View Full Version : Steam Purchases

April 7th, 2020, 17:51
I went ahead and bought the unlimited version and several d&d source books on steam for Fantasy Grounds. However, I can't figure out how to tell the software I have purchased the books already, it keeps telling me I need to buy it directly from Fantasy Grounds as I enter the load modules section.

Can someone please direct me to where I can do this?

April 7th, 2020, 17:54
Hi Shrapp, welcome to FG.

Go into settings and add your license key, username and password and then update FG. Once that's done you'll need to link your Steam and Smiteworks accounts to get your purchases. Instructions on how to do that are here https://fantasygroundsunity.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/FGU/pages/4163235/Linking+with+External+Services+and+Applications

April 7th, 2020, 18:16
Thank you much! I was able to get that done