View Full Version : What are the devs playing?

March 10th, 2020, 18:51
I guess I could post this on the main FG board, but I'd get tons of answers of games I'm not involved in.
So, I was wondering about Trenloe, and Dave from the Youtube videos, and whomever else plays PF2.
Y'all are so busy working on this platform to get it better all the time. Do you actually have time to play? And if so, are you GMing or playing. Adventure path, home game, or what.
Just curious.

March 10th, 2020, 20:16
Yeah, I don't have time to play as I'm deep in PFRPG2 code and DLC.

I GM 2-3 times a month, face-to-face, running the Age of Ashes AP - using FG as the battle map (flat-screen TV on the table - see a photo below, no spoilers as this is a side quest I added) and as a reference tool. We're into the final part of book 1 - I don't rush through these, I do a lot of role-playing and backstory. Although this is on a hiatus for a couple of months as I'm out of the country.

I also occasionally run Call of Cthulhu one-shots, again face-to-face.

I sometimes play 5E (slowly making our way through Chult) and Star Wars: Edge of the Empire.

EDIT: Two of the characters shown below died a couple of encounters after this one. RIP Shadowphase (human ranger 3) and Velentors (human fighter 3).


March 10th, 2020, 21:21
Ouch, Owlbears > All Hugs and no kisses. Awesome figures there! My friends are spread out too far now with families so Fantasy grounds lets us unite 2x a month for some table top gaming > Pathfinder 2E. Now get off the forums and get back into your (Castle (the one with the view of the ocean (north coast of Scotland).


March 11th, 2020, 08:06
Oh. I like your gaming table! The GM in one game I play in keeps promising a cool table like that. But it's just a dream at this point.