View Full Version : 1 Player LFG on Mon, Tue, Fri evenings (CEST), prefer Pathfinder and D&D

April 5th, 2020, 14:18
Hello fellow PnP enthusiasts!

I have a lot of experience with Pen&Paper (20+ years). As a gamemaster of a real table Pathfinder group, I have spent the last few weeks to learn as much as possible about Fantasy Grounds in order to keep our sessions going despite the Corona crisis. So far the sessions went well enough, but now I am looking for a group to join as a player as well.

I have Fantasy Grounds Classic as a standard license so far. Voice Chat is no problem either, I can communicate via Discord, TS3, Zoom etc. I am situated in Germany, so my time zone is CEST (Berlin). I would be glad to find a group that plays on Monday, Tuesday or Friday for a couple of hours. My time range would be from 18:00 – 24:00 CEST; everything in between is okay, as long as each session is at least 3 hours long.

At the moment it is not important for me if you run a one-shot, a short or a long campaign. I am looking for an opportunity to have fun as a player and simultaneously get more familiar with FG. Ideally I would like to join a group with a longer campaign: If members and playstyle matched my expectations, I would be a very committed member (easy going, humorous, social)! English is not my mother tongue, but I think I can keep up in normal conversations, since I use it in other game chats as well and watch movies in English.

I would prefer to play Pathfinder 1st Edition, but actually Pathfinder 2nd Edition, D&D5E, and D&D3.5 would be very fine as well. My knowledge of PF1 is up to date (hence my preference), of D&D3.5 a bit rusty, and I could learn the basics of PF2 and D&D5E within 1 or 2 days. My knowledge of FG is quite good (character creation, combat maneuvering, use of macros etc.), but of course I would appreciate any help should the need arise.
Character-wise I prefer to play melee combatants, although I am able to play any class. I am neither a Min-Maxer nor a hack’n’slay enthusiast, but I enjoy a good fight of course and try to optimize my character to my own and the group's benefit. I started playing RPGs perhaps with a ratio of 50% roleplay and 50% combat, but nowadays it is something about 60-70% roleplay and 30-40% combat, according to the campaign style and kind of the group I play with. Well, this should provide enough information for the moment. I'd be happy to read/hear from you if you find my "application" interesting.

Walk in beauty
