View Full Version : LF2P D&D 5E homebrew setting

April 2nd, 2020, 21:13
FG License: Ultimate
Game System: D&D 5E

Time Zone: UTC - 3
Day of week and time: Sundays at 3PM UTC - 3
Planned Duration & Frequency: 4-hour game every week.
Term: Long term campaign

Text or Voice: Voice
Voice software used: Discord
Will this be recorded and/or live streamed?: No

Roleplay & Combat Mix: 50/50 mix between combat and role-play.

Details of your scenario: Homebrew setting with linear progression at first. The world will open up allowing players more freedom to decide how they want the story to play out.

April 4th, 2020, 09:47
I'm interested
I have about 5 years experience with 5e and FG

April 4th, 2020, 14:06
I'm interested ... sent PM @Zev610

April 4th, 2020, 15:30
Hey Im interested in joining. This would be my first 5e campaign but i have experience playing 3.5e, Pathfinder, and Iron Kingdoms. I currently GM a game of Pathfinder using FG.

April 4th, 2020, 20:41
Hey, If you're still available, I'm down UTC - 4. DM'd a Campaign for 5e

April 6th, 2020, 08:08
Hello I'm Steven. I have played D&d as both a player and DM since AD&D. I did take a long break you know real life and all. Now my kids are older etc.

I love characters with quirks and love role play. I don't like to play the most powerful combos, but prefer characters with well character.

I don't mind playing any class that would be needed to fill out the party. Let me know if you could use me.

April 6th, 2020, 08:18
im intrested but i see you have alot of intrest PM me if you still have room

April 6th, 2020, 17:47
HI am new hear and would love to join if you still have space available