View Full Version : Coding damage dice re-rolls

April 5th, 2020, 17:33
Hi all,

Just wondering if there is a way to code support for re-rolling damage dice that are impacted by feats like Flames of Phlegathos (re-roll 1s on a fire spell) or class abilities like the fighter's two handed weapon specialization (re-roll 1s and 2s).

I'm assuming the answer is "no", but wanted to ask just to make sure. :)

April 5th, 2020, 17:59
Try looking here:
And here:

let me know if this helps, if not i'll keep looking.

April 5th, 2020, 18:10
Try looking here:
And here:

let me know if this helps, if not i'll keep looking.

That looks promising; thanks! I'll check it out.

April 5th, 2020, 18:30
Hi all,

Just wondering if there is a way to code support for re-rolling damage dice that are impacted by feats like Flames of Phlegathos (re-roll 1s on a fire spell) or class abilities like the fighter's two handed weapon specialization (re-roll 1s and 2s).

I'm assuming the answer is "no", but wanted to ask just to make sure. :)

You can add reroll x to a weapon properties and it will reroll any damage dice that come up with x or less. There's no current way to reroll anything else.

October 23rd, 2021, 20:39
Hi all,

Just wondering if there is a way to code support for re-rolling damage dice that are impacted by feats like Flames of Phlegathos (re-roll 1s on a fire spell) or class abilities like the fighter's two handed weapon specialization (re-roll 1s and 2s).

I'm assuming the answer is "no", but wanted to ask just to make sure. :)

Thanks to the people who researched potential solutions for spells. I discussed with my DM, and came to a compromise:

Rolling 6d6 for a fire spell will on average give you a single roll of 1 to be re-rolled.
Re-rolling a 1 gives you an average benefit of 0-5 extra damage (further 1's are not rerolled), which averages out to 2.5.
Rather than re-rolling dice, apply a flat bonus based on this average at 6 dice (Staggering bonuses every 2 and 3 levels to prevent fractions, then re-starting the sequence again after 12d6):

2d6: +1 damage
5d6: +2
7d6: +3
10d6: +4
12d6: +5

D8s use a different structure when the bonuses are applied, to best line up with the average evolution of the average re-rolled damage (+3.5 at 6d8, +7 at 12d8). Staggered every other level, with a quickfire every level over 11d8, 12d8 and then starting the sequence again at 13d8:

1d8: +1 damage
3d8: +2
5d8: +3
7d8: +4
9d8: +5
11d8: +6
12d8: +7

This averages out the fire damage re-rolls, while maintaining within a point of what the average re-roll would be. As it's easy to add a flat bonus to a spell's existing damage dice, this was the best option we could find, without adding multiple layers of manual re-rolls and HP adjustments based on saved/not saved. Until we get the functionality, hope this helps!