View Full Version : FGU Usernames

March 18th, 2020, 22:34
So, many of my players joined the game with names different than their FGU name. Is there a way to change it so they can access their notes? We would prefer it if we could change their names just like in FGC so that they have their personal identifiers.

Moon Wizard
March 18th, 2020, 22:46
We made the decision to move over to everyone using their user names for easier connection and identification of users relative to their forum account.

You could have the users create a new note (so that the note is owned by their user name); and copy over the contents to the new note.

If you're technically adept, you could also migrate the notes to the new names with direct XML editing of the campaign database. But, make sure to make a backup of the db.xml first.


March 18th, 2020, 22:48
Ah, that is unfortunate. My group used our usernames as in group memes.

Thank you for the information.

March 18th, 2020, 23:22
I do like that forum usernames are being used in FGU. I have a player in FGC that tends to connect with a new name every session or two. Which means they never have access to notes they created before, shared content and I have to clean their PC.

Anyway, it's a little thing, either way.

September 3rd, 2021, 20:46
You should make it possible for the GM to change owner of the notes. Then it would be easy to swap around.
Fixed ourself by copy old note text into a new note.