View Full Version : Chronicling my FGU experiences

March 26th, 2020, 02:16
So I have been lurking FG for a few years. I started playing D&D in the 70's and stopped playing in high school in the 80's when I transitioned to mostly crpgs and mmo's.

When FGU was announced I was interested but missed the kickstarter.

This week I subbed FGU Ultimate and purchased PHB DMG and Phandelver. If this experiment goes well I will buy sword coast and create post Phandelver content for my parties on my own.

I will run 2 campaigns. One for my family mainly to involve my 9 year old son in something we can all do together including the grand parents. One for my friends in their 30's and 40's.

Last night we tried connecting and character creation for my friends. We updated but couldn't get started we connected but no one could enumerate the content and do anything. There was another update we pulled today and we were able to connect and started character creation. We are stoked to try and get started.

March 26th, 2020, 02:17
Also I am hoping to find a Forgitten Realms FGU campaign to join as a player myself.

March 26th, 2020, 03:10
Welcome aboard! FGU is taking it's first steps, and with the recent open beta the servers are receiving many connections. You can try to connect directly, if the lobby is having problems (but that will require that you know how to port forward. You can find instructions on how to do that in the forums)

It's still beta, there is a bug here and there but the devs are squashing them in record time. I hope you have a good time here, but for now expect a bit of instability for this is still beta.

March 26th, 2020, 13:48
So hilarity ensued last night. The party was a gnome wizard, a human monk, and a drow druid.

For the first encounter goblin arrows the drow druid was trying to pull the goblin arrows out of the horse flesh to retrieve them to sell sullying the crime scene while the gnome was trying to use his investigation trait to figure out what happened. When the goblins attacked the druid said his first action was to root a goblin archer which had the other players smack their heads. Finally the gnome took a javelin to the chest and went down dying and when it was the druids turn he said that javelin is valuable I pull it out and attach it to my backpack...and that was just the first encounter. Cant make this stuff up...well you know what I mean.

March 27th, 2020, 15:30
So last night did not go as well. We lost one of our party members so there was 2 of us. We decided that i would build a homebrew on the fly and they would roll new characters. I did the trite trope of a merchant was waylaid by kobolds and lost an important ring and offered to pay the 2 of them 5gp each. I was able to use masking on the map for the first time. One of the 2 players had problems with the masking. Seemed like a sync issue, after closing their client and rejoining 2x it was fixed. There continued to be various sync issues throughout the session. The crew was able to take out the 2 kobolds guarding the lair entrance when sync issues had us throw in the towel. The sync issues maifested in the following ways aside of one player seeing the mask and the other not, 1) That same player that could not see the map also couldnt actually see or select his character several times. 2) Both of them got disconnected a few times. 3) The client paused and hung several times during the session.

On my side i am running a laptop that is an newer i7, 16gb of ram, GTX 10606gb 7200rpm spindle drive, and a veriozon fios connection 200/200 that was showing above 100 during speed tests for the session.