos each one covering a topic which is a frequently asked question here or on Discord.

If you have suggestions for further videos then post a comment here.

Video One: (https://youtu.be/rX1NkwCCdak) How do I get images into my campaign in Unity
Video Two: (https://youtu.be/LG7ba77tCAk) How does the Line of Sight feature work in Unity
Video Three: (https://youtu.be/a-fJpe6duM0) How do I set up my Fighter's Fighting Style in Unity (and in Classic)
Video Four: (https://youtu.be/7sbuJ-fTWPc) How do I see monsters when LoS is enabled in Unity
Video Five: (https://youtu.be/Buf8HSmXVLo) How do I get started with Lost Mine of Phandelver in Unity
Video Six: (https://youtu.be/VPOWgCBz7Uo) How to restrict environmental effects to one area of a map.
Video Seven: (https://youtu.be/GCWukTyf78c) How do I set up effects for Hexblade's Curse

Thank you for these!

While I appreciate the effort, the fact that it requires a six-minute to explain how to add images to a campaign highlights the obtuseness of the UI. I know I've been asking this for years: please please please hire an UI/UX designer. In fairness 5 minutes of the video was padding and the answer to the question posed in the video title was covered in less than a minute. Padding seems to be a requirement to be relevant on YT. Pro-tip for YT: start every video (at least) a minute into the video to get past the worst fluff.

As a more immediate alleviation to how tedious images are to add, can we at least get an "add folder" or the option to add multiple images in one go with CTRL-clicking like in every other UI out there, please. I build my scenarios from PDFs, and adding dozens of images to FGU is a frustrating exercise, when in FGC all I had to do was dump them into a folder and relax.

I've run now two encounters with LOS, and it's definitely a work in progress -feature. There seems to be no connection between visibility in combat tracker and map (players see an NPC on map, but not on the combat tracker, and vice versa), and the icons used to show visibility and even the popup texts are not very helpful in explaining each feature. So I end up asking players to explain when they see what, and managing the visibility becomes fiddly.

June 8th, 2020, 22:46
Since I made that video there are now two new buttons on the image window which allows you to import assets or files just like you want.

June 9th, 2020, 01:36
If time efficiency is important to you, videos will never get you there. The Wiki is much more efficient, and more easily updated. See this page to see the original and two additional methods that Mr Z refers to; https://fantasygroundsunity.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/FGU/pages/950633/Working+with+Images+as+the+GM

July 3rd, 2020, 22:21
In Unity I read that to assign an NPC to a player, I change its alignment in the CT to "friendly" and then drag the icon over to a PC Portrait in the upper left of the main screen in order to give them control. However, in the current Unity it appears that all players can move and otherwise manipulate a friendly NPC regardless of my dragging the friendly NPC to a PC portrait. Is that the intended behavior?

July 3rd, 2020, 22:42
There is an option that allows you to set Party Vision and movement to on or off. I believe that will prevent players moving any other token. However in order for a player to be able to move an NPC that you give them control of I think you'll need to set that option to off otherwise only the DM will be able to move that token. Currently the default is that anyone can move a friendly token (ironically this is a side effect of being able to give a player control of an NPC).

July 3rd, 2020, 23:21
That is fine. I just wanted to be doing the right thing. Thanks Zacchaeus.

July 4th, 2020, 20:55
There is an option that allows you to set Party Vision and movement to on or off. I believe that will prevent players moving any other token. However in order for a player to be able to move an NPC that you give them control of I think you'll need to set that option to off otherwise only the DM will be able to move that token. Currently the default is that anyone can move a friendly token (ironically this is a side effect of being able to give a player control of an NPC).

When that option is on then players can move and look through friendly tokens :) So, the opposite behaviour :) (though there is the party vision toggle in the radial menu of tokens to add or remove tokens for the vision)

As far as I remember this option defaults to off, so, per default players can not move friendly tokens anymore as long as the GM turns that on :)

July 4th, 2020, 23:06
When that option is on then players can move and look through friendly tokens :) So, the opposite behaviour :) (though there is the party vision toggle in the radial menu of tokens to add or remove tokens for the vision)

As far as I remember this option defaults to off, so, per default players can not move friendly tokens anymore as long as the GM turns that on :)

Yes, you are correct. It's the opposite of what I said. Just as well someone is following on and correcting stuff. :)

July 5th, 2020, 01:46
As a more immediate alleviation to how tedious images are to add, can we at least get an "add folder" or the option to add multiple images in one go with CTRL-clicking like in every other UI out there, please. I build my scenarios from PDFs, and adding dozens of images to FGU is a frustrating exercise, when in FGC all I had to do was dump them into a folder and relax.

I was creating a mod from a pdf just 2 days ago. The simple method is that once you have created the campaign to make your module, in Windows Explorer navigate to your data\campaign\modulename\images folder, and just drop the images you want in there.

July 10th, 2020, 09:08
Is there a way to limit the length of LOS to the vision capability of player characters in a game system - eg 5e with 60ft dark vision or carrying a torch with 30ft or similar?
Similarly can you define a map to be dark, in daylight or artificially lit in areas?

July 10th, 2020, 10:46
Is there a way to limit the length of LOS to the vision capability of player characters in a game system - eg 5e with 60ft dark vision or carrying a torch with 30ft or similar?
Similarly can you define a map to be dark, in daylight or artificially lit in areas?

Unfortunately no, to both questions. It’s #2, I think, on the wishlist? I don’t think they are planning to even start on that stuff until after fg releases out of beta, though.

July 10th, 2020, 13:48
Is there a way to limit the length of LOS to the vision capability of player characters in a game system - eg 5e with 60ft dark vision or carrying a torch with 30ft or similar?
Similarly can you define a map to be dark, in daylight or artificially lit in areas?

There is a feature request here for this: https://fg2app.idea.informer.com/proj/?ia=40907

July 17th, 2020, 09:46
Edit some effects in a Module that I made.

I was trying out effects coding and saved them as a module.

I realised that I made some errors.

How can I edit the contents of the module that I created?

I was trying to emulate some standard actions like Dodge, Help Hide, etc.

I think I screwed up by making them abilities rather than spells, so no other campaign or player character can see them

But short of just re-creating them again, there doesn't seem to be a way to edit inside FGU?

Am I missing something?

July 17th, 2020, 10:17
You'll need to go back into the campaign you created them in and edit them there - then export again to the same module. As you say you'll need to create them as spells or create them in the action tab of a dummy PC or create them in the effects dialog - all of which you can then export.

July 18th, 2020, 02:38
How do I prevent LOS data being lost when moving tokens between maps?

July 18th, 2020, 10:41
How do I prevent LOS data being lost when moving tokens between maps?

I don't think you can. The LoS is determined by the position of the token. If you remove the token from the map then there's nothing to calculate the LoS from.

July 18th, 2020, 16:26
A couple of new videos added - setting ap and using a power group and creating effects for racial traits. Links in the first post.

July 19th, 2020, 03:58
I don't think you can. The LoS is determined by the position of the token. If you remove the token from the map then there's nothing to calculate the LoS from.

