View Full Version : N00b question... About to GM 1st game... Basic questions about GM/player interaction

March 18th, 2020, 20:46
Do we all share the same screen and each have our mouse own cursors? If yes, then the GM-only content simply doesn't show up for others?
Are we all using the same set of dice?

What's to stop my players from opening up their character and giving themselves free levels?
If their character is "locked", how can they make changes to it themselves (e.g., shop for items, use a consumable item, etc.)?

Will be doing a "training" in a few hours.
Thanks in advance!

March 18th, 2020, 20:53
No you dont share the same screen, the players can see their own characters sheet, and what you decide to share with them (image, story, note), they have access to part of the information on the combat tracker but not everything.

The character sheet is not locked, they could add free levels to themselves but as a GM you do have access to everyones sheet to check what is on them.

If you want to see what the players see you can open FG twice, a first time in a campaign, and another copy to connect to the campaign as a player.

March 18th, 2020, 20:56
No, each player has their own screen on their own computer. the DM screen has more information on it than the players have.

Each player has their own dice.

Character sheets are not locked; players can freely edit them. If you are concerned about characters being misused export them before each session so that if there are unwanted changes made you can import them back into the campaign without the changes.

This is on the basis that you are all connecting over the internet.

You may benefit from studying the user manual or watching some videos as well.

March 18th, 2020, 20:59
Each person sees different things on their screen. The GM can "share" something like a map of text story to the players and it will pop-up on their screen, but they can close it, resize it or do what they want with it.

What you will want to do to learn how FG works is start up your campaign as the GM. Then start a second instance of FG and select Join Game, enter a name like "test" and then an address of "localhost". This will allow you to have both a GM and a player instance running. Then you can see what a player sees etc.

Players can give themselves "free" levels (though it will show up in the chat) or otherwise alter their character sheet. This is no different than in person where a player could change their AC, hit points or anything else. If players are going to cheat, they are going to do so anyway. You can not "lock" a character sheet. Play with people you trust or just don't worry about it.

March 18th, 2020, 22:15
Thanks all.
Yes I have now a 2nd computer running it as a Player.
How do I mask only part of a map. I have the Age of Ashes module and can mask the entire citadel. But how do I reveal it room-by-room?

March 18th, 2020, 22:18
See "Masking" from teh wiki; https://www.fantasygrounds.com/wiki/index.php/Images#Masking