View Full Version : Average HP on levelling

January 28th, 2020, 06:05
Not sure if this question has been answered, tried searching the forum but found nothing.

I'm looking for a way to stop FG from using average HP when a character levels up. I saw an extension was created for 5e but am looking for one for 3.5. Does anybody know if one exists and if so where to find it?

Thanks in advance,


January 29th, 2020, 03:10
You can just edit the hit points manually. That's what I do.

January 29th, 2020, 03:19
You are correct Ckorik, but the skype group I DM added FG to out toolbox because of the ability to automate things that slow down an online game. To be fair, we could do everything manually....

I found the 5e extension and saw it did not work in 3.5 so figured I would ask here before I dove into scripting the extension. Why do work that is already done and all that. If the extension does not exist then I guess I go script.

January 29th, 2020, 03:23
If there is one made - I'm not aware of it currently - in case you were not aware - you *can* make a backup of a character by just 'dragging' the character a bit as the gm in the characters window - and dropping - it will create a duplicate (with no portrait or token) - I do this after level ups for all my players so that I have a reference in case someone messes things up on the 'live' version. When they level up again I just make a new backup (I rename them with the level - so 'char name - level 1' for example) - and then delete the old backup at that time.

This has saved me several times. If the GM takes control over the character it won't show up for any of the players either.

January 30th, 2020, 03:16
Not a bad idea. Sort of what I do already with the _development version of the campaign world. I keep all the characters over there as well for playtesting modules as I make them. I save them after each session, prior to XP, then upload them into the _dev