View Full Version : Shadows of the Swordspynes - A SagaBorn Westmarches style game

January 22nd, 2020, 18:13
FG License: GMs have Ultimate
Game System: SagaBorn (https://www.sagaborn.com/sagaborn-1-5/) (An indie d20 system based on a simplified 3.5)

Time Zone: CST
Day of week and time: Determined on a per group basis. See Below
If new game, planned start date: Already started.See Below
Planned Duration & Frequency: 2 sessions per month, up to six people per session. See Below
Term: Long Term

Text or Voice: Voice
Voice software used: Discord
Will this be recorded and/or live streamed? No

Roleplay & Combat mix: Probably more combat as I feel a west marches campaign leans this way.
Number of Players in game & needed: As many as want, though only six in each game day. See Below
Character starting level & equipment: Level 1 and starting gold.
Character restrictions: Any within SagaBorn (https://www.sagaborn.com/sagaborn-1-5/) and the Dark Return (darkreturn.com), with a focus on story.

Details of your scenario:

For all the details click here to visit our website for the Living Campaign (https://www.darkreturn.com/encyclopedia/shadows-of-the-tower-campaign/)

Shadows of the Swordspynes Living Campaign
Campaign Quick Start Guide (https://www.darkreturn.com/campaign-quick-start-guide/)

Shadows of the Swordspyne is a campaign that takes place in the Eastlands of Atheles. It centers on the stronghold of Elmhearth, and the Wanderers Guild, of which all adventures in the campaign are a part of.

Elmhearth was once just an outpost for the Wanderers, an adventurers guild. The nearby metropolis, Kowal, has fallen to dark times. People are accused of witchcraft and burned at the stake. The Red Guard and their ally, the Orthodox Unelesia Church, have imprisoned anyone who does not fit their definition of holy and normal. You and others have fled to Elmhearth as a sanctuary. But for Elmhearth to survive, you must help its overseer, Helfen. The refuge needs food, protection, and especially gold.

You find yourself in Elmhearth, an outpost for the Wanderers. Kowal has become too dangerous to those who don’t fit within the cities narrow cultural norm. You have come here for sanctuary, and hopefully to start a new life away from the oppressive city.

What is the campaign?
Shadows of the Swordspyne is a living campaign, which will be run much like a West Marches campaign ( see Matt Colville’s video on it: https://youtu.be/oGAC-gBoX9k). Adventures will be player driven, and as we grow, we will add new GMs, new locales, and new players.

How is it played (aka how is it a living campaign)?
Elmhearth is a encampment which has become refuge for people leaving the turmoil of the city. The players will all work for the Wanderers, but the game will hinge on their participation. The players have to form a group, decide what they want to do, and contact a GM about setting up a session time. Plans must be submitted at least one week before the game session to give the GM time to develop an adventure.