I guess what I really mean is, when my players explore a map, they reveal what they have already explored. If they leave that map and go to another, when they come back to the first map, everything they had previously explored is gone. Is there a way to prevent that from happening? What they do now is move their tokens all over the map where they remember having been, but that's a pain and has other problems.

July 19th, 2020, 03:59
I guess what I really mean is, when my players explore a map, they reveal what they have already explored. If they leave that map and go to another, when they come back to the first map, everything they had previously explored is gone. Is there a way to prevent that from happening? What they do now is move their tokens all over the map where they remember having been, but that's a pain and has other problems.

As far as I know there is currently no workaround. I think the LoS gets resetted when readding the tokens :) That explains the behaviour you're observing :)

July 19th, 2020, 06:37
Nope, right now, each token only has one LOS history, and that is for the current map only. So once you move them to a different map, they lose all previous LOS history.

It's one reason I use single map images for multi-level locations.

But, anyway, you can always add a request to the wishlist. Maybe the last 5 maps or something as you would not want it to be all maps as that could get pretty large.

July 19th, 2020, 16:03
Three new videos added; all about adding Line of Sight.

July 31st, 2020, 18:49
Lock token movement in 5e?
Or is that no longer a thing we do?
All the searches turn up how to do it in Classic from what I can see.
If that is no longer a thing, how do I map out and measure distance that isn't a straight line targeting line?

July 31st, 2020, 19:06
Lock token movement in 5e?
Or is that no longer a thing we do?
All the searches turn up how to do it in Classic from what I can see.
If that is no longer a thing, how do I map out and measure distance that isn't a straight line targeting line?
Token locking is not implemented in FGU. It is planned for sometime after full release.

In the meantime you can; estimate, count squares, or use multiple straight pointers.

August 3rd, 2020, 07:37
I can delete an entry in the group, but I'm now stuck with two extra groups with nothing in them.

I can find no way to delete the title and remove the division bar from the character sheet for these two groups.

What have I missed?

August 3rd, 2020, 09:12
I assume you mean Power Groups? And not groups in like story groups of NPC groups.

If so click the edit button at the bottom right of the actions tab and then click on the red minus sign that will appear next to the heading of the power groups you want to remove. (This will only apper if the power group is nothing more than a title).

August 3rd, 2020, 11:46
I assume you mean Power Groups? And not groups in like story groups of NPC groups.

If so click the edit button at the bottom right of the actions tab and then click on the red minus sign that will appear next to the heading of the power groups you want to remove. (This will only appear if the power group is nothing more than a title).

Yes, sorry for not being clear Power Groups is what I was referring to.

See, that's the problem - there is NO little red delete icon.

Here's a screen shot:-

There is no magnifier, no delete. Clicking on it to expand or contract does nothing other than switch text from white to black. clicking the green add item button adds a new blank entry, but deleting that does not affect the "Powers" empty group

August 3rd, 2020, 14:41
Double check you have nothing actually in the POWERS group. In edit mode you get the green + sign when there is already something inside the group. When the group is empty (that is you have deleted any lines inside the power group) you should get the red delete button.

If there is nothing there then I'd report this as an issue in the Beta test thread.

August 3rd, 2020, 15:30
Double check you have nothing actually in the POWERS group. In edit mode you get the green + sign when there is already something inside the group. When the group is empty (that is you have deleted any lines inside the power group) you should get the red delete button.

If there is nothing there then I'd report this as an issue in the Beta test thread.

Yeah, as I mentioned - the function of the green "Add Item" or right clicking and selecting from the menu has no effect on adding or deleting.

I get to report a bug!


Helping improve things AND confirming that I'm not going crazy at the same time.


Thanks for the help

August 4th, 2020, 16:09
in 5e

How do I...

-extend the reach for a player character using a polearm - I mean other than the DM manually altering it on the combat tracker?

-code for the expending of spell slot to do the extra damage from a Warlock Eldritch Smite capability - the per level of spell slot in particular?

i've got Rob2e effects packs, but the smite for Eldritch ain't there

August 4th, 2020, 16:59
The only way to extend the reach is to adjust the reach in the Combat Tracker by changing the 5 to a 10.

There are two ways to do extra damage (assuming that the extra damage is just extra dice of the same type as the spell being cast). The first is to create a new line for each possible variation (so 2d6 at level 1, 3d6 at level 2 or whatever). The second is instead of double clicking the damage; click on it and hold and then drag the damage dice. Right click to add more dice until you get the correct amount and then drop that onto the target either on the token or on the Combat Tracker.

August 4th, 2020, 23:05
If the NPC I'm attacking is already targeted by me (Ctrl+left click), is it not enough to add the needed damage dice and do the roll?

August 4th, 2020, 23:24
If the NPC I'm attacking is already targeted by me (Ctrl+left click), is it not enough to add the needed damage dice and do the roll?
I don’t understand the question. Can you expand on what you mean.

August 4th, 2020, 23:32
The only way to extend the reach is to adjust the reach in the Combat Tracker by changing the 5 to a 10.

There are two ways to do extra damage (assuming that the extra damage is just extra dice of the same type as the spell being cast). The first is to create a new line for each possible variation (so 2d6 at level 1, 3d6 at level 2 or whatever). The second is instead of double clicking the damage; click on it and hold and then drag the damage dice. Right click to add more dice until you get the correct amount and then drop that onto the target either on the token or on the Combat Tracker.

Sorry Zacchaeus, I was referring to this post.

August 4th, 2020, 23:36
I'm still not sure what you're asking, but if I assume... :)

To add additional damage to an attack, such as when you are upcasting a spell, or have a situation (hex, hunter's mark, etc) that does additional untyped damage and just want to add it, what I do is to roll the die/dice, drag the results to the modifier window, then roll the damage. FG will add that as the modifier to the roll.

Just rolling a die even if you have something targets, FG doesn't know its damage (or healing) and therefore won't apply it as damage (in most (all?) rulesystems). But, you could just roll the d6, and then drag the results to the Wounds field on the CT and FG will assume it's damage. But, it will be untyped damage, if that matters.

Did I guess right?

August 5th, 2020, 05:21
The only way to extend the reach is to adjust the reach in the Combat Tracker by changing the 5 to a 10.

There are two ways to do extra damage (assuming that the extra damage is just extra dice of the same type as the spell being cast). The first is to create a new line for each possible variation (so 2d6 at level 1, 3d6 at level 2 or whatever). The second is instead of double clicking the damage; click on it and hold and then drag the damage dice. Right click to add more dice until you get the correct amount and then drop that onto the target either on the token or on the Combat Tracker.

Okay, I can live with that .

Its no different than when playing Face-to-Face


I'll stop trying to wrack my brains for a cunning coding fix

Maybe a Zen master will attempt a work around for an extension of the future.

