View Full Version : Suggestion for Fantasy grounds.

March 17th, 2020, 16:08
Good day everyone,

I am here as a member of this community and as a person that's living in an area that's hit pretty hard with the Corona Virus. In line with the spreading Covid-19 (Corona) virus that seems to be slowly affecting everyone's lives. The virus also seems to put a heavy burden on our local game stores and roleplaying groups. I am sure plenty of people here are worried about the effects of the said virus.- Whether in line with public health or the effect it might have on their usual tabletop adventures.
I've personally had to postpone playing with my local groups in order to facilitate the government's wishes. In order to stretch out the spread of the virus so local health facilities won't get overrun with a demand for aid. Yet I know that there's plenty of people in my area that also suffer from social isolation due to this. Now I've already suggested to my players they might want to open their wallets and buy FG, in order to at least bring a little light in these dark times. However, it also made me realize that perhaps not everyone has that freedom of financial stability or their situation (Like this pandemic) might not allow them the luxury of investing in their own social well-being.

I have to recognize that an organization behind a program like Fantasy grounds could do more in these times of need. That might prove beneficial to the social situation and by extending their services to people in need, perhaps win themselves a healthy influx of new customers. Considering everything Fantasy grounds are able to provide to these people. My suggestion is this: Why not create a free-trial for an extended period of time whilst this topic is present in our society. Help aid the world through this horrible pandemic by adding a level of comfort to a craving desire for social connection.

I'm pleading for this for all the people it could help benefit and I could speak endlessly about the why's and but's. - But I think the situation speaks for itself and ask everyone to be empathic to this cause. So I implore the people behind Fantasy grounds to extend the arms of our wonderful inclusive community. So that everyone forced in physical isolation might at least enjoy the social company of our favorite fictional characters.

Thank you for your time and my best wishes to all those affected,

Chuck Smits

March 17th, 2020, 17:03
FGC is currently on sale for $10. That's pretty cheap. If you really want a "free trial", they have a 30 day money-back guarantee for their store. I would just buy it on my credit card, and if by the end of the 30 days I didn't want to continue using the software, ask for a refund. I've never used this personally but from what I've heard there are basically no questions asked.

March 17th, 2020, 17:14
It's still a paywall that would break accessibility, in a time where there are already so many boundaries set for humanity. I've been using the product for a while now, and I can only speak to its qualities. Yet for everyone that I meet the stepping in fee is the one restriction they have for not trying it out. Even though these are generally guys that have a collection of RPG books available to them. So are in no way lackluster of money.

March 17th, 2020, 18:47
It's an interesting idea, and would be up to SmiteWorks to see if it's something that:
1) They want to do.
2) Could implement temporary licenses relatively easily within the architecture.

The argument about a pay wall would not just apply to a license. Most GMs are going to want a bunch of DLC products as well. Giving those away would need agreement from the relevant license holders, etc.. And then people who've bought a license or products in the last 30 days getting refunds...

Like I said, it's a nice idea...

March 17th, 2020, 19:42
Good Day Chasme :)
Plus those that are in such a financial bind can still download the free Demo version and play with a GM with the Ultimate version.

March 17th, 2020, 20:43
Perhaps Smiteworks could run the "All Licenses are Ultimate" promo that is typically done for FG-Con and FG-Daze?

March 17th, 2020, 23:37
Agreed that its also a good idea.

The main issue I see behind it is the team have no capacity to handle an additional surge or incoming players and the tech support that can involve while they are working 24/7 on getting FGU out the door.
If the $10/FGC standard is too much for each player then the $10/sub for one player for one month still works.

March 18th, 2020, 15:39
We're asking the community to get behind providing game sessions for those isolated from their usual gaming groups.

See more info here: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?54437-Fantasy-Grounds-Community-Online-Virtual-Isolation-Days-gaming!