March 26th, 2020, 02:34
Starting a one-off that I intend to run a few times during this quarantine. Intending to run the first session Friday 3rd, 9pm EST. I will continue to run session as this is intended to be a one-off semi-tied to a semi-continuous story line for New England in v5 ruleset.
Please PM me for times to character gen for this session. Prefer 8pm-10pm EST days. Have 2 PCs so far, looking for 2-3 more for the first session.
Game is set on Block Island (RI) present day, all characters will be 13th gen.
Please PM me for times to character gen for this session. Prefer 8pm-10pm EST days. Have 2 PCs so far, looking for 2-3 more for the first session.
Game is set on Block Island (RI) present day, all characters will be 13th gen.