August 5th, 2020, 05:48
Actually, there is an extension to cast at a higher level. It is still an Alpha build, but you can check it out here:


August 5th, 2020, 22:39
Okay....been watching Philip's aka Zacchaeus' videos for the past few days, going through them one by one, and now I feel like an FGU God. (I'm not, but I'm WAY more capable than I was 72 hours ago.) Big thanks to Phil for doing these. Anyone new to FGU (I had no experience with FG before jumping in) I highly recommend them:


Just start at the back and work your way forward. Lots of things I didn't realize I could do in FGU and I learned I can. Customization here I come. Thank you, Zacchaeus!

August 5th, 2020, 22:53
Jolly good.

August 11th, 2020, 12:44
SO how do I give control of an NPC to a player, with access to the character sheet and the token?

August 11th, 2020, 13:49
SO how do I give control of an NPC to a player, with access to the character sheet and the token?


August 11th, 2020, 14:04


I didn't think to check the non-Unity section of the forum

Great video - easy to do and not sure why I couldn't find it in the manual

Appreciate the assist in where to go

August 12th, 2020, 14:03
With the "Story" shield, is there a way to search the text inside?

So for a story with 7-8 groups, each named and labelled and numbered and each of those groups again having several different entries, how can I quickly search through, for example, a NPC name to ensure that I'm not missing them, or a key item or location.

Cmd F doesn't seem to work.

August 12th, 2020, 15:36
The only available search field is in the bottom of the Story list window. However this only searches the titles of the story entries and not the text inside the story.

August 12th, 2020, 17:37
With the "Story" shield, is there a way to search the text inside?

So for a story with 7-8 groups, each named and labelled and numbered and each of those groups again having several different entries, how can I quickly search through, for example, a NPC name to ensure that I'm not missing them, or a key item or location.

Cmd F doesn't seem to work.
If the module you are in has a Reference Manual, the search in there searches the contents and not just the titles.

August 16th, 2020, 04:46
Is there a way to create a sub-group within a power group in 5e under Unity

Alternately, is there a way to create a counter?

Reason for asking, i have installed DiabloBob's Critically Awesome extension and One Click Druid module for one of my players to use.

It does a fantastic job

However at the players request, I went through their PC sheet and put each wildshape spell into a group by level - ie WIldshape CR0, Wildshape CR1, etc

For each of those power groups, I added a number of uses of 2 per rest

Problem is, that each power group is independent of the other, so the count of 2 uses doesn't span all gropus

Can all these be identified and grouped within an overarching group and still easily identified?

Or do they all have to be lumped together into the one group for the counter to work?

Can a separate counter be created and set up to record this manually?

August 16th, 2020, 04:58
No you can not create sub-groups.

In your case I would create a single group, Wildshape. Then under that create multiple powers, one for each level. Then you can have your uses for the power group be common.

August 16th, 2020, 09:11
No you can not create sub-groups.

In your case I would create a single group, Wildshape. Then under that create multiple powers, one for each level. Then you can have your uses for the power group be common.

Yeah, that's what we started out with, but the critters all defaulted to alphabetical sorting, rather than CR lvl.

After the last couple of responses, I'm going to try the single group idea, but edit each name to begin with the CR ie CR) <animal name> and see if that works - I will have to check, as I recall reading something about the name's significance somehwere...

August 16th, 2020, 10:56
I haven't had a Druid in my group nor do I use eiethe of the extensions you mention. But for the Druid Wildshape I would just have a Power group called Druid Powers and drag the wildshape ability into that group and then use preparation mode to set the amount of uses for that ability. As far as I remember it doesn't matter what they change into - they just have so may uses per rest. So I'm not seeing the need to add a bunch of animals to the action tab. But that may be a consequence of using those extensions.

August 16th, 2020, 15:35
Couldn't find this question asked, How do i add LoS that the players can see though but not enter? I have portcullises, jail cells, and force fields that the players should be able to see though but not get through. There are also similar features that they should be able to see through and eventually be able to get through, like the jail cell door, or the portcullises and force field rising. I tried the terrain option but it still allows players to move through it.

What i guess I'm wondering, is there or will there be a door option that can be seen through?

August 16th, 2020, 16:28
There isn't such an occluder at the moment. It's possible for down the road by not currently

For cell doors and portcullises I use toggle-able walls in small circles. Force fields are a bit more problematic but you could draw small toggle-able walls with gaps.

August 18th, 2020, 06:45
How do I remove a placed pin from a map?

Does the hide/remove toggle in the edit side pane for links hide these pins from players?

If not, then is there another way to do this for the players to NOT see placed pins?

August 18th, 2020, 06:48
I believe it is just right-click on the Pin and select Delete Link (or shortcut, depends on the ruleset).

Players won't see the pins regardless I think, from what I can see, you have to share the pin with them otherwise they won't see it.

August 18th, 2020, 06:52

I was in layer mode and was going nuts wondering why the radial menu wasn't there

I closed the map and gave up until someone replied to my plea

When I reopened it, I was in play mode and the radial menu with remove link was there again!

Thanks for your help!

August 18th, 2020, 17:43
Red pins are only visible to GM, green pins have been shared and can be seen by players.

August 19th, 2020, 03:11
Red pins are only visible to GM, green pins have been shared and can be seen by players.

Got it!

Thanks for the colour clarification!

August 19th, 2020, 06:24
Red pins are only visible to GM, green pins have been shared and can be seen by players.

Got it!

Thanks for the colour clarification!

August 19th, 2020, 06:25
Is there a way to export a map?

August 19th, 2020, 06:28
Is there a way to export a map?
No, you'll have to take a screen shot.

But you can vote for the suggestion here; https://fg2app.idea.informer.com/proj/?ia=134059

August 19th, 2020, 09:14
No, you'll have to take a screen shot.

But you can vote for the suggestion here; https://fg2app.idea.informer.com/proj/?ia=134059

Not completely true, depends on whether Reg speaks about maps or assets :) Maps can be exported, even the ones of official modules (in FGU), but they only show something, when loaded in another campaign, when one has the subordinate assets with which the map is built :) And the assets still can be encrypted :)

Hence, when you own the assets in the other campaign, then you can export and load the maps there, too :) (especially your stuff with your own-made assets)

Of course I assume that you mean with "export" FG's export (use /export or the button in the library).

LordEntrails probably understood that as a png export, then yes, this is not possible :D

August 19th, 2020, 16:42
Not completely true, depends on whether Reg speaks about maps or assets :) Maps can be exported, even the ones of official modules (in FGU), but they only show something, when loaded in another campaign, when one has the subordinate assets with which the map is built :) And the assets still can be encrypted :)

Hence, when you own the assets in the other campaign, then you can export and load the maps there, too :) (especially your stuff with your own-made assets)

Of course I assume that you mean with "export" FG's export (use /export or the button in the library).

LordEntrails probably understood that as a png export, then yes, this is not possible :D

Well, I guess that I meant both

1st thought was to take a map out of a module - cut the body of water out of it and then put it back with water fx layer

So I understand that's a "No "- whether I own the module or not, correct?

2nd was also sort of implied - If I spend time creating a map from tiles owned etc, then can I export to another campaign.

From what you've said that is possible, but is not straightforward?

August 19th, 2020, 16:43
So I'm testing my LoS and hidden door sight lines and such by dragging a player token through the map.

