View Full Version : Bug (?) Passing through Locked and Closed Doors

March 11th, 2020, 13:52
I'm not sure if this is a bug or as design decision and I just didn't notice it previously.

Version: 3.3.10 (2020-03)

- Experienced: Players can approach Locked or Closed Door and push past it to the next area beyond.
- Expected: Locked and Closed doors would inhibit movement like walls until opened.
- Tested on: PFRPG own LOS definitions, 5E Lost Mine of Phandelver Smiteworks LOS

Keep up the great work - loving the most recent performance improvements...

March 11th, 2020, 14:11
I'm not seeing this.

If a door is closed then token movement is halted. The player can then click on the door to open it and proceed.

If the door is locked (SHIFT-Click on the door to Lock) then token movement is halted and the player cannot open the door and cannot proceed.

Only tested on LMoP.

Can you confirm that there are no extensions being used and that the door in question is locked.

March 11th, 2020, 14:21
Can you confirm that there are no extensions being used and that the door in question is locked.

Yep, confirmed: showing as locked in both Player and GM view. No extensions activated: running vanilla during play testing.

March 11th, 2020, 14:53
Which map/door in LMoP? How are players moving?

I just noticed whilst testing this that it's possible to lock a door in the open position. Also if the players use Drag to move then the token can get about half way through the door before it stops. But it doesn't reveal anything beyond the door nor does it affect the status of the door.

March 12th, 2020, 02:02
I did a clean install and ran the update to to the 2020-03-11 build.

It all behaves correctly now, both in LMOP and home campaign

Moon Wizard
March 12th, 2020, 02:03
Thanks for following up on that one.
