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View Full Version : LFP - Vampire the Masquerade 5th - GMT - FGU

March 16th, 2020, 20:44
Howdy all,

Chat in the VtM forum has indicated a desire among some people to play a VtM game but most of these are US timezones so I'm offering out ones services as a GM in a euro friendly timezone. I need to run this in FGU due to my connection but it will also be good to try out the new software. I believe that a demo version is out so we should all be able to play.

FG License: Unity: GM has Ultimate so players need demo only.
Game System: VtM 5th
Time Zone: GMT.
Day of week and time: Negotiable but probably a week night such as Mon/Weds/Thurs starting at approx 1900 untill approx 2300.

Planned Duration & Frequency: About 3-4 hour session, most week. I do work and sometimes have to travel but will try and make at least 3 sessions a month.
Term: Lets see how we gel and feel about the game but aim for at least half a dozen sessions with hopefully more.

Text or Voice:Voice
Voice software used: Discord
Will this be recorded and/or live streamed? No

Roleplay & Combat mix: We can see what sort of mix folk want at session 0.
Number of Players in game & needed: Up to 2-3 players slots available, I have at least 2 others interested and I don't want to go above 4-5 players.
Character starting age: We can discuss at session 0 but I'm thinking Neonates, embraced within the last decade.

I plan to play in this background but I'm very open minded about what the characters want to achieve and do, want to take over York as a baron or prince, cool, want to deal with more grounded issues like surviving night to night, done. At session 0 or before we can discuss what folk would like to do.

'The North by Night'

"Since the fall of London nearly a decade ago, the north has become a hotbed of conflict and intrigue, the Prince of York 'John de York' initially used the fall of London as an opportunity to expand his influence into cities such as Leeds and Bradford but he has not been seen for a couple of years and now his affairs are handled by his great-grandchilde. This has greatly destabilised the region and combined with the exodus of other elders to the east has created opportunities never seen in recent kindred history.

Manchester remains the northern powerhouse and lynchpin of the Camarilla's/Mithradite Cults influence, Liverpool still claims to support the cult and ivory tower but you hear talk of increasing Anarch influence, Bradford and Leeds fell into anarchy after John de York plots stalled with his disappearance but in recent nights under the Banu Haqim Bradford has rejoined the Camarilla, Newcastle has fallen to the Anarchs, Hull was believed to have fallen to the Anarchs but tales talk of creatures far worse and the Treme of Durham have remained silent. In addition there is talk that the Mithradites may be looking to expand the cults influence into Yorkshire and have been seen meeting with various factions.

Standing among this chaos is York, a bastion of canite stability throughout the ages since its creation in 71 AD, it is here that the future of the North could be decided, will you help prop up the ageing ivory tower, tear it down or watch with interest and snatch what you can from the shadows, the choice is yours."

March 16th, 2020, 20:56
Finally! I have wanted to try a VTM game for a while now. Do I need to do something? make a concept and PM it to you?

March 16th, 2020, 21:00
Hey Karrth, just say you are interested and I'll stick you down on the list, I'll create a discord group when we have another 1 or 2 and we can discuss the sort of game we want to play and what characters you want to make so I don't create an Anarch versus Sabbat thunderdome ww1 reenactment and you all want to play twilight. P.s. I wont be running a twilight style game.

March 16th, 2020, 21:13
Thank you for not running a twilight style game, in the words of a friend of mine: "A vampire should die like a man and burn then turn to dust, not glimmer in the sunlight"

March 16th, 2020, 21:21
Sign me up as interested!

March 16th, 2020, 21:25
Righto, you are in. I'm going to hold on accepting more for now but if folk want to get put on a list I'll ask in order you showed interest.

March 16th, 2020, 22:01
I'd like to join, if you please :)

March 16th, 2020, 22:15
PoohPuss is in as I was holding a slot for them.

March 16th, 2020, 22:24
As a friend of mine is joining that makes 4 with a possible 5th. When I get a chance I'll send out PMs with an invite to a discord channel and we can get discussing.