Tweaking and refining as I go.

Now all the doors are open.

Is there a way to reset them to closed?

And locked?

Dire Weasel
August 19th, 2020, 18:15
Is there a way to reset them to closed?

And locked?

Find the map in "Images & Maps". Right click on it, and choose "Revert Changes".

Note that this will revert All your changes so if you've modified your LoS, you'll probably lose that too.

August 19th, 2020, 18:19
Find the map in "Images & Maps". Right click on it, and choose "Revert Changes".

Note that this will revert All your changes so if you've modified your LoS, you'll probably lose that too.

I get Share, Delete, Create, Close, Minimise as my radial menu options as per screen shot

August 19th, 2020, 19:31
Revert Changes only works on items from modules that have been changed. Objects (Maps, etc) that you create in a campaign have no previous state to revert back to.

It's one of the minor reasons I create all my homebrew content in development campaigns and then export to a module. Then open that module in my play campaign. It allows me to easily make backups of the modules as well as re-use the content in other places when desired.

August 19th, 2020, 19:34
Revert changes will only appear on a map or image which is in a module and which you have edited. It will not show on something you have created in the campaign.

So you'll need to go back into your map and close and lock all your doors manually.

August 19th, 2020, 20:57
Thanks guys

Not what I was hoping for, but it is what it is.

Any suggestions on these module tools?

I kinda liked the paint with tiles that added LoS, but its not perfect, I guess

Thanks for clarifying

September 14th, 2020, 11:07
Is there a way to share a table with the PC's so they can roll on it, but not see that actual table, only the results in the chat window?

September 14th, 2020, 17:11
You can't roll on a table you can't see. You need to share the table in order for players to be able to interact with it. So the answer is no in effect. Depending on what settings you use the players will see the result in chat.

September 14th, 2020, 20:56
A series of videos each one covering a topic which is a frequently asked question here or on Discord.

If you have suggestions for further videos then post a comment here.

Video One: (https://youtu.be/rX1NkwCCdak) How do I get images into my campaign in Unity
Video Two: (https://youtu.be/LG7ba77tCAk) How does the Line of Sight feature work in Unity
Video Three: (https://youtu.be/a-fJpe6duM0) How do I set up my Fighter's Fighting Style in Unity (and in Classic)
Video Four: (https://youtu.be/7sbuJ-fTWPc) How do I see monsters when LoS is enabled in Unity
Video Five: (https://youtu.be/Buf8HSmXVLo) How do I get started with Lost Mine of Phandelver in Unity
Video Six: (https://youtu.be/VPOWgCBz7Uo) How to restrict environmental effects to one area of a map.
Video Seven: (https://youtu.be/GCWukTyf78c) How do I set up effects for Hexblade's Curse
Video Eight: (https://youtu.be/mfyt-6s9UFw) How do I create and use Power Groups
Video Nine: (https://youtu.be/fPc9z8oHrxo) How do I Set up effects for racial traits
Video Ten: (https://youtu.be/EdhJjjYwqWE) How do I add Line of Sight - Part One
Video Eleven: (https://youtu.be/7qs2LeLgQHs) How do I add Line of Sight - Part Two
Video Twelve: (https://youtu.be/DJVBs-ZG6vI) How do I add Line of Sight - Part Three

Video One doesn't show the current features of FGu Image/Maps - is there an explanation of the how and why's for Import File and Import Assets?


September 14th, 2020, 21:43
Video One doesn't show the current features of FGu Image/Maps - is there an explanation of the how and why's for Import File and Import Assets?


See here https://fantasygroundsunity.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/FGU/pages/950633/Working+with+Images+as+the+GM

Changes were made after that video was produced. But it still works the same way as described in the video - but now you have more options.

September 14th, 2020, 22:21

October 7th, 2020, 23:47
There are plans to set darkvision, low-light vision, etc. in Unity?

October 7th, 2020, 23:52
There are plans to set darkvision, low-light vision, etc. in Unity?
Yes, some form of lighting is on the cards - scheduled to be considered after final release.

October 10th, 2020, 21:46
Added a new video all about the new occluders that were added recently.

October 15th, 2020, 13:45
Updated today to see how it was going and found the new Occluders (full missed any discussion on this but found the thread that I am guessing started it all) and then found this thread. Many thanks to the team for the awesome upgrades to the LOS package these look awesome. Also huge thanks to Zacchaeus for this great set of videos! You guys always impress with the work you do!

October 24th, 2020, 10:22
Couldnt find a solution for this, In Lost mines of Phandalin, there is a breastplate Dragonguard with the following ability " it grants its wearer advantage on saving throws against the breath weapons of creatures that have the dragon type"
Is there a way to add this effect to the breastplate and automate it. I tried "IFT: TYPE(dragon); ADVSAV " but this gives adv on all saves.

October 24th, 2020, 16:50
Couldnt find a solution for this, In Lost mines of Phandalin, there is a breastplate Dragonguard with the following ability " it grants its wearer advantage on saving throws against the breath weapons of creatures that have the dragon type"
Is there a way to add this effect to the breastplate and automate it. I tried "IFT: TYPE(dragon); ADVSAV " but this gives adv on all saves.
No, IFT doesn't work because IFT is used to evaluate the target of an outgoing attack, not the source of an incoming attack. You can make a non-functioning reminder type effect you you want something on the CT. But otherwise you just need to click ADV before rolling your save.

October 24th, 2020, 17:04
No, IFT doesn't work because IFT is used to evaluate the target of an outgoing attack, not the source of an incoming attack. You can make a non-functioning reminder type effect you you want something on the CT. But otherwise you just need to click ADV before rolling your save.

This is not right, IFT can also be used for incoming attacks, like IFT: TYPE(orc); AC: 100 :) IFT just tells the effect to look at the opposed actor, regardless whether that actor attacks or defends :) However, one cannot code it just against breath weapons of dragons, except with using CUSTOM maybe and giving the dragon always a certain one-shot tag when they use the breath weapon :)

October 24th, 2020, 17:15
This is not right, IFT can also be used for incoming attacks, like IFT: TYPE(orc); AC: 100 :) IFT just tells the effect to look at the opposed actor, regardless whether that actor attacks or defends :) However, one cannot code it just against breath weapons of dragons, except with using CUSTOM maybe and giving the dragon always a certain one-shot tag when they use the breath weapon :)
Huh, learned something new. Thanks Kel!

October 24th, 2020, 18:26
Huh, learned something new. Thanks Kel!

Hehe, you're welcome :D

November 3rd, 2020, 11:24
How do I...

...usse effects coding for NPC's and monsters, particularly spell effects, but some other things as well?

The WotC ones can't be edited but I figured out how to generate copies of them, but that's a LOT of copies to edit.

Is there a short cut?

I lashed out and bought Rob Twohy's effects coding to save time for PC's and to help learn, but NPC's and monsters seem to be on their own.

A work-around or suggestions would be welcomed.

November 3rd, 2020, 14:17
In general spell and ability effects for NPCs show up on the CT when the NPC is placed there. Where there isn't an effect that you want you'll need to add that into the CT or create the effect in the effects dialog and apply it to the NPC from there. I haven't had to do that very often for any NPCs so it shouldn't be too much of a burden.

