View Full Version : Looking for weekly game

Dennis Morton
January 22nd, 2007, 07:58
Looking for a weekly Role-Playing game/group. I would enjoy any 3.5 based D&D game. Any campaign world is ok but I have Eberron and some Forgotten Realms stuff. I enjoy playing in story heavy, light magic games and have been playing RPGs of all sorts for about 13 years now. Please send me a PM if you are interested in adding me to your group or if you want to start one from scratch.

January 22nd, 2007, 19:40
I would be interested in starting a game. I'm not looking to DM (for the moment).

Dennis Morton
January 23rd, 2007, 06:11
Yeah, me either. Mainly cause I dont know the FG program that well. Keep posted here and once we have a DM and enough people to play we can start talking about times and campaign worlds. Any suggestions?

January 23rd, 2007, 23:18
I'm thinking of throwing in my lot with you, (CST) schedule permitting. The congregation of my non-virtual group has been rather sporadic, of late, and I've been looking for a regular secondary game. Though we've "discovered" FG, I don't expect it to come into regular use with them.

I am of similar gaming tastes and experience to Mr. Morton. Not ready to DM, though. I can, however, help ease the DMing burden, especially in the area of graphics—maps, tokens and the like.

January 24th, 2007, 05:52
Hello people,

I thought I'd come on here and throw in my two cents. I'm a long time player and DM (close to 15 years now). I have experience with DMing on Fantasy Grounds and in fact, I am looking at running another game with the program. I'm very much into story driven campaigns with lots of good character interaction.

Right now, I am preparing some things for said campaign. I was hoping to run the War of the Lance Classic adventures with 3.5 rules. It is the Dragonlance setting, in case you are wondering. I won't be ready to start for another two weeks (give or take a week) but if you guys think you might be interested, then let me know or keep an eye out for my thread that I will be making on these boards in the near future.

The game world is very enriched with history and story, and it is helpful if you are somewhat familiar with it, but if you're not, that's okay too. alot of the things I'm preparing for right now are supplemental material to help players who aren't familiar with Dragonlance. In fact, if you haven't read the books or even played in the world of Dragonlance, you might enjoy the campaign even more!

If you want to take a look at my old campaign that I ran on Fantasy Grounds to get a feel for my style of play, head over to this message board.


Here, you'll find posts on the world that we played in (mostly made up by myself) PCs and NPCs, as well as recaps of the sessions we had. Just click on the chapter title in order to read the chat logs from Fantasy Grounds.

Dennis Morton
January 24th, 2007, 20:15
Cool, looks great. My only issue is that I am currently playing the War of the Lance stuff. :( I dont really have any objection to doing it again, but I should warn you, not only am I playing it now, I am a very big fan of DL. It was one of the first fantasy worlds I really got into as far as books and was the first D&D world I played and ran as a DM. So not only would I know the overlying story but as we are only a few weeks into it, I would know what was specificly in the game that you would be running.

Just for the record anyone who is looking for a game this campaign would be a good one! The story is very epic and is one of my favorite ever written!

January 24th, 2007, 21:09
Cool, looks great. My only issue is that I am currently playing the War of the Lance stuff. :( I dont really have any objection to doing it again, but I should warn you, not only am I playing it now, I am a very big fan of DL. It was one of the first fantasy worlds I really got into as far as books and was the first D&D world I played and ran as a DM. So not only would I know the overlying story but as we are only a few weeks into it, I would know what was specificly in the game that you would be running.

Just for the record anyone who is looking for a game this campaign would be a good one! The story is very epic and is one of my favorite ever written!

That's unfortunate that you are just starting the same adventure. It looks like I came just a bit too late! :o I can't imagine you would enjoy it as much since you're already playing it.

If there is still a big demand for the War of the Lance game, I would be willing to run it. If there isn't much interest, I'd be willing to run some other type of game. I was in talks with some other people I know trying to organize a City based game located in Waterdeep. This could be easily changed to some other city. I am most familiar with Forgotten Realms and Dragonlance and so I wouldn't feel comfortable GMing something in a different world.

Lets see what people say!

January 24th, 2007, 21:23
I don't know much about DL. The little I do know comes from that old DL computer game called Dragonstrike (if you've ever heard of it, you know I'm dating myself by referencing it :( ). I'm a little more familiar with Forgotten Realms, and have played in Greyhawk for some time now. If I had my way, I'd play in Middle Earth—or something mythical/historical-based. But that's just me...

I like the city-based idea, though. I know Waterdeep pretty well (primarily from Eye of the Beholder series—dating myself again). Of course, my non-virtual group is currently playing a Forgotten GreyLance game—we're not too picky. :D

Sir Bayard
January 24th, 2007, 22:32
*points to name* Um, yeah... comes from Sir Bayard Brightblade, from dragonlance. I RP'd Dragonlance for years a long time ago, had all DL Saga books for how to play it back in the day.. had a DL website.. I LOVE Dragonlance more than anything... I only have the Dragonlance Campaign Setting (due to lack of funds) but form what I understand of the War of the Lance, you play as The Companions? Not sure if I'd like that... Can you PM me or post here with mroe info about how the War of the Lance setting goes?

January 24th, 2007, 23:34
*points to name* Um, yeah... comes from Sir Bayard Brightblade, from dragonlance. I RP'd Dragonlance for years a long time ago, had all DL Saga books for how to play it back in the day.. had a DL website.. I LOVE Dragonlance more than anything... I only have the Dragonlance Campaign Setting (due to lack of funds) but form what I understand of the War of the Lance, you play as The Companions? Not sure if I'd like that... Can you PM me or post here with mroe info about how the War of the Lance setting goes?

