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View Full Version : New tokens

November 30th, 2006, 13:46
The tokens aren't much and i would like to know how can i add new customized tokens. I've seen there are some kits that can be bought, and use as tokens the character's portrait. Can i add this kind of tokens?If the answer is yes where do i put the files? In which format? If the answer is no, the only way to add new tokens is buy them?

November 30th, 2006, 14:55
You and make and add your own tokens. I usually use the WoTC MM pictures for the bad guy tokens and find some sort of on-line picture for the characters.

What you want to do is take the picture, crop it to some standard size (I use 50x50 for Med creatures. Some others use 25x25) and then put it into your c:/.../Fantasy Grounds/Tokens/Host for Monsters and /Shared for Characters.


December 1st, 2006, 04:21
There are two main types of tokens: "top down ones" like those found at Four Ugly Monsters and "portrait" style ones similar to the ones on the gold rings in the top left.

If you want to make portrait style ones I recomend you use TokenTool to "punch" the token out. It's free and you can read about it here (https://rptools.net/doku.php?id=tokentool:intro).

Here is a link (https://www.fouruglymonsters.com/onlinestore/) to the store at Four Ugly Monsters so you can see what they have.

December 1st, 2006, 18:36
Hi all, a loooong time since I've posted due to RL constraints, however...To add my 10 sheckles worth to what Griogre has mentioned above about the free Token tools. (https://rptools.net/doku.php?id=downloads) It's a great way of producing zillions of the little buggers. Just drag the token template over the picture you want token-ised and hey presto...
https://img156.imageshack.us/img156/478/humanmale09dq2.png (https://imageshack.us)https://img271.imageshack.us/img271/3521/humanfemale05ly8.png (https://imageshack.us)https://img264.imageshack.us/img264/6048/dwarfmale01ew8.png (https://imageshack.us)https://img426.imageshack.us/img426/3020/gnomemale01at8.png (https://imageshack.us)https://img98.imageshack.us/img98/1254/halflingfemale01zf2.png (https://imageshack.us)https://img231.imageshack.us/img231/9418/halforcmale02wf9.png (https://imageshack.us)https://img316.imageshack.us/img316/2834/bugbearmale02wy8.png (https://imageshack.us)https://img265.imageshack.us/img265/3527/lich01ql9.png (https://imageshack.us)https://img400.imageshack.us/img400/8100/mummy01bx7.png (https://imageshack.us)https://img286.imageshack.us/img286/9292/skeleton01sm2.png (https://imageshack.us)
They can also be created at whatever custom size you want, although those above are only one size (20 pixel diameter I think) for Medium sized creatures.


December 2nd, 2006, 13:29
Hey man, that's really cool!

December 2nd, 2006, 18:53
Yeah you can also get better "frames" for the tokens if you don't like the lens flare highlight (I don't like it myself). You just drag and drop the token frames in also. There are also some square and hex shaped frames in contributed art. I have gotten so only my PC and Party NPC tokens are round, I use square frames for monsters and most NPCs.

December 2nd, 2006, 21:29
There are also some square and hex shaped frames in contributed art. I have gotten so only my PC and Party NPC tokens are round, I use square frames for monsters and most NPCs.

That's an idea I like.

December 4th, 2006, 16:33
Hey Griogre where do you get the other frames? I would like to get round tokens that look diffrent then the ones I use for my PCs.

Sir Bayard
December 4th, 2006, 17:39
You can go here to find custom frames https://gallery.rptools.net/v/contrib/

December 4th, 2006, 21:56
Yes, like Sir Bayard said. I do find the contributions there hard to sort through at times so here (https://gallery.rptools.net/v/contrib/Dorpond/Frames/) is a more direct route to Dorpond's token frames. I hate to say it, but I personally would like a few more frames of just primary colors instead of the "fancy" ones but I imagine the "fancy" ones are funner for an artist to make.

Sir Bayard
December 4th, 2006, 21:58
Yeah, I just used to search feature and found those exact frames. All I wanted was some plain ones, but I made do. It's still better than having the shine effect, which I couldn't stand, and being limited to only one non-shined one.

December 7th, 2006, 15:43
It is also incredibly easy to make tokens with just power point. Find a picture you like, import it, crop it (a square size it best), and save it. Then make an object and select fill with your cropped picture. You can then adjust the frame with the line fucntion to whatever thickness and color you want. Select the image and right click for the menu. Select save image as, and then you can save it as a JPG, BMP, or PNG and save it in your FG token folder. In addition, you can set the scale to pixel ratio. I believe default is like 75 pixels per inch. So make a circle 1/3 inch dimensions, and you got a 25x25 pixel token. If you want a bigger token, just increase the size. Easy way to make bigger creatures of the same type.

Sir Bayard
December 11th, 2006, 00:33
Plain Frames (https://gallery.rptools.net/v/contrib/AidyBaby/Tokens/?g2_page=2)

I decided to go searching, and found some plain frames without the highlight. Round only though. I thought I'd post it since we were talking about plain color frames.