View Full Version : Custom Heritages

March 24th, 2020, 17:05
I'm running into an issue with custom heritages killing the ability to add a Heritage during character creation.

For the Core Heritages, after you select an Ancestry an ability boosts; you get the heritage selection window.


However, whenever you create a custom Heritage; even for a core Ancestry, the Select Heritage window no longer appears. See below where I've added Ancient Elf from LOCG as a custom heritage.


Any idea how to get around this?

March 25th, 2020, 08:22
I've just tested and adding in new heritages show them in the Heritages selection window.

Please provide a screenshot of the heritage records you've added (open the window so I can see the whole data).

March 25th, 2020, 17:38
Went through and tested again. I found the issue.

The issue occurs after when you choose more boosts than available. When adding an Ancestry that only gets one free boost; if you choose 2 boosts, the heritage selection doesn't go through. So, user error in the end.

Though it does put light on a small quality of life fix. Is it possible to make the boosts a radio option when choosing one?

March 25th, 2020, 18:51
Though it does put light on a small quality of life fix. Is it possible to make the boosts a radio option when choosing one?
That's built into the underlying CoreRPG ruleset. I'll have a look if it might be easy to override in PFRPG2. Can't say when though...