View Full Version : Xendrik Expeditions Game looking for players...

February 6th, 2007, 00:46
Hi, this is a beg for players :) I'm a new FantasyGrounds DM. I love the program so far!

But please read on! This isn't for a casual game or a regularly scheduled campaign, this is for the RPGA sanctioned Xendrik Expeditions campaign. The time I want to run this, is sometime after DDXP (so kicking off in March?). We'll be playing through the sanctioned adventures and DM's Mark adventures for one or more of the factions.

Probably either a weekend (anytime), or a Tuesday evening (from 6pm-10pm EST)

I can help get you an RPGA membership if you don't have one. You pretty much have to have one to be in this game, but it's free.

What is Xendrik Expeditions?
Xendrik Expeditions is a D&D campaign set in Eberron. It is unique in that there are four competing factions. In general, you use standard rules for your D&D character, but depending on what faction we choose to play, certain options may be unlocked. You also have a certain amount of 'expansion slots' that let you take a few additional non standard characters. So for example if you just have to play a psion, you just spend 3 expansions and you have a psion and it's unlocked for you.

Here are the four factions:

Blackwheel Company: A faction created to serve all thirteen dragonmarked houses’ interests in Xen’drik. Smart, mercenary, and out for sometimes competing “corporate” interests.

Cabal of Shadows: The members of the Cabal are dark, mysterious, and often misunderstood. In the Cabal, alignment is not necessarily an issue.

Covenant of Light: A faction filled with the zealous, righteous, and pure of all of Eberron’s religions, faiths, and philosophies.

Crimson Codex: The most philosophical of the four factions. The Codex is contemplative, certain, and true masters of the esoteric

Certain races and classes are unlocked by faction for free. Right off the top of my head I can report that Blackwheel Company unlocks gnolls and warforged scouts as races, and warmage, marshall, and scout as classes.

The cabal of shadows unlocks tieflings and warlocks.. etc. Read the campaign standards (you'll see a link below) to get a bigger picture.

Here's some links:

Campaign standards: https://www.wizards.com/dnd/files/DnD_Camp_XE_CS1_1.zip

I'd like to run Cabal of Shadows adventures, and possibly an expedition sometime in March. Thanks for reading my long post!

February 6th, 2007, 04:19
I have been waiting to get into eberron for a while!

February 6th, 2007, 14:45
After DDXP (in just a week or so) the level bump is 4th level. So you can start with a 4th level character. Would you like help in making him?

I would like to run Cabal of Shadows, but if we get enough players for any faction, I'd love to run any of them. I am somewhat active as a player in Crimson Codex and Blackwheel Company, but I can GM as well.

Here's the basic deal:

(For Cabal of Shadows)
25-point character buy.

All standard races and classes are legal, as well as the artificer, the warlock, the beguiler, the duskblade. All standard Eberron races are legal (Warforged, Changeling, Shifter, Kalashtar). You can also play a Tiefling, or a Daelkyr Half-blood (magic of Eberron).

You May be able to unlock certain other races or classes, please ask. There's a system of 'expansion slots' that lets you use other slots. Check the Campaign Standards! https://www.wizards.com/dnd/files/DnD_Camp_XE_CS1_1.zip

"The Cabal is a loose confederation of outcasts, miscreants, and (sometimes) downright villains. Strangely, they may be the most diverse and accepting of the Factions."

Members of the Cabal of Shadows can be evil characters. (but they don't have to be.) Also, unlike other characters in the campaign, Cabal of Shadows characters can worship evil deities and pantheons.

Cabal of Shadow members who aren’t evil are blessed (some would say cursed) by shadow. While not gaining any benefit from access to feats or prestige classes that require an evil alignment, they have access to a different benefit. Once a day, by spending an action point, you can call on shadow.

Calling on shadows is a spell-like ability with the effects of a veil of shadows and a darkvision spell cast on you. The call on shadows lasts for as many minutes as you have character levels plus your Charisma modifier (minimum 1 minute). This benefit is ONLY available to non-evil members of the Cabal of Shadows.

PM or reply here with questions! I can help you get an RPGA number/membership (it's free).

February 6th, 2007, 20:31
I crrently play a Covenant of Light character... so I would interested in that faction but I would be willing to create characters for other factions. The only times that are good for me are Friday or Saturday night; however you can definitely count me in for those times!

February 6th, 2007, 23:47
If there's more interest in Covenant, I'd love to run that faction as well! I have characters for every faction, but I have so far only played my Crimson Codex (1 mod at gen Con) and Blackwheel character (4 mods, 3 of which were the Well of Woe). Friday or Saturday would be ok, especially late (8PM-midnight or so, EST).

So I figure I better GM if I want to be involved with this campaign. :)

Ok, awesome. I'lll keep searching for peoples.

I'm going to put a beg out on the RPGA forums for anyone who wants to play too.

February 7th, 2007, 00:52
Very interested in this...I would love to start playing

February 7th, 2007, 18:07
Nokameeno, you are absolutely invited!

Just understand the requirements:

1) You need to make a character legal by the XE campaign standards. (this will be a 4th level pc)
2) You either have to be in the RPGA or you have to let me sign you up.
3) You have to have FantasyGrounds already :) Because that's how I am running it.

Are you particularly interested in any of the factions? I'm still wanting to run Cabal of Shadows, since I am already GMing a CoS adventure at DDXP and I have an adventure ready to go. I need a minimum of 4 players. I want to shoot for Saturday the 24th of February, at around 7 PM EST.

