View Full Version : PM me if you want to play D&D this saturday, jan. 27th, noon GMT-8

January 26th, 2007, 05:13
Guys - my new pisian campaign has been full for a while, BUT two of the players have indicated to me that they will be absent for the session this saturday. That means I will only have two instead of my usual four this weekend.

So I was thinking that it might be fun for some of you guys to "fill in" and play one of the characters of the missing players. In addition, there is also an NPC with the group right now, and someone could play him too. So that's two openings.

I realize that it isn't as fun to play someone else's character instead of your own, but the trade off is that there is no commitment. This might be a good opportunity for those of you who want some FG experience, but don't like the idea of committing to a regular game for whatever reason.

We are in the middle of an adventure, and if you want to read about it, go to www.pisian.com and look at the last two or three chat logs. Hint sometimes the beginnings of the chat logs give a recap of the last session.

The available characters to play:
Farv - a 2nd level elf rogue that is performing his first mission for the brother's theive's guild. I don't want to give more away on the boards as this is one of the PCs.
Crinsallo - (one of the NPCs) a mysterious, nationalistic rogue (human, 2nd level) that invited the PCs to help him figure out why a rival city's theive's guild is supplying the lake-dwelling goblins. With the party's help, he has learned that the goblins have been subjegated by a beholder attempting to drudge up the crashed dwarven "stone bird" from the bottom of the goblin's lake.

So, if you think you might be interested, send me a PM. Game time is stated in the title. If this goes well, I might do more of this type of thing in the future, e.g. letting people one shot play certain NPCs.



January 26th, 2007, 22:56
Okay, we have one taker.

One of these spots is still open, so PM me if interested.

Blue Haven
January 27th, 2007, 12:11
Hello Mike :)
Can i join this game? it´s for today right?

January 27th, 2007, 22:10
Hey Longarms sorry about missing the appointed time, I was out all night and just got in 30 minutes ago.