The War of the Lance adventures are in fact based off of the Chronicle books. They have the stats for Tanis, Raistlin and all the others so you can play through the campaign using them. However, it is not neccesary to use these characters and in fact, I would insist that the players don't.

A brief backstory of the campaign:

"It is widely believed that the Cataclysm occurred as a result of the Kingpriest's overweening ambition. The Kingpriest sought godhood to not only purge the lands of evil, but of anything that did not agree with his viewpoints. However, such an act would ultimately destroy the Balance, so Thirteen Warnings were sent to the Kingpriest and the nation of Istar. A storm battered the city for thirteen days, trees wept blood, and other ill omens were seen. The warnings were misinterpreted as signs from Gods of Darkness that wanted to stop the Kingpriest, and went unheeded. On the third day of the year 963 IA by the Istar calendar, the Kingpriest demanded that the gods answer his call. Instead, the Cataclysm occurred. Though it was widely believed that the gods abandoned Krynn, this was not so. Instead, most of Krynn's populace could not understand why the gods refused their cries for aid, and turned away from the gods for over three hundred years.

Ansalon felt the Cataclysm as a burning mountain that struck the Lordcity of Istar, though the changes wrought by the Cataclysm were far-reaching. The countries of Falthana and Seldjuk were destroyed; it is likely that Gather, Ismin, and Midrath were as well. The nation of Istar, as well as Dravinaar and Taol were radically altered and later subsumed into other nations. The Kingdom of Icereach was destroyed; its cities buried under snow and ice. The Blood Sea formed over the sunken city of Istar; the Maelstrom in its center supposedly sits over the ruined city. Northern Ergoth and Southern Ergoth were formed when Ergoth was separated from the mainland, while the Blood Sea Isles were formed from existing mountains to the west. Water rushes in from the Sirrion Ocean to form the New Sea, while waters recede from the port city of Tarsis." -- Excerpt from Dragonlance Nexus (https://www.dlnexus.com/lexicon/13212.aspx).

It has been around 300 years since this occured. during this time, the gods have seemingly left Krynn and new, false religions have popped up everywhere. Dragons have also disappeared, and many believe them to be nothing more than myths. Clerics with true healing powers are non-existant. It's a time of great suspicion where the peoples of Ansalon have little trust in strangers as well as in other races. The once noble and honorable Knights of Solamnia were well known and respected across the lands. Now, they are despised and hated; the people blame the knighthood for the cataclysm. This time is known as "the Time of Dispair".

The campaign starts off in a seemingly innocent fashion. The PCs are sweapt up into the lives of two barbarians that are on the run and carry a magical staff. What is peculiar about the staff is that it has the ability to heal the sick and wounded. A feat that has not occured in over 300 years. Is the staff a gift from the long forgotten true gods or is it something more sinister?

If you have read the Chronicles, you'll notice familiar locations and even a few familiar scenes, but the similarities end there. It still is a role playing and you certainly have control over your character, so you need not worry about being lead by the nose or being forced to act in a specific manner. There are a few things that would need to be discussed about character creation, but nothing too earth shattering.

If you have any other questions, then just ask.

P.S. Denis, sorry if I've hijacked your thread.

Sir Bayard
January 25th, 2007, 00:13
lol, I didn't need the DL background info, since I know it all by heart, buit I might consider playing a DL campaign as long as we don't play as The Companions. Nobody can ever do those characters justice in my mind's eye. Time constraints assuming availablity.

January 25th, 2007, 00:31
lol, I didn't need the DL background info, since I know it all by heart, buit I might consider playing a DL campaign as long as we don't play as The Companions. Nobody can ever do those characters justice in my mind's eye. Time constraints assuming availablity.

Sorry, I thought maybe you knew more about the Age of Mortals and not much about the War of the Lance setting. :p

I agree with you completly. I wouldn't want to play or even GM for a group playing the companions. It would feel to wierd not to metion that players would probably feel more inclined to just recreate the novels more accurately, and what's the point of that.

I think that if you like Dragonlance, you'll like these adventures, so long as you can live with playing through a handful of the events that occured within the novels.

Sir Bayard
January 25th, 2007, 03:17
I hate the Age of Mortals with a passion. Fifth Age kinda ruined Dragonlance for me, personally. Even after the gods came back. But, to get on subject, I've been dying to play some DL, that wasn't in the Age of Mortals, so if you come up with some game times I'll see if my schedule permits it.

January 25th, 2007, 16:45
I've started a new thread for this Dragonlance game as to not highjack Dennis' thread. If you guys want, go check it out Here (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?t=5534).

January 25th, 2007, 22:13
So have we come to any conclusions on what game world we might want to play?

Dennis Morton
January 27th, 2007, 01:03
P.S. Denis, sorry if I've hijacked your thread.
Hey no problem! Its a post for anyone looking for a weekly game! :D

January 27th, 2007, 18:15
I just found FantasyGrounds on the web the other day, and figured I'd try it. If anyone needs another player, I'm available pretty much any day except some Fridays, and early on weekends.

January 30th, 2007, 23:21
Hey all!
I am currently DMing a D&D 3.5 game based on Greyhawk/Homebrew (using the living Greyhawk Gazetteer and filling in details as I go along). The game is Monday nights, 8pm-11pm EST, currently first level characters, heavy roleplaying and story based with lots of skill use and brief but brutal combat (I like my PCs to feel that running away is always an option).

I have lost two players, one to other commitments and another was a no show. I am looking for 1-2 players to jump into the group in 2-3 weeks. In addition, if you would like to start playing next Monday, you can play a dwarven cleric (one of the previous player's PC) until this adeventure is over. This might be a good option for someone new to FG to get used to the interface. PM me on these forums if interested. I am looking for players who definitely know they can make that time every week.
Thanks and welcome to the FG community! :)