View Full Version : GM can't place characters on map

January 17th, 2020, 19:34
I have tried to place the player characters on the map, but can't seem to drag the token from the player screen to drop them onto the map. I also cannot take control of any characters when I go to the PC screen and right click. Take control(as).

I must be doing something wrong.

Any ideas?


January 17th, 2020, 21:08
You can only place characters onto the map by dragging them from the Combat Tracker - just like Classic. So first place the characters on the Combat Tracker by dragging from the PC window or from the portraits on the top left. From there drag the PC onto the map. The same procedure applies to NPCs as well.

As the DM you have control of all characters without doing anything special. If you want to specifically control a character (and designate it as a DM character) then start a second instance of FG and join the host instance using localhost instead of the IP address.

January 19th, 2020, 00:06
Zacc, is that something new? because in FGC you can right click and take control of. I do this when I create a big bad as a character.

January 19th, 2020, 01:28
Zacc, is that something new? because in FGC you can right click and take control of. I do this when I create a big bad as a character.
No, I just forgot that you could do it via right click. I can’t remember when that was added. ��