View Full Version : New Starter - some notes and questions

April 4th, 2020, 09:50
Hi all.

Just got FGU - a bit of a learning cure, and a LOT more to learn, but having a blast. About to run my first game as a learning exercise for my group, but before I do, some questions:-

1) Is there a way to cut and paste into the chat window? At the moment, I cannot find a way to do so. This (for me) is pretty much a core requirement, though I accept others may not see it that way...
2) Is there a way to share an image with a single specific player? I can see how to "Share", but it looks to be for all players. My players often send out a scout, and I want to be able to show JUST the scout what he/she sees
3) Is there a way to lock down player movement so that I have to approve it before they move? I am sure I have seen a youtube showing this being done, but cannot see how to do it...
4) When adding encounters, story elements etc. they all seem to be "Unassigned" - is there a way I can create a group and move all my homebrew stuff into that group? e.g. the adventure "The Caves of Curiosity" group. so that I can separate out different home-brew adventures.

Really loving this so far!


April 4th, 2020, 10:27
1) Yes, create a chatbox of the text that you want to put into chat - if the text is in FG. If it is from an external source use CTRL+C to copy and CTRL+V to paste into the chat line.
2) Drag the image by the little selection button on the top left and drop it onto the player portrait at the top left of the screen. This works for everything that can be shared.
3) Not implemented in FGU yet.
4) In any of the dialogs expand the top group by clicking on the drop down then on the edit button and then on Add category. Type in a name etc and make sure it is selected before adding new stuff. You can drag stuff from another category by having the item you want to move in the bottom part of the window; opening the top section and dragging the item or whatever and dropping on the group you want it in.

April 4th, 2020, 10:39
Excellent - VERY much appreciate the help! LOVE the ability to show images to just one person. As regards the cut and paste, couple of minor observations:-
1) It works!
2) I (too many years behind a keyboard) am used to using "Shift+Insert" rather than "Control+V", thus my failure. Control+V definitely works though - cheers
3) When copying from a "Story" element ("You see..." etc), it only seems to work if it is unlocked first - is this correct?

Thanks again!!


April 4th, 2020, 10:50
Next question:- How do you track XPs on the char sheets? Can You? Also - if the players complete a combat encounter, can you drag the encounter to the PCs on the party sheet and have the XPs auto assigned, or do you need to create a Parcel the includes the XPs for each encounter?

Thank you

April 4th, 2020, 11:58
3) Yes, you need to unlock things to enable edit mode. This applies across the board to anything.

Yes, create an encounter and add the NPCs to that. You can pre-place the NPCs on a map and then activate the encounter to add it to the CT and the map. Once done drag the encounter into the XP section of the party sheet and you can then distribute from there to the party. Make sure that all party members are on the party sheet.

More on the party sheet here https://fantasygroundsunity.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/FGU/pages/819336/5E+Party+Sheet

More on encounters here https://fantasygroundsunity.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/FGU/pages/721028/5E+NPCs+and+Encounters

April 4th, 2020, 12:12
Thank you - getting a handle on this now.


April 4th, 2020, 18:18
3) When copying from a "Story" element ("You see..." etc), it only seems to work if it is unlocked first - is this correct?

I wanted to add something here. If you are copy/pasting into text, you need the story unlocked to copy. BUT if you have a prepared bit of text you want to share, then format it as a chatbox an it works like this:
33061 Notice the story is still locked.

April 6th, 2020, 09:43
Thanks all.

For info, ran my first game last night. Generally went pretty well, but with a lot of time initially trying to get everyone logged in. FWIW, we found that having people simultaneously try to connect seemed to cause problems - when we sequenced everyone joining, it SEEMED to be a lot more resilient.

As a tool set, AFTER you have logged in, got to admit it was a blast! The group had fun, bad guys were killed (and bodies looted) and heroes were born (about to level to L2).

A couple of questions came up:-
1) Rogue sneak attack - for some reason, I thought this was auto adjusted by FG? As it was, when the rogue made an attack, we had to then roll the precision damage separately and manually adjust the bad guy HPs
2) Paladin heal (Lay on Hands) - this seems to be set to heal the maximum (5 at 1st level) - how can you make it so that she heals 4, or 3 or (at later levels) 12 instead of the maximum? Am I missing something?
3) A lot of the chars had the "zzzz"indicator above them, despite using chat, rolling dice etc. What causes this, and is it an issue?

Cheers all!!


April 6th, 2020, 09:52
1) Create an effect of DMG: 2d6 in the actions tab. Set the targeting to self; expend to 'on next action' and apply the effect just before damage is rolled. (If you drag the sneak attack ability into the actions tab it'll more or less set it up for you).
More on effects here https://fantasygroundsunity.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/FGU/pages/884913/5E+Effects+for+Advanced+Automation
And in these videos https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?41478-Effects-Videos-for-5E
2) You'll need to change the heal to 1 point or you can add a couple of new lines for various amounts. The problem then is how you track the points used. I find 5 is actually the most convenient since it is needed for the curing disease bit and after you get past a couple of levels 5 is a trivial amount of healing. See the effects articlae and videos linked above.
3) It's probably an issue.