November 6th, 2020, 18:17
First time Fantasy Grounds Unity user (I am two days old in that regard), but an ancient game master - I watched the video on creating a new race, diligently following when I see that the Subrace feature does not appear in the race window:

I only have the Ultimate version without any additional modules. So creating things from scratch as an entertaining pastime. :)

Is there a solution for my predicament - how do I access the Subrace option for creating Races?

November 6th, 2020, 18:22
First time Fantasy Grounds Unity user (I am two days old in that regard), but an ancient game master - I watched the video on creating a new race, diligently following when I see that the Subrace feature does not appear in the race window:

I only have the Ultimate version without any additional modules. So creating things from scratch as an entertaining pastime. :)

Is there a solution for my predicament - how do I access the Subrace option for creating Races?
Welcome :)

What ruleset? I've never done one from scratch, if you are using D&D 5E or another system with an SRD, load the SRD and then duplicate one of the races and edit it. That's how I've always done it :)

November 6th, 2020, 18:42
DnD 3.5E Basic Rules

...and thank you for the welcome!

November 6th, 2020, 18:44
First time Fantasy Grounds Unity user (I am two days old in that regard), but an ancient game master - I watched the video on creating a new race, diligently following when I see that the Subrace feature does not appear in the race window:

I only have the Ultimate version without any additional modules. So creating things from scratch as an entertaining pastime. :)

Is there a solution for my predicament - how do I access the Subrace option for creating Races?

It should have a subrace section when you go into the Other tab. Since by your image that isn't there then I can only imagine that isn't possible in the ruleset you have chosen.

This video shows how you create a race in 5e; I'm not sure if there's any other for other rulesets. https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?36611-Video-tutorial-Races

And welcome to FG

November 6th, 2020, 18:49
DnD 3.5E Basic Rules

...and thank you for the welcome!

Subrace in 3.5e is different than 5e's ones :) (especially from FG's side I mean) Subraces are basically just races, so, e.g. treat the different type of dwarves as separate races :) Make a separate race entry of each :)

November 6th, 2020, 18:56
So - the fix for subraces within the DnD 3.5E Basic Set is a race for each subrace. :) Thank you for the welcome! Hopefully, this is the beginning of another grand adventure within itself! :)

EDIT: As I see Kelrugem has already supplied. (Thanks!)

November 8th, 2020, 14:37
Regarding token facing in FGU (and also FGC since the change now is in both versions).

Can someone explain the decision to have token facing go from being done via the mouse wheel to now requring a shift + mouse wheel?

It seems curious to me that a change to what's always worked well requires **additional** key strokes. Alone, it isn't really a big deal, but as a GM, changing facing for every NPC every round, plus almost every PC every round (when tokens are locked), this extra key stroke really adds up over a session.

Now it's only my personal opinion I suppose that this is a backwards step in functionality, but I was wondering if there is a reason for it.

November 8th, 2020, 15:29
Regarding token facing in FGU (and also FGC since the change now is in both versions).

Can someone explain the decision to have token facing go from being done via the mouse wheel to now requring a shift + mouse wheel?

It seems curious to me that a change to what's always worked well requires **additional** key strokes. Alone, it isn't really a big deal, but as a GM, changing facing for every NPC every round, plus almost every PC every round (when tokens are locked), this extra key stroke really adds up over a session.

Now it's only my personal opinion I suppose that this is a backwards step in functionality, but I was wondering if there is a reason for it.

Yes, there is a reason as far as I know (and I think I already wrote that to you in some other thread, but I cannot find that anymore :D). With a hotkey one never accidentally rotates tokens anymore while one is zooming in/out. I play with facing rules and that happened so often which then gets annoying. (and the same for players) That is why I then used some part of an extension changing that to some hotkey+wheel :)

November 8th, 2020, 19:03
Seems like exponentially more work to accomplish a commonly executed task. Oh well.

November 9th, 2020, 06:27
Wishing to add custom tokens to a campaign (for players to use)...

I found this video for adding tokens - I am guessing this is for the non-Unity version?
Add Tokens Fantasy Grounds (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mBAbn-uy328)

What method is used to add tokens for the Fantasy Grounds Unity version?

November 9th, 2020, 06:41
I just tested it out, and the method from the video works with FGU as well.

The only difference is it will show the tokens you place in the Data Bag, then show any sub folders under that as whatever name you gave them.

Here are some screen shots:

November 9th, 2020, 15:20
I do not see a Data Bag within the Token tab of my Assets.

It looks procedurally, that I may have to understand some set up steps?

November 9th, 2020, 15:20
I do not see a Data Bag within the Token tab of my Assets.

It looks procedurally, that I may have to understand some set up steps?

NOTE: I followed a tutorial process process outside of FGU to unzip and zip a mod, and created a [WOR BEASTS] bag with an image. Would like to know the process that is built in (internal to the game), as it seems like it is less work.

November 9th, 2020, 15:22
I do not see a Data Bag within the Token tab of my Assets.

It looks procedurally, that I may have to understand some set up steps?

November 9th, 2020, 15:27
There are two places that you can put tokens. The first is in the tokens folder in the top level of the FG Data folder; the second is inside a folder called tokens inside a campaign folder. If the tkanes are in the tokens/host folder on the top level of the FG data folder they'll appear in the 'Data' bag in Assets>tokens. If they are located inside a campaign then they'll be in the Assets>Tokens>Campaign bag.

In your screenshot you haven't selected #Tokens' from the top menu.

November 9th, 2020, 15:57
Token selection does not affect the outcome.

Referencing your outreach to the feeblemind-affected...:)

"The first is in the tokens folder in the top level of the FG Data folder...If the tkanes are in the tokens/host folder on the top level of the FG data folder they'll appear in the 'Data' bag in Assets>tokens."

This is the folder structure. Should I create a folder called [host] inside the [tokens] folder or is there a process that should automatically create this folder?

November 9th, 2020, 16:10
This tutorial provided a method that worked outside of the Fantasy Grounds interface.
Assets into Fantasy Grounds (https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=modules+fantasy+grounds+FGU+tokens&&view=detail&mid=E1B8F0149F67D5C80A8DE1B8F0149F67D5C80A8D&&FORM=VRDGAR)

November 9th, 2020, 16:38
I created a new Token Module called [players] and placed it in the [modules] folder, then refreshed the Assets window, and a Campaign bag appeared. The token is in this bag! Dominus Ominous!
(I have yet to restart Fantasy Grounds Unity to look for the Players Module.)

To be accurate, I utilized the button in the assets window:

November 9th, 2020, 17:01
I created a new Token Module called [players] and placed it in the [modules] folder, then refreshed the Assets window, and a Campaign bag appeared. The token is in this bag! Dominus Ominous!
(I have yet to restart Fantasy Grounds Unity to look for the Players Module.)

To be accurate, I utilized the button in the assets window:

I just went back and read your first post.