March 24th, 2020, 17:35
Hi everyone, I am interested in joining as a player as well, have loved WoD forever. Do you have room for another player? My schedule is super flexible with social distancing in my area

March 25th, 2020, 19:48
Hey Dg1707, sorry for the delay in replying, I didnt notice until now that you had replied.

We had 4 players attend the first session and I think that is a good number but if you want I can stick you down as first reserve if one should have to drop?

Currently we are playing on Mondays at 1900 GMT.

March 26th, 2020, 00:26
Yeah absolutely, that would be great. I will send you over a character at some point then if you want?

March 26th, 2020, 00:30
Sure, if you want to put something together but I cannot confirm that any of them will drop but if you want to make a character anyway go for it :D

March 27th, 2020, 18:54
Hi - it looks like you're full but please put me on your list in case anyone drops out. I've been playing the White Wolf games since the mid 90's. My friend and GM was a writer for them and authored or helped author a slew of VtM books, We developed a lot of that material while playing. SO happy to see they finally released a real ruleset. Now if they would just modify it a bit to do Mage the Ascension!

March 27th, 2020, 23:11
Hey Frunobulax, sure, I'll stick you down on the list, currently it is. We have played one session and the players seemed to have a good time but life comes first so it is very possible that some could leave.


August 16th, 2020, 14:51
I'm late to the show but if there's room for another player then I'd be interested.

August 16th, 2020, 19:49
If there is room I'm interested! I'm a VTM fanatic. I haven't gotten to play much, and I'm newer to FG. But if you're willing to take new players, i'd definitely be interested!

August 17th, 2020, 11:33
Hey Dooid and Access, the game is still going but we have had a few people drop in and out so we would like to stabilise the group and see where we are with people, we currently have 4 players and get between 2-3 regularly attending, after the next 2-3 sessions (We play weekly) we will make a call on if we should add in more folk in and if folk need to drop out.

We play our 21st session tonight and we haven't skipped a week so we are a fairly solid group, if we only get 2 players of the 4-5 we tend to play a side mission based on one of the PCs and those quite often turn out to be the craziest/fun sessions. The Coterie started out as independents (Fledglings) but over the sessions have aligned themselves with the Camarilla after revealing the Sheriff was kidnapping small time Kindred to fed on. Of further note they investigated the Tremere Chantry in Durham after it went comms silent and discovered a Tzimisce Kindred who had helped overrun the place. After a rather large battle involving monstrosities and tooled up Anarchs the PCs ended up killing the Tzimisce.

Either way, that should give you an idea of the sort of game we play, maybe 1/3 of sessions have involved combat the rest tend to be roleplay.

FYI no-one else is waiting so I'll note your names, keep you in the order you asked and send out PMs if and when a space crops up.

August 17th, 2020, 11:58
Sounds good.Thanks for getting back to us. Hope to hear from you.

August 17th, 2020, 12:57
Dooid, no problem, I'll try and drop a message in a couple weeks to let you guys know which way the group is swaying, we use to have 5 players but we are currently trying to find the right balance of player numbers although people do leave due to life/work etc so hopefully we can fit you both in at some point :D

September 11th, 2020, 12:00
Update, we have brought Dooid into the game and that makes 5 players so I'm going to hold off taking any more for now.

AccessDenied, if and when we have another drop out I'll PM you to see if you are still interested in joining the group.

September 20th, 2020, 15:06
If you are still looking for folks, i would like to get in. Never played VtM, but would love to get involved. Love the them. 20+ years of RPG experience. Im in GTM+3, so, timing is great. im open on thursday evenings to saturday night. My work week is sun-thur.

September 20th, 2020, 15:55
Hey Krakkakilla, for now we are full and currently play on Mondays evenings but if things change I'll let you know.

August 14th, 2021, 13:53
hello there am interested in playing if there is room a monday or wednesday is good for me have played vtm from the early days ref as well as play am new to discord tho also ref and play 5e,am looking for refs of vtm to form a united world of darkness where refs get to play as well in the same world hopefully building a community of vtm fans uk wide so catering for all on different nights hopefully expanding into anarch sabbat werewolves mages etc as player character is ambitious but think would be great fun i currently looking for players to join my version of london by night currently running on a tues and fri from 8 but days negotiable as first step need and hour or so to gen characters