View Full Version : PFRPG2 Extension - Save Result Description Clarification

March 29th, 2020, 08:25
Moderator: This extension isn't compatible with Release 18 of the PF2 ruleset. Please don't use this extension any more - it will break the new save functionality. See post #5 below.

This extension makes the save descriptions somewhat more clear. By appending the name of the person who made the save to the result.

March 29th, 2020, 10:49
I've moved this to it's own thread - so that people can discuss, etc. here.

Thanks for making and posting the extension.

Please take the following as constructive feedback and not negative criticism. I notice that you've included the whole manager_action_save file in the extension. This is a file that will change over the coming months, so I'd recommend you don't include the whole file but use function overrides to change only the functions you've modified. This won't make it upgrade proof, but it will reduce the possibility of future clashes.

I've made a couple of changes in the attached files:
1) Added an <announcement> tag to extension.xml - this will make an announcement to the chat window when it loads. This is really handy to track versions over time and let people know your extension is (or isn't) loaded.
2) Made the change I mentioned above - override ActionSave.applySave with the custom applySave function.

Take a look and see if you're OK with the changes - if not I'll remove the extension.

March 29th, 2020, 20:42
Looks good, I have changed my attached version to yours.

April 7th, 2021, 16:49
Please note that this extension is based on save code from a couple of releases ago. The current release of the PF2 ruleset in live (Release 17) already has clearer save result icons (from June 2020).

May 25th, 2021, 22:19
Release 18 of the PF2 ruleset has been pushed to live today.

This extension uses code from a year ago and will break R18 functionality. The wording and presentation of results has been modified to make it easier to read - and you'll also get the easier to recognise icons that were released last July but this extension overrode. Please don't use this extension in release 18.

This isn't Willot's fault - the extension was fine when it was released.