View Full Version : Extension for Dragging and Dropping NPC Sheets onto PC Sheets to Auto-Fill?

February 6th, 2020, 04:02
This is mostly out of curiosity on my part. There's currently an extension that allows for a Druid to drop a monster sheet onto their sheet to replace their statistics and actions with those of the monster temporarily, for the purposes of wild shape. Would something like this not be reasonable to make for any NPC sheets, and allow for them to be dropped onto an empty PC sheet to auto-fill the PC sheet with the monster's details as to expedite making a PC version of the creature (which in some cases is more useful, such as spellcast-heavy NPCs or ones with a lot of expendable resources, or just wanting to modifier something like a vampire with class levels). Specifically, could an extension be made that makes it so that if a sheet has certain fields empty (name, class, background, hit points, etc) it would allow for the drop, but not if they are filled already as to avoid accidents?

As said, this is entirely me wondering out loud if this can be done given the other extension. It seems like a tool some might find convenient. I have no extension-making knowledge outside adding creature/damage types, and that's small stuff.

Moon Wizard
February 6th, 2020, 05:05
It seems like something that could be made as a community extension. You didn’t mention which game system you are talking about; but most game systems do not provide “official” rules for this sort of conversion. Given the lack of official process/rules, most of this would be someone’s opinion of how it should be done; thus why we would leave to community efforts.


February 6th, 2020, 05:08
My mistake! I meant 5E. I was working on some things for our weekly game and wanted to get this out of my head as soon as possible. I had the work already done by this extension in mind https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?46890-Druid-Wild-Shapes-(for-5E).

Should this topic move elsewhere if it's to continue?

February 6th, 2020, 19:17
This is the right place to discuss imo.

It seems like it can be done, but as MW says, it is going to take some assumptions. Especially with 5E since NPC are not created using PC creation rules. Things like assuming the proficiency bonus and which skills are trained. Plus what if the stat plus proficiency bonus doesnt equal the specified skill bonus on the NPC sheet? You'll have to figure out what assumptions are to be made for these miscellaneous incongruities.

Such an extension would be nice and useful, but to me I would put big warnings that leveling up a PC converted from an NPC would assume to break things and possibly give unintended results.

February 6th, 2020, 21:25
I agree it likely wouldn’t be accurate. I’m thinking more about a tool that drops its features, HD and statistic information in the sheet to do most of the leg work for the person using it, so that they could then fine-tune and work out the rest on their own manually.

February 7th, 2020, 02:58
Now to find someone to develop it :)