View Full Version : Kingmaker Adventure Path (GM new to Fantasy Grounds)

March 29th, 2020, 00:29
Thank you for all the replies, I have enough players now!

FG License: I have the ultimate license
Game System: Pathfinder

Time Zone: cst
Day of week and time: Thursdays around 4pm cst
Start Date: If Enough players sign up by then April 2
Planned Duration & Frequency: 4-5 hour weekly sessions
Term: Hopefully until we finish Kingmaker

Text or Voice: Voice
Voice software used: Discord
Will this be recorded and/or live streamed? no, I'm not nearly so bold as to assume randoms on the internet want to watch me play kingmaker with strangers

Roleplay & Combat mix: 50/50, with some parts of the adventure featuring more combat and others more role playing
Number of Players: 5 with 1~ player already on board
Character starting level & equipment: Level 1, 20 point buy, with average starting gold for your class, with a campaign trait from the Kingmaker Player's Guide
Character restrictions:All official published paizo material is on the board, I have the philosophy that if you can come up with a good reason that feels natural for your LG gnoll bloodrager to be in the stolen lands then your character is probably acceptable

Details of your scenario: 'Enter the Stolen Lands, a wilderness claimed by nobles, bandits, and beasts alike. Into this territory the fractious country of Brevoy sends its emissaries, tasking them with subduing the lawless folk and deadly creatures that have made it a realm of savagery and shame. Beyond the last rugged frontier stretches the home of voracious monsters, capricious fey, wily natives, and bandits who bow to the rule of a merciless lord none dare defy. Can the PCs survive the Stolen Lands, bring their dangers to heel, and lay the foundations of a new kingdom? Or will they just be one more fateful band, lost forever to the ravenous wilds?'

I am a GM of about 9 years who has mostly played either in person, Over Discord with pure theatre of the mind, or on roll20. I am interested to finally use fantasy grounds, as I have had my licence for a while but have never really gotten to play using it. As a gm I tend to be fairly lenient when it comes to acomedating players, and I believe most things are fine as long as every one at the (Virtual) table is having a good time. Honestly The only real way to get me annoyed is to be inconsiderate of everyone else, either by not showing up without forewarning or being rude while we play.

Link to Game Calendar page: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/calendar/index.xcp?id=4227

March 29th, 2020, 00:46
I would love to play in this game if able. I am currently working 2nd shift due to the virus but can make arrangements with work to get off for it if must i believe.

March 29th, 2020, 17:07
I'm interested! PST, but can make the time you posted. I'm brand new to FantasyGrounds, but have played DnD for awhile. Last campaign I played was Into the Abyss and I was the GM.

March 29th, 2020, 18:55
Afternoon - I'd be interested in joining (dnd player since red box). I've been on one adventure with fantasy grounds and quite enjoyed the experience.

March 29th, 2020, 19:01
I am a friend of elecguru I'd be interested in playing as well

April 2nd, 2020, 05:06
hi is your group complete or not ?