View Full Version : Players for an existing campaign

December 29th, 2006, 16:25
Hello, everybody.

I just wanted to reach out to the community and see if anyone is interested in joining a campaign. Let me tell you all a little bit about it first. The campaign has existed since the summer of 2006. Games were played on a bi-weekly level. Unfortunately, it died out do to players quitting or unable to attend. It has not been played since July 30th of 2006. I am pretty sure that two of my old players would be willing to start it up again (I'll have to ask) or start a new campaign all together, but I'd like to get a few more players involved.

Here (https://mcgarnagle.proboards91.com/index.cgi) is a link to the recaps of the sessions we have already done. The link is to a message board and you'll find more information on the campaign there if you need it. Feel free to explore.

If you read through them, you'll notice that the emphasis in the game is on role playing and not so much on combat (although there still is combat). The campaign is very character driven so character concept and depth is very important. If you think you might be interested in this type of game, leave a message. I'm not sure how big of a response I'll get, but I'll let it be known that we only need two, maybe three more players.

As for scheduling, it is fairly open as of right now. I'd need to find out what works for the players, but I'd be interested in running the game twice a month. Weekends work best, but aren't necessary.

The time zone of where the server will be located is in Saskatchewan, Canada which is -6:00 GMT.

If you want any extra information on the campaign just let me know and I'll see if I can help. Thanks in advance for any responses.

December 29th, 2006, 19:30
Hey there, I'd like to play some dnd. If you havnt filled the spot yet then give me an email at [email protected]. ill be looking forward to a reply.


Blue Haven
December 29th, 2006, 21:38
Hi there :)
I´m from Europe GMT+0 can i play in your campaign?? If you want you got a player ;)

December 30th, 2006, 17:12
I'd love to play, I also am in the Central time zone..I can be PM or contacted at [email protected]

January 2nd, 2007, 02:41
Id be willing to play as well. Im central time-zone. Weekends are iffy for me, however Thursdays and Friday would work out most likely.

email me at [email protected] if your still needing players.

January 2nd, 2007, 03:06
I am friends with Electryc and we are looking for a game to join together. The twice a month would be great for me. I am also Central timezone.

If you are still needing players my e-mail is [email protected]


January 11th, 2007, 15:40
sorry for the long delay between posts. I just want to thank everyone for there responses. It has been a crazy new year and I haven't had a chance to look at the boards.

Unfortunately, I have been unable to get this game off the ground and it looks like that might be the case for a while. However, I will be sure to keep all of you in mind when I do start the game up, and if your still available to play, then that would be great!

Thanks alot!