View Full Version : Cannot Save to Vault since last update.

March 27th, 2020, 01:23
Hi there, this morning I was playing with a friend, and then she got dropped, and the reason given was some issue with the host license.
Then I hopped out and attempted to update the program, and it was unable to save any of files.
So I did a google and found a bunch of solutions, from running in admin mode, to deleted some of the .bat files, I even tried completely deleting the program and all traces of it from my computer, then reinstalling.
None of these have worked for me, the second I attempt to reinstall it immediately fails as is unable to save any of the files it downloads.
(Specifically it says, SaveToVault Unable to extract file (file name) for product (5E-addons), and says that for every single file.)
I also own it through steam, and am running it on Windows 10 Pro.
Please help.

Moon Wizard
March 27th, 2020, 01:24
Please go to the FG data folder specified in your Settings, delete the "vault" folder, and run a new Update. That should reset the files.


March 27th, 2020, 01:26
Hi there, I have already done this, I have deleted EVERY single fantasy grounds file from the computer, I ran a search using multiple key words on every harddrive, then deleted everything that appeared. Then I went through every directory location to check for anything labelled differently to expected. Yet still it does not work.

March 27th, 2020, 02:23
So exactly where are you getting these errors? Have you done an install and then during the update it is failing or you can't even get the updater to install or...? Are yoi installing in an existing folder or a new one? Where? Windows or Mac? FGC or FGU? Screen shots would help :)

March 27th, 2020, 02:36
It fails to both install and update.
I have tried both putting it in the default directory, as well as making a new folder on a different HDD, neither work.
I have made sure I have full permissions and control over every file and every harddrive.
What happens is (from the start) I download it via steam (total of like 2mb file) boot it, connect my account in the launcher, hit the install/update button, it checks for files online, finds them, begins to save and extract then I get the error. At the very first file.

Fantasy Grounds Classic (unity isnt on steam yet)

Screenshots of most recent attempt below:

March 27th, 2020, 02:43
The updater is extremely busy right now and it looks like it is taking too long to download that file and us failing.

March 27th, 2020, 02:49
Oh, ok, is that all.
That was not at all clear to me, everything I could see todo with this were license issues, permission issues and corrupted files. But I tried everything I could think of with those things. Well fingers crossed that is the case, I shall leave it for a little bit then try again.
I think a good way to pass the time while I wait is to reinstall windows. Just make sure that everything is fresh and new.

Thanks for your message.

Moon Wizard
March 27th, 2020, 03:32
We just had an issue with the FGC update server a couple hours ago; and we just got it back online. It should be good to go now.


March 27th, 2020, 03:44
Still not working. It updates everything but the FantasyGrounds.exe file

Moon Wizard
March 27th, 2020, 03:46
Please try deleting the FantasyGrounds.exe file from the directory specified in your Settings for the App Directory.
(Usually C:\Program Files (x86)\Fantasy Grounds\)

Then run the FGUpdaterEngine.exe from the same directory to ask the updater to redownload that file.


March 27th, 2020, 03:55
Ok, did that and updated now all the campaigns and purchased content are gone, but it opens...

March 27th, 2020, 04:04
Looking at my data folder that contains the vault folder I see my campaign folder and it lists my campaigns like Curse of Strahd. When going into the vault folder all the folders from the previous screen are in there missing the purchased content. It appears to be duplicating the data folder inside my vault folder.

March 27th, 2020, 04:09
I copied the contents of the main Campaign folder that had my purchased content in it, then pasted it into the duplicate folder inside the vault folder, then opened FG. The campaigns are back and was able to load my existing saved campaign. Hopefully that helps out.

March 27th, 2020, 04:20
For purchased content, go back into settings and clear and re-enter your username and password, login and save, then run an update again. That should then download all your purchased content.