View Full Version : Are licenses transferable?

March 30th, 2020, 02:26
I'm new here (haven't run a game in 20 years) and have been trying to determine if FG will meet my home-brew needs (OLD D&D, MERPs, Gurps mix).
I then need to decide which Ultimate license to buy, FGC or FGU.

I was going to get FGC Ultimate when it was on sale at $89. At that price, it was a kind of no brainier. But by the time I decided, sale ended and
it was back to $150 - that makes me pause. Does FGC Ultimate meet my needs or should I wait until Unity is released. But if I start with FGC, I can
get a head start on resurrecting my game.

Then it occurred to me to ask - are licenses transferable? Am I allowed to buy a license from someone that is no longer playing? Yes, I know that
I can get a subscription - not interested. So, does the license agreement allow me to buy someones old license? I assume that this isn't allowed for
anyone that has since used their FGC Ultimate license to upgrade to FGU.



P.S. Don't get me wrong, it took a lot of time and reading to settle on FG (versus other VTT). My intent was/is to eventually buy FGC Ultimate and
reproduce my old campaign and then upgrade/transfer it to FGU Ultimate when it's stable.

March 30th, 2020, 02:48
No the license agreement is not transferable.

Their is a 30 day refund policy for anything from the FG Store, no questions asked. A license (or any product purchased from the FG Store) can be permanently gifted to someone else within 7 days of purchase.

March 30th, 2020, 02:51
Thank you. I appreciate the quick response.