View Full Version : Mansion Map CC3+ Schley Style (1st attempt)

February 21st, 2020, 03:19
So I have delved into using CC3+. I like DPS, which is easier, but wanted to give CC3 a go.

I needed a mansion for a final encounter in a WFRP 2e adventure - shout to Paul Pratt and his continued gem that is WFRP 2e Ruleset.

Suggestions so I can better improve my map making are requested:) I played with the CC3 Save-As settings as much as I could figure so the quality might need some tinkering, so if anyone has ever exported a map from CC3 and has some suggested setting please let me know.


Note: Please use this image freely in your own games for no-commercial use only.

February 21st, 2020, 20:16
Great map!!!
Thanks for share it.

February 21st, 2020, 23:26
Pretty good map for your first CC3+ map. Looks like you got the gist of it pretty well. Since you asked... :)

On your background layer, create another sheet on top of it, put an inner edge fade on it and then use a corresponding transparent fill and draw a few irregular smooth polys. This will help break up the repetitive grass texture.

I also normally have 4 "SYMBOL" sheets, "SYMBOLS, FLAT", "SYMBOLS, LOW", "SYMBOLS" "SYMBOLS, HIGH". Then change the drop shadow length on each one. Rugs and trap doors etc go on Flat. Chairs, chests, etc go on Low. Tables and bushes/shrubs on the default. And then bookcases and trees (unless you are using various tree sheets) on High.

For the second story, you might want to slip in a transparent shadow or darkening polygon around the outside with an effect to give the illusion of height.

I would also add a 5ft green square in the top left corner. It will make it easy to align the grid in FG.

There is a great macro Mattekure wrote for me that helps to export a window selection at a set resolution (in my case 100 pixels per 5 ft square), that can be modified if you are exporting an entire map etc. It's easiest to use this macro when you have snap on at 5ft squares. https://forum.profantasy.com/comments.php?DiscussionID=8603

If you want some great critical feedback, join and post on the CC Facebook group, if you use FB. Just make sure you ask for critical feedback, otherwise people will be sure to be polite. https://www.facebook.com/groups/CC3plus

Hope that helps!

February 22nd, 2020, 00:01
@graziano-girelli - Thank you!

Your suggestions are great. Thanks!

I did put my "rugs" on their own SHEET but didn't think about the chairs etc. A really cool concept.

I really thank you for your input. I just joined the FB group too.

February 22nd, 2020, 00:28
I really thank you for your input. I just joined the FB group too.
The ProFantasy/Campaign Cartographer community might just be as good as this one :) It's just not as big so you don't have quite as many resources or people for support as here.

Have you added all the additional free assets like CSUAC2, Bogies, etc? Their is a post on the PF/CC forums with links to all of them. Let me know and I can find it if needed.

February 22nd, 2020, 00:52
Nice map. About all I can mention is that I find the doors blend into the walls too much to be easily seen / stand out. Really nice work though.

February 22nd, 2020, 01:21
@LordEntrails - Looking for those resources now. I'll reach out if I have any issues finding them.

@JohnD - I agree on the doors. After more looking around I think I'll try a glow effect to make them stand out. The door selection in what I currently have installed is small. Hopefully LE's direction will give me more choices.

February 22nd, 2020, 02:30
Not sure which of these is more recent or complete;