View Full Version : I've been away for a while, is it already good for face to face games?

Henrique Oliveira Machado
February 4th, 2020, 13:11
As title says, Is FGU ready for face to face games/testing?

I want so bad to show my players LOS and walls.

February 4th, 2020, 15:39
I've used it for face-to-face games and it is definitely viable. In my experience you get a slowdown every once in a while, and rarely, a crash. I just tell my players it's in Beta and to bear with me through bugs/restarts, and it's been fine.

February 5th, 2020, 05:20
The latest guidance on live play sessions for fun is still "don't". You risk session breaking bugs and campaign corruption: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?50373-FGU-Playtest-Overview-and-Download&p=471093&viewfull=1#post471093. That said, it's been viable for a while to run TEST one-shot sessions locally as long as your players know they're being guinnea pigs. And with yesterday's update, the networking has received a major update as well. We may now be in a state where networked test sessions work well enough for real playtesting.

In my opinion, the way to decide if FGU is ready for you to run a session is to ask yourself how you'd feel if you had to stop the session early due to a game-breaking bug that you couldn't play through and had to stop, characterize, and report immediately. If that session feels like a success because you found and reported an important bug, and finding bugs is why we're here in the beta... then FGU is ready for you. If you feel angry or disappointed about FGU interrupting your game... then run it in FGC which is a known quantity.

Henrique Oliveira Machado
February 14th, 2020, 19:22
The latest guidance on live play sessions for fun is still "don't". You risk session breaking bugs and campaign corruption: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?50373-FGU-Playtest-Overview-and-Download&p=471093&viewfull=1#post471093. That said, it's been viable for a while to run TEST one-shot sessions locally as long as your players know they're being guinnea pigs. And with yesterday's update, the networking has received a major update as well. We may now be in a state where networked test sessions work well enough for real playtesting.

In my opinion, the way to decide if FGU is ready for you to run a session is to ask yourself how you'd feel if you had to stop the session early due to a game-breaking bug that you couldn't play through and had to stop, characterize, and report immediately. If that session feels like a success because you found and reported an important bug, and finding bugs is why we're here in the beta... then FGU is ready for you. If you feel angry or disappointed about FGU interrupting your game... then run it in FGC which is a known quantity.

Awesome. My goal is to show my players what FGU will add to our campaigns. I've only been testing the beta alone until now.

March 2nd, 2020, 15:39
We played a couple of months ago & it was unusable. Played again Friday night (LAN Hosted game on MAC with one player controlling all PC's on a Windows 10 PC) and (bar an issue with the combat tracker ignoring dice roll mods, which I believe is in hand) got to say the experience was better than FGC. Whole UI seemed crisper and more responsive. Players loved the effects and LOS additions! Awesome job Fantasy Grounds Developers!