View Full Version : DnD 5e CYBERPUNK Game LFG.

March 20th, 2020, 17:02

FG License: GM has Unity Ultimate
Game System: DnD 5e Genefunk

Time Zone: GMT +1
Day of week and time: To be determined.
If new game, planned start date: To be determined.
Planned Duration & Frequency: 3-4 Hour Session Weekly
Term: Long term

Text or Voice: Mix of both voice and text
Voice software used: discord
Will this be recorded and/or live streamed? No

Roleplay & Combat mix: 50/50
Number of Players in game & needed: looking for 4-5
Character starting level & equipment: Level 1 characters
Character restrictions: We will be using the Genefunk classes but they will be coded into FG by me to make the most of FG's ruleset.

Details of your scenario:
I want to run a Genefunk, which is basically DnD 5e set in a cyberpunk setting. There is new classes for the setting but I understand in these times with the virus threatening peoples jobs and income it's not easy to go out and buy a pdf book so I will be writing in the classes and other things into fantasy grounds as we go a long with as priority on what we will need to get playing! At the bottom of this post I will be linking a FREE pdf that the creator put out, it is has the setting and descriptions for the classes (but no mechanics) and I'll link the kickstarter video.

You and your comrades are mercenaries that have decided to step outside the secure life of being a corporate drone and make a life for yourselves and while it will be dangerous and pain and death (yours or someone else's) is guaranteed it's an opportunity to earn a lot of Credits and maybe make it to the top.

But before that high-style life you have to earn it. Everyone gotta start somewhere and you and your Cadre has received a call from your first potential employer and he wants to meet in the flesh, at a car park near your office.

FREE Setting book: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/273002/GeneFunk-2090-Setting-Book?src=also_purchased&filters=0_510_45326_44499_0
Kickstarter video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8H8ntUYDndY&feature=emb_logo

Auron Starglider
March 20th, 2020, 17:04

FG License: GM has Unity Ultimate
Game System: DnD 5e Genefunk

Time Zone: GMT +1
Day of week and time: To be determined.
If new game, planned start date: To be determined.
Planned Duration & Frequency: 3-4 Hour Session Weekly
Term: Long term

Text or Voice: Mix of both voice and text
Voice software used: discord
Will this be recorded and/or live streamed? No

Roleplay & Combat mix: 50/50
Number of Players in game & needed: looking for 4-5
Character starting level & equipment: Level 1 characters
Character restrictions: We will be using the Genefunk classes but they will be coded into FG by me to make the most of FG's ruleset.

Details of your scenario:
I want to run a Genefunk, which is basically DnD 5e set in a cyberpunk setting. There is new classes for the setting but I understand in these times with the virus threatening peoples jobs and income it's not easy to go out and buy a pdf book so I will be writing in the classes and other things into fantasy grounds as we go a long with as priority on what we will need to get playing! At the bottom of this post I will be linking a FREE pdf that the creator put out, it is has the setting and descriptions for the classes (but no mechanics) and I'll link the kickstarter video.

You and your comrades are mercenaries that have decided to step outside the secure life of being a corporate drone and make a life for yourselves and while it will be dangerous and pain and death (yours or someone else's) is guaranteed it's an opportunity to earn a lot of Credits and maybe make it to the top.

But before that high-style life you have to earn it. Everyone gotta start somewhere and you and your Cadre has received a call from your first potential employer and he wants to meet in the flesh, at a car park near your office.

FREE Setting book: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/273002/GeneFunk-2090-Setting-Book?src=also_purchased&filters=0_510_45326_44499_0
Kickstarter video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8H8ntUYDndY&feature=emb_logo

With fantasy grounds, the players joining you do not have to buy books of their own - Rather, you can share it (just make sure there's a check only by the player version). Edit: This also applies to modules created by players!

Still, the free setting book is nice! :)

March 20th, 2020, 17:15
Name Vallis Class Suit G-man Genome Sherlock Background Stargazer Description Male White hair ghost white skin and pink eyes.

Personal History
1. How old are you? 47
2. What ethnicity are you? Albino
3. Where were you born? Sweden
4. How religious are you? What religion? None
5. Who are your parents, and where are they? Test Tube Baby
6. Do you have any siblings? No
7. Have you ever committed serious crimes? What? Yes
Been caught? No
8. Have you ever done violence to/killed another? No
Many times? Why?
9. What are your secrets? Don't you wish you knew.
10. What/where was your education? Corporate Tudors
11. Do you have any enemies? No
12. Do you have any rivals? No
13. Have you ever been seriously harmed? How? I was born.

Ideals and Beliefs
1. Is your character a hero? No
2. What are your vices? Upgrades
3. What are your virtues? Patience Intelligence Tactical
4. What do you fear? Poverty
5. What would you die for? Do I have to cause that sounds like a bad idea.
6. What would you kill for?Upgrades
7. Are you superstitious? I don't like anyone in my head.
8. Are you merciful? Yes when its called for.
9. Do you believe in absolute good and evil, or is it all
relative? It's all relative.
10. What is your attitude towards the law? It's not a crime if you don't get caught
11. Do you use your head or gut more? Head
12. How do you feel about friendship? There useful.
13. How do you feel about your family? I see them as a liability in others.
14. How do you feel about your country? I don't care.
15. What is your general political view? I avoid the bureaucracy.
16. How do you feel about sex/relationships? There useful.
17. How do you feel about your daemon? We don't talk much we both like are quiet study time but we collaborate from time to time.
18. What are your attitudes towards digitizing and
uploading the human mind to a computer? No thank you
19. What are your attitudes towards the genetic engineering
of humans? Yes Please
20. How do you feel about the syndicates? It's not like I have a choice we all serve them

1. Why did you join this cadre? To get paid.
2. What general goals motivate you? Money Fame Power
3. What short term specific goals motivate you. Can't wait to get that first upgrade.
4. What long term specific goals motivate you? Undo the genetic flaws in my Genome

1. What are your most hated food and drinks? I despise alcohol.
2. What are your favorite activities? Study Di-section
3. What are your most hated activities? Physical labor.
4. What kind of music do you like? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qfZueHlwGrM
5. Do you have hobbies? Chess
6. How do you feel about yourself? We are what we were made to be who am I to judge.
7. How is your sense of humor? What makes you laugh? Yes. Stupid people doing stupid things.
8. What are your favorite foods and drinks? Nicola Indian
9. Do you have any pets? No
10. Do you like to drink, or do any other drugs? Do to my condition I do lots of Nanodoc and Perk Can I get an Shark connection please

March 22nd, 2020, 09:06
Still looking for players :)

March 22nd, 2020, 12:02
Still looking for players :)

I'd love to join in on this game and setting! I've read a portion of the .pdf and it sounds awesome!

March 22nd, 2020, 12:24
Awesome! I will PM you a discord server where we can talk.

March 22nd, 2020, 15:32
Hey I'd love to join! Sat probably no good for me, other days depends on time.

March 22nd, 2020, 19:13
I would be down to joining. Have a little experience with futuristic campaigns and a lot of 5e experience. Let me know if your still looking for players.

March 22nd, 2020, 20:41
I have sent a PM to both @dram and @koralist.

And with that I think I have the people I need for the time being, thank you for looking!

March 22nd, 2020, 21:38
Are you still looking for players? I am interested and have some basic questions.

March 26th, 2020, 18:54
Due to timezone differences between the chosen players I'm forced to look for 1 or 2 more players.

I will PM you @Dudethatsdope.

April 3rd, 2020, 12:40
We're still looking for 1 or 2 more players.