View Full Version : Looking for italian

January 15th, 2007, 08:23
Yesterday i looked for a session. FG is a very good software but i'm not english and the lunguage is a big problem.:(
there is in the community some italian ore someone who speak italian?
....don't blame me....i'm just trying:p

January 19th, 2007, 02:55
Parlo l'italiano, solo que no lo scrivo bene.

There are users of FG that are not English speakers - I know of one group that was using it in French. It's very hard as FG is relatively new. Your best bet is to get a group of your friends and have them join you in using FG.

If you do send me a message - I may be interested if only to practice my Italian beyond speaking to my grandparents and simple conversations.



Blue Haven
January 19th, 2007, 21:27
Hi there Dungeonlord :)
Do you want to try some adventures? I´m portuguese do you think that we can play?
Say something ok?

May 16th, 2014, 23:43
IO sono italiano.I am italian .

May 16th, 2014, 23:54
Now were talking!
Would be great to see some other languages being used regularly.

June 6th, 2014, 20:03