View Full Version : General PF2 Fantasy Grounds Appreciation Thread

March 12th, 2020, 19:21
I just had my first session on Fantasy grounds for an Extinction Curse campaign that I'm running for a group that has had a years long 5e game in Roll20. Id been GMing PF2 in person since launch and when it became my turn to DM for the online group, I chose Fantasy Grounds largely because it had materials for the AP already. I was a little intimidated with learning a new program and putting together some material for races and APG classes that don't have official FG releases yet, but this community and the Fantasy Grounds College has made things easy and I've learned a lot.

Proud to report we had our first session with very few technical difficulties and everyone had a great time. If just like to encourage other new players to engage the forums a but and sign up for a GM 101 course on Fantasy Grounds College. I'm looking forward to keep getting better and it time would like to add some community material as well. Just a big thank you to all the module and extension creators as well any volunteers with the FGC. Also, keep up the good work FG devs. I'm excited for unity!

March 12th, 2020, 19:31
The hardest thing for me was learning what is automatic and what you have to tinker with. For instance, on a spellcaster, it's always a good idea to check the cantrips and make sure their int/wis/cha modifier is added to the damage. If you add a weapon to inventory, make sure the proficiency comes up right. Things like that.

March 12th, 2020, 19:39
Yeah, for sure. There are still some things you've got to fiddle this. Especially those things that you mentioned in the actions tab. You kind of had to a similar thing in Roll20 with your weapons, so I guess I didn't count that as something extra to check. Luckily, if you know the system I think those things are easy to check and change if you make an attack roll, or force a save, and things are too low.

March 12th, 2020, 19:45
One other thing is that I had people make their characters in Pathbuilder 2e, before making them in Fantasy Grounds. I've been generally impressed with that app as well.

March 13th, 2020, 00:35
I love Fantasy Grounds. If you want to add a magic item or weapon, I've found that creating a copy from the master and modifying that one and dropping it into the players inventory is the best way to get it to 'work'.

If I need help with automating a spell or creating a class/race this forum and the Fantasy Grounds College Discord are invaluable resources that will give a response so quickly I can get fixes and answers >(while I am running the game!)

March 13th, 2020, 18:02
Yea. That's happened to me before. There's been something that's come up while I'm playing. And I told everyone, I dunno how/why this works, let me post on the boards so we can get it going for next time. And 11 minutes later, there'd be a couple of replies of people saying, "Oh, here's why. And here's how to fix it."