View Full Version : 3rd Edition Campaign Materials

March 22nd, 2020, 17:46
Does anyone know if they will ever translate 3rd edition campaign materials and modules to FG. Obviously, there are alot of pathfinder materials, but i am looking for the faerun campaign materials for 3rd edition?

March 22nd, 2020, 19:10
There is sadly no license for official modules for 3.5e :( Therefore it is not possible that such things will come up in the store as an FG module

March 22nd, 2020, 22:18
Is there a reason why there are no licenses for 3.5 modules? There is alot of good content that was published by WOC

March 22nd, 2020, 22:35
Is there a reason why there are no licenses for 3.5 modules? There is alot of good content that was published by WOC

For that you have to ask WotC, they do not allow it sadly. Probably because they do not want that consumers are "confused" about different licenses of D&D running around on FG. Their focus is mainly on 5e; the exception is 2e and previous versions (with respect to FG) after a long talk with WotC (that took some while, I guess). And even there some specific book about specific settings are not allowed to be sold officially, as far as I know of

But you can insert the data also manually if you wish so :) You should just not share it publicly here or elsewhere :)

March 22nd, 2020, 22:59
It took a Herculean effort to get them to license the "D&D Classics" line. They seem to like the results, though, so who knows, maybe one of these days they'll cave and license 3.5E and 4E and kick back to enjoy the free extra income for no effort on their part.

Until then, however, I'd recommend doing Pathfinder 1E if you're dead-set on 3.5E. It's a better version of it.

March 22nd, 2020, 23:24
As a long-time 3.5E player, my group has been looking for online alternatives to play as it's no longer safe to do this in person.

It's apparent that many WOTC/Hasbro decisions in recent years have been driven by unfettered greed, and I'd venture that the decision to refuse to license 3.5E content for online use is one of these. We've been seeing an almost unrestrained cash grab in Magic: The Gathering as they release new products ever more frequently, and in D&D they've been trying to drive as many customers to 5E as possible.

Now, for many, 5E is a perfectly fine, but I'm sure there are a lot of 3.5E players who don't really want to make the move.

The decision by WOTC to stop licensing 3.5E is simply a way to try to force everyone to move to 5E and buy new books. There really is no other explaination. It wouldn't cost them anything to license it and the licenses would bring in more money from players who won't move to 5E anyway.

I'm sure if a 3.5E license was available, FG would be more interested in adding more 3.5E content and support, but at the moment there is no incentive for them to do that.

Perhaps, as the pandemic progresses and WOTC/Hasbro sees other sources of revenue drying up due to the inability of people to gather together and play in person, then they might consider loosening the license restrictions. If everything really goes pear-shaped, then maybe Hasbro won't even exist in the future.

March 29th, 2020, 18:28
I have 5E but I don't really like it. It makes it far too basic again. While I think it is better than 4E, I much prefer 3rd. Frankly, I don't find pathfinder interesting at all. i bought all of the pathfinder materials and was very disappointed in the content. I think 3.5E provides the content and level of detail i prefer. I looked at the 2nd Edition and have that now as well, but it seems to be a work in progress. I find a lot of functionality missing.