View Full Version : FGU walls feature

March 27th, 2020, 18:00

I am a FGU bêta tester, and as this is not really a bug or error, nor is it an issue, but I was wondering about it.

I love the walls and door options in FGU. But the placement of walls and doors can be quite a long process. I tend to just place single line as a wall, not rectangle, unless it is a very big wall, it allows for players to see the walls texture for thinner walls.

Would it be possible to make the placement of a wall automatically cut the wall it is placed on ? It would permit to place walls quite rapidly for rectangle shaped rooms and then add doors quickly. Alternatively, is there a easy way to delete a section of wall, I have only been able to delete a wall point, and it indeed deletes a wall between that point and an other one, but it is not always the one inside the door...

Also, I know it is not for the near future, but I'm really looking forward to an option to set a maximum visibility distance for a token.

Big thanks to the dev team, especially in these difficult times during which a lot of us are enjoying FG !

March 27th, 2020, 18:51
At this point the devs have no bandwidth for feature enhancements. But, they want ideas and feedback. The best place to put any feature enhancements or requests is on the official Wishlist. This one may already be there, so please search first. But if not, feel free to add it (and then put a link to the idea back in this thread so others can vote on it too).

The wishlist is at;

March 27th, 2020, 18:52
Thanks !