February 8th, 2007, 03:49
damnit I only skimmed and saw eberron and RPGA. I wish i could do this, but I am an RA and I am on call tuesdays from 7pm-7am so I am otherwise occupied. If you go for a weekend time I can make it 90% of the time.

Blue Haven
February 9th, 2007, 02:06
Hi There :)
Is still an open slot for a player in your game?? i really wanted to try the Eberron setting...

February 9th, 2007, 17:11
Yes there is still room. I can run a module for up to 6 players at once.

The game will take place on Saturday feb 24th 7PM EST (I think.. so far!)

If you can confirm, please email me. pseckler13 at msn.com

I can get you an RPGA number if you don't have one! I will need to coordinate getting your info down, either to send you a registration card, or I can fill it out and send it in for you. It's free.

As of right now, I am running Cabal of Shadows: Fire in the Heart of Madness. I'll be running it at DDXP, so I figure I'll have plenty of practice. :)

February 11th, 2007, 20:48
Hey I would like to join i love the eberron setting. (I have every eberron book but none of the novels so far..and working on getting the eberron issues of dungeon and dragon.) Im a herald dm on rpga so I guess I could use that RPGA number right ?

February 12th, 2007, 00:21
Of course!

Ok, 24th February. I'll post more info after I get back from DDXP, but I'm still tracking the thread. You can email me from my profile if you have a character ready.

February 19th, 2007, 21:34
Ok guys, I'm back. The game is posted on the calendar.

Here's the basic deal:

(For Cabal of Shadows)
25-point character-stat buy.
Saturday, Feb 24th 6 PM

All standard races and classes are legal, as well as the artificer, the warlock, the beguiler, the duskblade. All standard Eberron races are legal (Warforged, Changeling, Shifter, Kalashtar). You can also play a Tiefling, or a Daelkyr Half-blood (magic of Eberron).

You May be able to unlock certain other races or classes, please ask. There's a system of 'expansion slots' that lets you use other slots. Check the Campaign Standards! https://www.wizards.com/dnd/files/DnD_Camp_XE_CS1_1.zip

"The Cabal is a loose confederation of outcasts, miscreants, and (sometimes) downright villains. Strangely, they may be the most diverse and accepting of the Factions."

February 20th, 2007, 23:22
Here's my Game Calendar Entry for this:


February 22nd, 2007, 00:52

I was just reading on the RPGA boards about how it is now legal to run XE online.

I'm busy on the 24th until 8:00 PST (11:00 EST), but if it is ok with you, I would love to watch how you do this. I am a Herald level GM for RPGA running the Blackwheel Company Scenarios, and I would love to try running it online, but I have never seen it done.

February 22nd, 2007, 18:16
I will be e-mailing my stuff to you either tonight or tomorrow. Do we have enough for a go?

February 23rd, 2007, 00:46
Not YET.. but we have definite interst. I'm trying to get guys to play.

If I don't the requisite number (4), I will reschedule for next week!

February 23rd, 2007, 03:50
I'm new to Fantasy Grounds but so far I've found it a great program. I enjoy the Eberron setting and I would be interested in this. I don't have a RPGA membership though so I would need help setting one up.

February 23rd, 2007, 06:49
I would love to play, but I have to go to a silly conference this weekend. Also, there are 2.0 xendric out, it was released on febtober 14th


for those interested

February 24th, 2007, 12:47
Definitely use the Xendrik 2.0 campaign standards if possible. It basiclyy says the same thing, but it has a few clarifications and it also shows your'e supposed to be 4th level.

Ok, tonight! I have two players so far. Two more and we're good!

Here's the Calendar entry. https://www.fantasygrounds.com/calendar/?id=142

4th level characters, with 5000 gp worth of gear.

February 24th, 2007, 13:58
There is room for 6 players total! So feel free to sign up guys!

February 24th, 2007, 23:30
Hopefully I haven't screwed this up and left my ports blocked. I thought I had it right....

February 25th, 2007, 00:07
Well, it's not working. I'm here, I swear. I know some of you guys are trying to connect. I need to figure out if there is some kind of port-blocking thing going on.

Sorry about this, guys.

February 28th, 2007, 16:38
kinda excited about this...

March 3rd, 2007, 14:26
Ok, I FIXED IT. I think.

Do people want to try tonight?

This is totally short notice, but how about tonight (Saturday) March 3, 8PM EST. Logon to:

loud camp epic hook

4th level characters following the conventions outlined in the campaign standard:


if you have trouble figuring that out, try grabbing a fastplay character from here:


(you can get either of the cabal characters, or any of the 'Any Faction' characters.)

Cabal of Shadows
4th level characters, 5000 gp worth of equipment.

Alternately, I have a multi-level dungeon I can run. Looking forward to seeing some of you guys.

March 3rd, 2007, 22:57
Come on and join in! We need at least one more player for tonight, and 2 or 3 more sure wouldn't hurt!

March 4th, 2007, 14:06
hey, guys, sorry to have missed the kick-off game.

i had previous plans and couldn't make the short notice game-on.

how was it? when's next session?

March 4th, 2007, 19:56
It went great! (It went a little long, so now I am going to adjust my style for that).

I am working on writing a DM's mark as follow up.

March 10th, 2007, 17:26
Going to run another one soon? I'm very interested in playing