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View Full Version : LFG RP Narrative heavy, Character/Story driven - any system - almost any time zone

March 18th, 2020, 07:28
I'm 42, been playing RPGs since i was a kid. Mostly experienced with D&D but also some Heros Unlimited, FFG Star wars and MT2 Traveller but I'm up for anything that isn't just one meaningless combat after another. Don't get me wrong I love combat, especially when it is tactically challenging. I just want the rest of the world to not just be hand waved away.

I'm looking for a game with character development and epic story arch are the main focus of the game. I want to avoid PCs who are self-insert vanity puppets, with lazy cliche backstories, one-dimensional personalities and no flaws. I can't play with a PC that is a half-angel half-demon, covered in belts and full of angst, or yet another dwarf who's defining trait is bearded alcoholic who likes to fight! That isn't a person, its a cartoon caricature. I only bring this up because so many GMs are going overboard with the all inclusive "there's no wrong way to play" that they they forget that it can hurt the game for everyone around them.

I like settings that are gritty and realistic. The existence of magic doesn't mean superstitious peasants are suddenly going to be ok with a demon spawn or a Drow walking through town without an angry mob with pitchforks and torches forming. I can't take the setting seriously if common sense is just thrown out the window.

My ideal GM cares about logical consistency and is true to the rules they have decided on, book or house. I have mixed feelings on the rule of cool. Generally I like it but there is a fine line between cool and ok I guess we live in a cartoon now. I am vehemently opposed to fudging dice rolls for any reason. I would rather my character die a meaningless boring death than be coddled or my decisions not actually make any difference. I'm not interested in the illusion of choice if a choice doesn't actually exist. If there are two paths and they both lead to the same experience then I'd rather just be narratively railroaded, at least it's not an insult to my intelligence.

I have a very flexible schedule, and generally can play with any time zones apart from European ones. I am very reliable, as this is my primary hobby and I plan around it because it affects other players if I don't show up.