Note that players cannot access tokens. So it doesn't matter where you put them the players cannot access or use them. Only the DM can access and use tokens in Unity.

November 9th, 2020, 18:20
Regarding token facing in FGU (and also FGC since the change now is in both versions).

Can someone explain the decision to have token facing go from being done via the mouse wheel to now requring a shift + mouse wheel?

It seems curious to me that a change to what's always worked well requires **additional** key strokes. Alone, it isn't really a big deal, but as a GM, changing facing for every NPC every round, plus almost every PC every round (when tokens are locked), this extra key stroke really adds up over a session.

Now it's only my personal opinion I suppose that this is a backwards step in functionality, but I was wondering if there is a reason for it.

I think they need to add a key-binds option so we can change these settings ourselves (obviously with defaults that match the wiki/guide) - for keybinds, mousewheel speed, etc., but I don't expect that one too soon. Still a quality of life improvement for users at some point.

https://fg2app.idea.informer.com/proj/fg2app?ia=134884 - made a feature request for it (just now)

November 9th, 2020, 19:06
I think they need to add a key-binds option so we can change these settings ourselves (obviously with defaults that match the wiki/guide) - for keybinds, mousewheel speed, etc., but I don't expect that one too soon. Still a quality of life improvement for users at some point.

https://fg2app.idea.informer.com/proj/fg2app?ia=134884 - made a feature request for it (just now)

That would be indeed a nice solution, then everyone can decide on their own what they prefer :)

November 9th, 2020, 19:29
I think they need to add a key-binds option so we can change these settings ourselves (obviously with defaults that match the wiki/guide) - for keybinds, mousewheel speed, etc., but I don't expect that one too soon. Still a quality of life improvement for users at some point.

https://fg2app.idea.informer.com/proj/fg2app?ia=134884 - made a feature request for it (just now)

I'm pretty sure that Moon Wizard said somewhere that this wasn't possible because of the way key binds work in Unity.

November 9th, 2020, 19:52
I think they need to add a key-binds option so we can change these settings ourselves (obviously with defaults that match the wiki/guide) - for keybinds, mousewheel speed, etc., but I don't expect that one too soon. Still a quality of life improvement for users at some point.

https://fg2app.idea.informer.com/proj/fg2app?ia=134884 - made a feature request for it (just now)
That's not going to be simple, but I really like it. Upvoted :)

November 10th, 2020, 19:47
Added a new video all about adding spell tokens to a map in Unity. Link in the first post.

November 12th, 2020, 22:52
Hiho, I am trying to determine if there is any mechanism to invoke multiple conditions before applying an effect. I am using Kent McCullough's Aura Effects extension to handle Aura of Conquest. The code that I found for using it was "AURA: 10 foe; Aura of Conquest; IF: FACTION(foe); DMGO: 3 psychic; Movement is zero (C)" However, the spell also requires that the target be afraid (ideally of the caster). Is it possible to create a compound if statement for "FACTION(foe) AND frightened" or something equivalent? I noticed that the wiki page https://fantasygroundsunity.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/FGU/pages/721028/5E+NPCs+and+Encounters mentions "Multiple conditions: The target is <condition> and <condition>" so I am hoping that compound conditions are part of the underlying engine. Thanks, Web.

November 12th, 2020, 23:11
If you use the above effect then it will probably place multiple instances of the DMGO onto the target and I don't know if that would be correct. Having said that you can add ;frightened onto the end of what you have and that should work I think. It would probably be best to create a separate effect for the frightened condition especially if it only lasts for a turn or something like that.

November 12th, 2020, 23:24
Hmmm. It appears that "IF: FACTION(foe); IF: frightened; DMGO: 3 psychic; Movement is zero (C)" seems to work.

November 13th, 2020, 15:11
I've updated a couple of the videos linked in the first post since the originals are now obsolete due to the super updates to Unity since the videos were made.

November 14th, 2020, 12:12
Added a new video linked in the first post showcasing the new table import feature.

November 16th, 2020, 00:29
- How do I drag effects to PC/NPCs as being visible only to the GM (any modifier key)? I know that I can switch visibility afterwards, but then the players already the effect popping up in the CT.

- How does GM/PC remove all/multiple effects from a PC/NPC at once?

- How does GM/PC remove a single effect from multiple targets (like the bard removing an Inspire Courage effect from the whole party)?

November 16th, 2020, 02:12
- How does the GM/PC target a PC/NPC for effects on their shortcut bar?

When the GM clicks on an effect in the Effects window it gets applied to the currently active PC/NPC by said PC/NPC. But when a GM clicks on an effect via their a keyboard shortcar/bar then the effect is not applied to anyone. Drag & drop from the shortcut bar does work, though.

Same problem for players. When they use an effect via shortcut then it does not target anyone, neither themselves nor their current target. We tried to set up a "Shield raised" effect and it works via Effects window, but not via shortcut (unless dragged & dropped).

November 16th, 2020, 11:34
- How do I drag effects to PC/NPCs as being visible only to the GM (any modifier key)? I know that I can switch visibility afterwards, but then the players already the effect popping up in the CT.

- How does GM/PC remove all/multiple effects from a PC/NPC at once?

- How does GM/PC remove a single effect from multiple targets (like the bard removing an Inspire Courage effect from the whole party)?

1. Create the effect in the effects dialog and click the small eye icon next to the line to make it invisible. When thhe effect is placed on the character it will not then show to the players on the CT.

2. Effects are removed one at a time.

3. There's no multiple deselect. You have to remove them one at a time.

November 16th, 2020, 11:40
So for the built-in effects I first have to drag them to the Custom field and then make them invisible. Would be nice to get a keyboard modifier for that as a QoL improvement.

Concerning multiple deselect, I will try to program a toggle effect using an extension then, similar to how we implemented Mirror Images as a toggle action.

Thanks for the quick answers!

November 16th, 2020, 11:43
- How does the GM/PC target a PC/NPC for effects on their shortcut bar?

When the GM clicks on an effect in the Effects window it gets applied to the currently active PC/NPC by said PC/NPC. But when a GM clicks on an effect via their a keyboard shortcar/bar then the effect is not applied to anyone. Drag & drop from the shortcut bar does work, though.

Same problem for players. When they use an effect via shortcut then it does not target anyone, neither themselves nor their current target. We tried to set up a "Shield raised" effect and it works via Effects window, but not via shortcut (unless dragged & dropped).

I suspect because there's no targeting information contained in the effects dialog. An effect dragged from the actions tab of a character to the quickbar works fine and the only difference is that it will have targeting info in the effect.

November 16th, 2020, 12:07
But when I click on an effect in the Effects window it does target the caster at least. Only once it is dragged to a shortcut button does it lose all target information.

Would be useful if the Effects window offered the same Self/Target button that the Action tab offers.

November 16th, 2020, 15:17
There was a time when "alt + effect" placed the effect on the current actor's target.

I've been bringing up the loss for some time now with the author of the Gurps ruleset. I did not realize that it was a more global issue.

It takes a lot of time to search for and apply effects to NPCs (goblin #12 ...) when there are a large amount of actors in the combat tracker.

