View Full Version : Session 17 Open Game Sat Noon & 1700 PST GMT-8

December 19th, 2006, 21:44
A holiday double feature. :) I am planning on running two sessions this Saturday, one starting at Noon the other at 5 PM PST.

Rappan Athuk is a con open gaming room style campaign. Object is just to “sit down” and have fun exploring a huge old style dungeon. This is a dungeon crawl with “pick up” characters and players. Different character every session? Fine. Can only commit to one session? Great.

I’m looking for 4-6 players a session. If you are free and just want to play some D&D this Saturday come join in the fun at the "granddaddy of all dungeons". The current character level is 6th.

If you want to play jump on over here (https://www.fouruglymonsters.com/community/forumdisplay.php?f=35) to Four Ugly Monsters for character creation and campaign details. If you are not a member of the forums at Four Ugly Monsters you will need to register to see the forums.

December 22nd, 2006, 03:40
If you are free on Saturday there is still time to sign up for some holiday "stress" relief. ;) I still have two seats available in the early game and three in the later one.

December 24th, 2006, 09:04
Session 1
Gurn, Grelk Halfblood and Albert lay their hands down on the table and venture deep into Rappan Athuk. They are finishing their explorations of the ogre level when they are attacked by shrieking black skeletons. This in turns leads to an encounter with a rolling ball of spikes and the various scattering of weapons and shields. Albert and Gurn end up trying to fight skeletons with their bare hands. Albert, after numerous attempts finally overruns a skeleton and gets to a spiked chain. Gurn finds out he can out run a skeleton in a straight line. Grelk ends up back with his shield and manages to alternate moving and drinking potions as he joins back up with Albert and pounds the skeletons into dust as Albert runs for his waraxe and Gurn returns to claim his spiked chain.

Reforming, the party presses on down the next set of stairs where they find the Arch Mage’s warning is true. Gurn takes a one way trip down a large purple gullet as Albert reluctantly falls back and Gelk guards the top of the staircase.

* * *

The first fight was an interesting lesson in that if you can just stay on your feet long enough things might turn in your favor. ;) The second fight was very short and brutal and Gurn became the first character to die by being swallowed whole. [7th Level XP 741; 6th Level XP 808. Treasure 10 gp each.]

Session 2
Loross, Merrik, Albert and Guiseppi walk to the shrine and place their hands on the table not even an hour after Albert walked out of the shrine for the first time today. Destroying the statues that attempt to bar their way, the party presses on down underground. Albert asks Merrik’s opinion on the star room and then the group presses on down the seconded stair. The group passes beneath Spiegal’s warning and jumps a small river, explores a large cavern. They find their way into a series of rooms where the find another strange door and Loross disarms several traps. They just have found their way into a room where they see Grey Men but are pulled back to the shrine before fighting breaks out.

* * *

A lot of fun role playing and use of emotes this session and I gave several hundred bonus xp for it. The group managed to explore a good amount also and found decent treasure, too. [7th level XP 750, 6th level XP 975; Treasure 625 gp each.]

Blue Haven
December 24th, 2006, 15:08
Hello there :)
I´m from europe (GMT+0) do you think that i can play in your game??

December 25th, 2006, 02:44
Blue Haven, I have had some from Europe play in my game. I usually run from Noon my time until about 1630 which would be about 2000 to 0030 your time. I am not planning on running next Saturday because of the holiday weekend, but I should be running the following Saturday. If you want to play, head over to my Four Ugly Monsters forum here (https://www.fouruglymonsters.com/community/forumdisplay.php?f=35) for character creation and campaign details. If you are not a member of the forums at Four Ugly Monsters you will need to register to see the forum.