View Full Version : LFP 5e Lost Mines/ Icespire peak Sunday 10 a.m. EST

February 6th, 2020, 02:20
FG License: Renting out the Ultimate license so demo users welcome
Game System: 5e DnD

Time Zone: USA EST [UTC-4]
Day of week and time: Sundays at around 10 a.m. But i might be flexible about it depending on players needs
If new game, planned start date: None yet but will update as i get players. Will start with a session 0
Planned Duration & Frequency:Weekly
Term: Over the next few months
Text or Voice: Voice preferred but text can be worked out.
Voice software used: Discord
Will this be recorded and/or live streamed? Nope

Roleplay & Combat mix: Plenty of combat with opportunity for some roleplay
Number of Players in game & needed: looking for 3 to 6 players newer preferred but i will consider all.
Character starting level & equipment: level 1 start, equipment+roll gold, racial feat
Character restrictions: Core races/classes preferred
Details of your scenario: Its the Lost Mines of Phandelver the starter of starter quests, I will be combining elements from Icespire peak for more options to hopefully give the best of both worlds. I am a new player and to celebrate my first year of playing tabletop roleplaying games i decided to give back and try my hand at DMing. As such i would prefer newer players but more experienced ones are welcome to apply. Hope to see you soon and have a wonderful time.

P.S. It would help if you told me what your experiance with dnd is, if you can commit to the play time, and what you hope to play as in your response.

Link to Game Calendar page: Well i would but it seems to be down for now

Edit: thank you for your interest in my game, but for now I'm closing applicants.

February 6th, 2020, 02:52
Myself and two other friends of mine would be interested!

February 6th, 2020, 03:10
A friend and I would love to play this game!

February 6th, 2020, 04:42
It would help if you guys told me your experiance with DnD, if you can commit to the play time, and what you want to play as.

February 6th, 2020, 04:54
My friend and I have a two years of experience with 5E each, we can definitely commit to the play time. We want to play as two martial Bugbears who were previously a part of a Goblinoid Warband but we have plenty of other character ideas if that doesn't work.

February 6th, 2020, 05:34
I am interested as well. New to 5e for few months after a 25 year hiatus from RPGs. (funny that now my kids are grown I have time for games) I have the standard FG license. I'm cool with any class or race that you would like to add to the party but I'll probably do half-orc fighter because why not :) I can play every week. It's 9 am for my EDT and sounds like the perfect way to start a Sunday. How long are you planning for the session?

February 7th, 2020, 05:08
Hi there! I would definitely like to join your campaign! My experience with D&D (specifically 5e) is around 3 years, though I'm only familiar with the absolute basics. I can definitely commit to the time (I do have a vacation next month that covers over a weekend but that should be the only disturbance). I'm looking to play a High Elf Sorcerer or a Tabaxi Ranger (I can provide the book for that race, but it's a pdf) Please let me know if you're interested in taking me on as a player!

February 8th, 2020, 16:01
Good day,
I am interesting in playing in your group if you still have room. I have about 5 months playing 5e online with FG/discord. The date and time are perfect for me. I see from your original post that you wanted core classes and races. With that being said, I would be interested in playing a cleric, fighter, or rogue of any race like dwarf, elf, halfling, and human. I just recently purchased the standard license and PHB. Please let me know if you still have room.

February 8th, 2020, 19:18

I am interested in playing in the game if there is still room for players.
I have about 4 months of 5th ed experience, and a lot of experience with the previous versions of D&D
I am in the EST so Sundays at 10:00am will be no problem.

Character wise, I would like to play a half-orc Cleric but I'm flexible based on what other people want to play.