View Full Version : LFP 1-2 D&D 5E Saturday Weekly

February 1st, 2020, 14:38
*Hot fill, we can get you in our campaign session today*

FG License: GM has Standard so players need at least Standard
Game System: D&D 5E

Time Zone: Eastern Standard Time
Day of week and time: Saturdays, weekly at 3 PM EST (8 PM GMT)

Planned Duration & Frequency: Our session currently runs 4 hours then we vote for more time. We meet every Saturday.
Term: Long term. The core of the party has been together for 2 months now.

Text or Voice: Voice
Voice software used: Discord
Will this be recorded and/or live streamed? No

Roleplay & Combat mix: 25/75 during game sessions. There is a heavy roleplaying aspect encouraged between sessions in our Discord channel.
Number of Players in game & needed: We have 4 regular players. I am recruiting 2 more; a burglar and arcane specialist preferred.
Character starting level & equipment: Starting level 4+ (new rolls at 4, accepting up to level 6 if importing from another campaign upon approval)
Character restrictions: Only core races and classes from Players Handbook and Xanathars Guide to Everything (both shared in game)

Details of your scenario: The Raven Company is a professional group of adventurers headquartered in the town of Phandalin. Through their latest exploits, they have found a map to The Hidden Shrine of Tamoachan(module is already underway). They are recruiting more adventurers from the Sword Coast to their company whether for fame, glory, riches, or something more.

February 1st, 2020, 19:26
It appears the party has been fully recruited. Thank you everyone for considering us.