View Full Version : Seeking Reliable GM for Saturdays 2pm EST / 7pm GMT

February 28th, 2020, 13:15

We are seeking a Reliable GM who is able to run games on a Saturday at around 2pm EST / 7pm GMT. 3 Hour Session.

We have a broad mix of players who play regularly in our games on other days of the week. We have been running for over 3 years now so have a very reliable core group of players.

Our current games are D&D 5E and Savage Worlds, we would enjoy a new 5E or Savage Worlds GM but we would also be delighted to play some Pathfinder and or Starfinder.

Most of our members are mature and have been playing role-play games since the 80's.

Naturally you will need a Standard License and clear communications.

You will be using our Discord chat server and we would take responsibility for filling your games.

Please be able to run games with up to 6 to 8 players.

We look for to hearing from you.

Kind regards


February 29th, 2020, 19:36
A suitable DM has been found for this game.

Thank you for the messages and replies.

I hope that you continue to enjoy Fantasy Grounds.