Brian B
November 16th, 2020, 16:05
is there a way in Tomb of Annihilation to uncover individual hexes on the player map of Chult as the players make progress through the jungle?

November 16th, 2020, 17:03
How do I update Classic to Unity? I bought it already, but how to update?

November 16th, 2020, 17:06
is there a way in Tomb of Annihilation to uncover individual hexes on the player map of Chult as the players make progress through the jungle?
You will have to remove the mask one hex at a time using freehand mask tool.

How do I update Classic to Unity? I bought it already, but how to update?
You don't update the software itself. They are two different programs. Install FGU and enter your FGU license key and update (to get all your DLC). Then read this about migrating your campaigns from FGC to FGU; https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?55522-How-to-Migrate-a-FGC-Campaign-to-FGU

November 18th, 2020, 17:50
Would be nice to get a square and hex unmask stamp instead of having to manually draw around hexes.

My question: There is zoom to fit in the toolbar, but is there a way to zoom to fill (no black borders inside the window)?

November 18th, 2020, 19:51

No zoom to fill, Wish List :)

November 18th, 2020, 23:01
Thanks for the quick answer, using idea informer list is a painful experience, though. Instead I paid 1.68 EUR for an extension that adds a zoom to fill button via the already inbuilt image.zoomToFill() functionality. There isn't even extra code for that function, just the button being offered.

November 18th, 2020, 23:01
How do I lock an image window from being moved around? This very often happens accidentally with map windows.

November 18th, 2020, 23:33
There isn’t any option to lock any window in FG.

November 18th, 2020, 23:55
Too bad, as I keep moving those maps around.

November 19th, 2020, 00:01
Too bad, as I keep moving those maps around.
Stop doing that :) I bet its really annoying! *G*

November 19th, 2020, 00:37
Especially when you try to move tokens - or worse, pointers - and miss them by a pixel. FG should not move an image window when you click the image while a grid is present.

November 19th, 2020, 01:38
Especially when you try to move tokens - or worse, pointers - and miss them by a pixel. FG should not move an image window when you click the image while a grid is present.
But then folks would be upset you can't move the image window to arrange it :)
(Yes, I'm playing devil's advocate, you can smite me now!)

Maybe someone will put a request on the wish list (if it doesn't exist) to be able to lock window positions like the chat window etc.

November 19th, 2020, 01:45
One could also put the map into the background; one may just need to test that when having multiple monitors :) But since FGU does not restrict oneself just to the boundary of the image, one can adjust the zoom etc. such that the map just shows on one monitor (while the others have then the black/gray background or the non-focused parts of the map) :) But different resolutions of the monitors could result into a cut-out toolbar or so, so, I'd test first :)

November 19th, 2020, 03:23
I searched the forum: FG(U)'s internal design does not seem to allow those windows to be locked. Opportunity missed...

November 19th, 2020, 08:53
How do I build a merchant NPC in FGU? I can build an NPC and I can create a list of items for the merchant to offer party members, but I do not see how to encapsulate the items as a distinct store to be shared.

November 19th, 2020, 10:47
But then folks would be upset you can't move the image window to arrange it :)
(Yes, I'm playing devil's advocate, you can smite me now!)
Isn't that what options are good for?

And I just noticed: You can maximize the image window and thus lock it without issues (other than all other windows covering it). So the question arises why it cannot be done without maximizing it?!

November 19th, 2020, 11:52
How do I build a merchant NPC in FGU? I can build an NPC and I can create a list of items for the merchant to offer party members, but I do not see how to encapsulate the items as a distinct store to be shared.

There isn't a way to add an inventory to an NPC directly. You could use a Story or Story Template to share with your players and link the items in that. Or create a treasure parcel with the items and share that

November 19th, 2020, 15:50
I elected to use a Note to provide a list of items the merchant has for sale.
Additionally, I upvoted the idea of a merchant tab with preset items for purchase here: https://fg2app.idea.informer.com/proj/?ia=109358

Thank you!
Your experience has helped expedite my education into the nuances of FGU. The willingness of you and the members in this group to respond is refreshing!

I suppose a Module approach has already been attempted to solve stores/merchants?

November 19th, 2020, 16:32
I suppose a Module approach has already been attempted to solve stores/merchants?
There is at least 1 community extension that gives you increased capabilities. I think one is my Mattekure and is called "shops" and is on the DMsGuild. Not sure. Check the ruleset specific and the CoreRPG sub-forums, read the stickies at the top of each sub-forum to help you find useful info, such as community extensions.

November 19th, 2020, 17:21
Hi Folks,

How do I move the 'console' inside FGU to run outside the main FG window? I find it is intrusive in FGU having it in the window, getting in the way of things. This is the main reason for me still developing in FGC initially as the Console window is a great source of information/debugging.


November 19th, 2020, 22:37
I'm not sure you can move the console in FGU; but I've never tried to be honest.

November 20th, 2020, 05:42
FGC to FGU conversion Q: with the new image handling is there any way to replace an image with an updated one (I added more details) and have the LoS/walls stay in place? Or if you update an image in FGU do you need to start-over and rebuilding the LoS?

Still getting used to the import process vs. just "any image in the folder" in FGC where you'd simply see the updated one with the correct grid sizing as long as the dimension on original and replacement were identical.

(deleted follow up Q: found originals in assets, deleted, re-imported, so figured out the 'already exists' issue, but still curious about slipping an updated map under one with LoS already defined)

November 20th, 2020, 09:33
FGC to FGU conversion Q: with the new image handling is there any way to replace an image with an updated one (I added more details) and have the LoS/walls stay in place? Or if you update an image in FGU do you need to start-over and rebuilding the LoS?

If the original image is in your campaign's images folder then you can simply overwrite it. As long as the dimensions are the same, when you load FGU and open the image it will show the new version.

November 20th, 2020, 16:01
Oh! I had disconnected doing anything manual with the images folder thinking I needed to use the import process to have it find images - but I guess it's more akin to FGC after the initial import (I can just swap an identically-sized image). Will give this a try today - thanks.

November 23rd, 2020, 16:57
- How to limit LOS to character/NPC vision. Example: darkvision 60 ft.

November 23rd, 2020, 17:06
- How to limit LOS to character/NPC vision. Example: darkvision 60 ft.

That is not currently possible.

It is on the roadmap though.

November 23rd, 2020, 18:49
- How to limit LOS to character/NPC vision. Example: darkvision 60 ft.

You can sort of do it if you use the mask as well; and just unmask the area that a character could see. A lot of work though with very little return.

November 24th, 2020, 12:58
How can I hide token and image assets of modules I did not load? The assets window is getting crowded with all the rulebooks and campaign modules installed (but not loaded).

November 24th, 2020, 17:05
How can I hide token and image assets of modules I did not load? The assets window is getting crowded with all the rulebooks and campaign modules installed (but not loaded).

You can't. Unity loads up all of the assets you have in all modules whether open or not. That's kinda the point.

November 24th, 2020, 18:23
The point of what, I wonder?!

