View Full Version : 5e Automatic Damage on successful attack

February 2nd, 2020, 16:29

Can anyone point me in the right direction: I was wondering if their is a way to have the damage roll automatically on a successful attack. Is there an option on the program or an extension?
Would it make sense to build one? I understand that mean the GM & PC will need to apply all mod (like sneak attack...) before the roll.

Ty for your input.

Also how hard would it be to have extra damage be apply automatically to your base attack: in our game for 10pts the attacker roll above the defense, he inflict +1d6 dmg to simulate an hard it.


February 2nd, 2020, 17:42
No, there isn't an option to automatically roll damage after a successful attack. there are a number of reasons why this would be undesirable and you touch upon one of them in your post. That is all modifiers would need to already have been applied and such modifiers might not apply unless it is know that there has been a successful hit - such as the rogue's sneak attack. Furthermore there are a number of spells which can casue a hit to turn into a miss - such as the Shield spell. You also have all sorts of other abilities which could affect the situation such as Bardic Inspiration and in the case of a Paladin for example a Smite might be employed or in other cases you might want additional damage or effects.

For your additional damage create an effect of DMG: 1d6 and set the effect to apply to self and expend on next roll. Apply the effect just before damage is rolled. (This would be another case of not wanting damage to be automatically rolled.)

February 8th, 2020, 16:18
Ty @Zacchaeus for the reply.

So I have been studying Lua and FG to learn how the program work. at this point i understand a big part now, but can anyone help me figure where i can find the following:
Comm.throwDice(rThrow); & Comm.deliverOOBMessage(msgOOB, "");

base.xml scripting (under 5e edition) told me where to find most of what i need, but i can't seems to find the "comm" lua file refered in the two insteance above.


February 8th, 2020, 16:50
Remember that the 5e ruleset is layered on the CoreRPG ruleset so those scripts may be in the CoreRPG ruleset.

February 9th, 2020, 07:24
So I have been studying Lua and FG to learn how the program work. at this point i understand a big part now, but can anyone help me figure where i can find the following:
Comm.throwDice(rThrow); & Comm.deliverOOBMessage(msgOOB, "");

base.xml scripting (under 5e edition) told me where to find most of what i need, but i can't seems to find the "comm" lua file refered in the two insteance above.
Refer to the "Ruleset API Reference" section of the Wiki Developer Guide: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/wiki/index.php/Developer_Guide "Comm" is a built in package.