View Full Version : Elric! ( 4 Ed)

December 30th, 2006, 03:45
Please , does anyone know a link for a ELRIC! ruleset?


December 30th, 2006, 05:29
Please , does anyone know a link for a ELRIC! ruleset?


None exists to my knowledge...

Which is unfortunate - as I'd love to do a Harkmoon ruleset one day...if I ever get time :S

Maybe with FGII I'll get around to it...

December 30th, 2006, 08:31
Sorry - no such ruleset that I know of ... would be keen to play and would be an easy one to do. Best bet is to wait for FGII to come out and then tackle this again. The d% flavor of Elric ! makes it more suitable for FGII.