The Assets window is inconvenient to navigate as it is, with is unwieldy left/right arrows and laaaarge bag symbols for simple sub-folders. Seems like we need an Assets load/unload mechanics similar to modules.

November 24th, 2020, 18:41
If you are adding your own assets, you can create folders to help narrow your assets down into collections or subfolders, and name the folders aptly so they will appear in the beginning of your assets list instead of buried in the rest.

November 24th, 2020, 18:57
Compared to FGC this is still quite convoluted. FGC allows to:

- Load/unload token modules as you see fit! This is the functionality I was looking for in FGU, both for less clutter and quicker load times.

- Scroll via mouse-wheel instead of having to click on arrows.

- Zoom in/out is directly accessible via directly accessible buttons or right-click menu instead of being buried in another sub-menu of the right-click menu. List View is useless, better use the space to +/- buttons.

- Set up favorite token folders to quickly navigate directly to, instead of having to walk through a convoluted tree of icons and arrows.

November 24th, 2020, 21:00
Unity handles images differently from Classic so you can't compare the two. In Unity you have all of your assets available when you load a campaign so that you don't need to hunt for a particular image or token from a particular module. Everything is there ready and waiting for you. This is also necessary for the map creation bit as well; you want all your assets available so that you can have as much flexibility when you are creating your maps. All of this is a significant improvement over Classic where everything is hiding in a module somewhere - if only you could remember which of the multiple modules containing tokens the one you are looking for resides.

November 24th, 2020, 21:17
This really isn't the thread to debate design decisions made by the developers.

Personally I'm not thrilled with Asset management either and its why I have not yet loaded my tens of thousands of assets into FGU. But this is not the place for the discussion. (Nor does every decision made by the developers need to be debated ad nauseum.)

November 25th, 2020, 20:31
Would it be possible to have a GM key that restricts player movement through walls and such the same way the clients are restricted. I occasionally have to drag a PC around to update player's party vision and I don't want to accidentally move through a wall.

November 25th, 2020, 20:38
The Alt key would be a good choice since it is used during token locking to mimic player movement.

November 25th, 2020, 21:41
Hold down SHIFT whilst you drag a token over the map and it will not show the LoS. See video two linked in the first post of this thread.

November 26th, 2020, 01:19
- Is there a way/shortcut to nudge the grid more than one pixel at a time, as in holding down the mouse-button instead of having to click,click,click?

- Are campaigns officially allowed to be loaded/imported back to Classic once they were converted saved to Unity? I just accidentally did that and now all PF2 action symbols are preceded by (Unicode?) garbled symbols on the Action tab in both FGC and FGU. Deleting and dragging spells anew to the Action tab solves this (apart from the manual work).

Moon Wizard
November 26th, 2020, 01:29
There is no way to adjust the grid other than by mouse, by pixel or by tenth of a pixel (all using the grid mode of the image data control).

FGU campaigns can not be loaded by FGC; and will corrupt the data. FGC and FGU should be installed in different folders; as they do by default.


November 26th, 2020, 01:40
Thanks for the quick answers.

What I meant about the grip is a way to hold down the mouse-button on the nudge controls to keep nudging the grid. I wondered if there was a way to do so that I missed, because I just tried to place a grid on a large image and thus had to click many times to place the grid.

I suspected that loading the FGU campaign into FGC corrupts the files, but wasn't sure if this was officially supported or not. Time to restore the backup.

November 26th, 2020, 02:47
@Weissrolf, would you be open to receiving some tips and help from me? Meaning, I would be willing to go over some things with you. If you do not have the time or desire to do so, that is okay. I would love to go through some of the FG interface and changes with you.

FGC Laerun


November 26th, 2020, 12:29
That's a very nice offer. I suspect that we are in different time-zones, but I can come around to the Discord when time allows.

Two questions:

- Is it correct that LoS and drawing cannot be map to snap-to-grid?

- Drawing lines at 0.1 are still quite thick. They can be made thinner by using something like 0.02, but the results can be funky. So is 0.1 thickness officially the minimum supported?

Bonus question: Where are we supposed to post feature requests for FGU? In the House of Healing or in the Tavern?

November 26th, 2020, 15:38
1) No there's no snap to grid for LoS.
2) AFAIK thickness can be set to 2 decimal places (but the second one isn't displayed I think)
3) Suggestions go in the Wish List - link in my signature.

November 26th, 2020, 17:02
Yes, 2 decimal places, but it's quirky at best and always jumps back to 0.1 (and pencil tool) when you switch the tab.

November 26th, 2020, 17:54
1) No there's no snap to grid for LoS.
2) AFAIK thickness can be set to 2 decimal places (but the second one isn't displayed I think)
3) Suggestions go in the Wish List - link in my signature.

To 1): You can use the arrow keys to move along the map (it jumps per square as long as you do not click Alt (?)) :) With space you can set nodes without finish, with enter you can place a node and finishe and with ESC you just finish :) With that one has some sort of grid snapping :D

November 26th, 2020, 20:03
Hold down SHIFT whilst you drag a token over the map and it will not show the LoS. See video two linked in the first post of this thread.

Actually I wanted to mimic player movement. The token picks up any line-of-site data during the move, but it cannot pass through obstacles. So I can drag it to quickly recreate LOS for where the party has been since I can see where the map goes and they cannot.

November 26th, 2020, 20:55
Actually I wanted to mimic player movement. The token picks up any line-of-site data during the move, but it cannot pass through obstacles. So I can drag it to quickly recreate LOS for where the party has been since I can see where the map goes and they cannot.

Hold down ALT before you start the first move and then do an end point and then continue the movement without holding ALT. You can then 'approve' the move. Basically you mimic the player movement.

November 27th, 2020, 20:44
Been playing with this and assuming this is DM-only - but wondered if there is a way to tweak it (is it snap-to-grid setting)?
Grid is applied, and using alt+arrow keys to move a token around to check LoS.

When I tried moving through a wall (i.e. moving 20' when a wall is 10' away) is does stop LoS and movement - but the token stops half-way through the wall/cell instead of being wholly blocked - is this a DM-only sort of thing? Or some combo with the snap-to-setup?


Also (having just discovered this as I was working a map converted from 10 ft/sq to 5ft/sq - many of the doors I setup were mid-square (so a gridline run through the center of the door). I assume I know the answer - but for movement to be allowed, if a gridline runs through the center of the door, I need to set the door occluder to be more the 50% the width on either side of the gridline to permit movement to pass through? Wondering if it's that specific a % (when I kept the occluder matching just the door image it would block movement until I made the door wider).

November 27th, 2020, 23:22
Which files do I have to remove to get rid of the PF Playtest modules?

November 27th, 2020, 23:28
Which files do I have to remove to get rid of the PF Playtest modules?
I suspect they will be in the vault, no idea what the file names are.

You know they will reinstall next time you update right?

November 27th, 2020, 23:44
I feared so. Most people are never gonna need those modules again, so they are more of a nuisance.

November 28th, 2020, 10:05
I feared so. Most people are never gonna need those modules again, so they are more of a nuisance.

I agree. Best move them out of the PFRPG2 dataset to its own.